Thursday, January 2, 2020
Current Factors Affecting The Rights Of Homeless People Essay
O Grady et al., (2011) indicate that many jurisdictions throughout Canada have implemented measures to restrict the rights of homeless people. These measures include controlling public behaviours and income-generating activities through enforcement of the SSA by police and the criminal justice system. This literature suggests that the over-reliance on emergency services to address homelessness ... when there is an insufficient investment in prevention and affordable housing... is irresponsible (O Grady et al., 2011, p. 6). Poverty is not adequately addressed by this social welfare policy, and the public places responsibility on police and the courts instead of the governement and their own communities. Current Factors Influencing the Safe Streets Act O Grady et al., (2013) examined SSA enforcement by the Toronto Police Service between 2000 and 2010, and found that over this period there was an increase of approximately 2000 percent in the number of tickets issued. However, there is very little information available to provide framework and rationale for why enforcement numbers have increased. Despite increasing SSA ticketing during this time, crime rates, squeegeeing and panhandling were decreasing (O Grady et al., 2013). Additionally, ...research shows that the rise in [SSA] tickets in not the result of an increased homeless population in Toronto or due to aggressive practices on the part of those who were fined... (O Grady et al., 2013, p. 548). IncreasedShow MoreRelatedSocial Problems Within The Australian Society1215 Words  | 5 Pagestrend that is affecting people of all demographics. Homelessness is more than just a simple disadvantage; with usually many underpinning f actors which contribute to it, such as domestic violence, financial stress, mental illness and drug use. Homelessness is an issue around the globe, however when focusing on the issue within an Australian context – it stems back quite a long way. 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