Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Tragedy in Tom Brennan Essay Example for Free
Disaster in Tom Brennan Essay Question: It is difficult to maintain a strategic distance from strife throughout everyday life, except this disaster was preventable. Do you concur? Do you accept that catastrophes just transpire? In the novel ‘The story of Tom Brennan’, by JC Burke, she features in the most extreme way that catastrophes do happen. My conclusion to the current issue is that disasters do occur. There will consistently be unavoidable clash andI concur with the main articulation in the section. On the off chance that you consider the occasions that occurred in the novel, you will comprehend that the story line is certainly not a cheerful one. As depicted by JC Burke, the novel blueprints anguish in numerous occurrences, misery in the method of Nicole and Luke’s families. In spite of the fact that these feelings are laid out there is still brilliant and cheerful feelings included. It is difficult to evade struggle; it is simply a question of the measure of disaster you get. The measure of contention you get can likewise think about a person’s character, how they react and handle in any case horrendous issues. In the event that you can remain solid through the extreme occasions throughout everyday life, you can conquer the snags that are tossed at you. There are numerous stages an individual experiences during times of catastrophe; it shifts between individuals, religions and races. A portion of the stages are misery, being so tragic you can’t discover any exit plan. Outrage is another, giving you miss the individual/s so much anger assumes control over your life. These are only a portion of the stages one experiences during catastrophe. Clearly the mishap in the novel is a disaster, anyway there was certainly carelessness engaged with the occasions that occurred the evening of the mishap. Daniel was inebriated and the travelers realized that so I question the judgment of them, never the less the obligation lies with the driver and for this situation it is Daniel. His activities prompting the demise of his companions Nicole and Luke were unsatisfactory, additionally his activities lead to the debilitation of his cousin Fyn. His cousin Fyn was one of his incredible companions, they did everything together, played for a similar rugby crew, preparing close by one another and just for the most part making some extraordinary memories. Presently however Fyn isn't able to do he ones had the option to do. He will no longer share his energy for rugby he once had, in spite of the fact that he would offer anything to play there is no other option for him.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Benefits of Implementation a Good Accounting System Essay - 3
Advantages of Implementation a Good Accounting System - Essay Example Bookkeeping framework requires three monetary bookkeeping reports; the accounting report, which decides budgetary situation of the business, salary proclamation, which appears if the business is making a benefit or misfortune lastly and income explanation which shows cash inflow and surge in the business. Business exercises are controlled by cash given to the administration body by the proprietors. Thusly, a fiscal summary is valuable in checking the viability of the executives. Fiscal summaries additionally go about as an apparatus utilized in making an appraisal. These announcements show how the executives spent assets dispensed to them during the time spent decreasing the company’s cost and expanding productivity (Kieso and Weygandt 34). It is crafted by the bookkeeping office to make such evaluations and give a report. Great bookkeeping framework causes a company’s partner to settle on monetarily educated choices. The choices made depend on the data got subsequent to investigating fiscal summaries. Business choices are constantly founded on bookkeeping data. The bookkeeping framework is additionally significant for record keeping. Data gathered from various sources is gotten, broke down and conveyed to the forthcoming clients for dynamic. In view of bookkeeping subtleties, organization records can be utilized to make money related approaches. Productive bookkeeping framework assists with recognizing misdirection by placing in legitimate inside control component to screen occasions (Kieso and Weygandt 47). Compelling and proficient following of interior occasions can be accomplished by having a decent bookkeeping data framework set up.
Friday, August 7, 2020
22 James Baldwin Quotes on Life, Literature, and Prejudice
22 James Baldwin Quotes on Life, Literature, and Prejudice “You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read,†James Baldwin said in 1963 in an interview for LIFE Magazine. There are so many perfect James Baldwin quotes about everything from writing to America that it was difficult to fit them into one post. The American novelist, social critic, and essayist wrote about race, homosexuality, writing, history, and more in his non-fictionâ€"his most famous works including essay collection Notes of a Native Son and long essay and letter to his nephew, The Fire Next Time. Baldwin fictionalized the lives of gay and bisexual African American men in his novels and plays such as Go Tell It On the Mountain and Giovanni’s Room, as well as exploring the urban life of Black Americans in Another Country. Baldwin lived most of his life after the age of 24 in Paris, disillusioned by American racism and homophobia and hoping to write outside of what seemed like a limiting African-American context. He is one of America’s most important exile writers, and one of its most thoughtful critics. ON MUSIC “All I know about music is that not many people ever really hear it. And even then, on the rare occasions when something opens within, and the music enters, what we mainly hear, or hear corroborated, are personal, private, vanishing evocations. But the man who creates the music is hearing something else, is dealing with the roar rising from the void and imposing order on it as it hits the air. What is evoked in him, then, is of another order, more terrible because it has no words, and triumphant, too, for that same reason. And his triumph, when he triumphs, is ours.†â€"from Sonny’s Blues (1957) ON LIFE “To be sensual, I think, is to respect and rejoice in the force of life, of life itself, and to be present in all that one does, from the effort of loving to the making of bread.†â€"from The Fire Next Time (1963) ON LOVE “Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.†â€"from Nobody Knows My Name: More Notes of a Native Son (1961) “Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within.†â€"from The Fire Next Time (1963) “People cant, unhappily, invent their mooring posts, their lovers and their friends, anymore than they can invent their parents. Life gives these and also takes them away and the great difficulty is to say Yes to life.†â€"from Giovanni’s Room (1956) “Everybody’s journey is individual. If you fall in love with a boy, you fall in love with a boy. The fact that many Americans consider it a disease says more about them than it does about homosexuality.†â€"from Conversations with James Baldwin (1989) ON PREJUDICE “People who treat other people as less than human must not be surprised when the bread they have cast on the waters comes floating back to them, poisoned.†â€"from No Name in the Street (1972) “I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.†â€"from Notes of a Native Son (1955) “I know what the world has done to my brother and how narrowly he has survived it. And I know, which is much worse, and this is the crime of which I accuse my country and my countrymen, and for which neither I nor time nor history will ever forgive them, that they have destroyed and are destroying hundreds of thousands of lives and do not know it and do not want to know it. One can be, indeed one must strive to become, tough and philosophical concerning destruction and death, for this is what most of mankind has been best at since we have heard of man. (But remember: most of mankind is not all of mankind.) But it is not permissible that the authors of devastation should also be innocent. It is the innocence which constitutes the crime.†â€"from The Fire Next Time (1963) “There are so many ways of being despicable it quite makes one’s head spin. But the way to be really despicable is to be contemptuous of other people’s pain.†â€"from Giovanni’s Room (1956) ON AMERICA “Well, if one really wishes to know how justice is administered in a country, one does not question the policemen, the lawyers, the judges, or the protected members of the middle class. One goes to the unprotectedâ€"those, precisely, who need the laws protection most!â€"and listens to their testimony. Ask any Mexican, any Puerto Rican, any black man, any poor personâ€"ask the wretched how they fare in the halls of justice, and then you will know, not whether or not the country is just, but whether or not it has any love for justice, or any concept of it. It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.†â€"from No Name in the Street (1972) “I love America more than any other country in the world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually. I think all theories are suspect, that the finest principles may have to be modified, or may even be pulverized by the demands of life, and that one must find, therefore, ones own moral center and move through the world hoping that this center will guide one aright.†â€"from Notes of a Native Son (1955) “What one does realize is that when you try to stand up and look the world in the face like you had a right to be here, without knowing that this is the result of it, you have attacked the entire power structure of the Western world.†â€"from a 1969 talk in London ON HISTORY “To accept one’s pastâ€"one’s historyâ€"is not the same thing as drowning in it; it is learning how to use it. An invented past can never be used; it cracks and crumbles under the pressures of life like clay in a season of drought.†â€"from The Fire Next Time (1963) “Precisely at the point when you begin to develop a conscience, you must find yourself at war with your society.†â€"from “A Talk for Teachers,†1963 ON POVERTY “Anyone who has struggled with poverty knows how extremely expensive it is to be poor.†â€"from Nobody Knows My Name: More Notes of a Native Son (1961) ON CHANGE “Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.†â€"from The Cross of Redemption: Uncollected Writings (2010) ON RELIGION “If the concept of God has any validity or any use, it can only be to make us larger, freer, and more loving. If God cannot do this, then it is time we got rid of Him.†â€"from The Fire Next Time (1963) ON WRITING “I consider that I have many responsibilities, but none greater than this: to last, as Hemingway says, and get my work done.†â€"from Notes of a Native Son (1955) “One writes out of one thing onlyâ€"ones own experience. Everything depends on how relentlessly one forces from this experience the last drop, sweet or bitter, it can possibly give. This is the only real concern of the artist, to recreate out of the disorder of life that order which is art.†â€"from Notes of a Native Son (1955) ON BOOKS “You read something which you thought only happened to you, and you discover that it happened 100 years ago to Dostoyevsky. This is a very great liberation for the suffering, struggling person, who always thinks that he is alone. This is why art is important. Art would not be important if life were not important, and life is important.†â€"from “An interview with James Baldwin†(1961)
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Plagiarism What Are Some Potential Punishments For...
Today, education is big business. With the explosion of the Internet, more and more people are pursuing advanced education. It has never been easier to get your Bachelors or Masters degree. The business of plagiarism has become big business also. In this paper I will discuss how Brenau University defines plagiarism, what are some potential punishments for intentionally and unintentionally plagiarizing as a student at Brenau University. I will also explain how students attitudes toward plagiarism can impact intellectual property within the general environment of US businesses. Finally, I will examine how as a manager, in my company, can these attitudes lead to damaging your company’s competitive advantage. Bergmann explains â€Å"plagiarism†¦show more content†¦In subsequent, cases the punishment will be more and more costly for the student convicted of this offense to include failure of the course, to expulsion from the school. In my opinion these steps are necessary to protect the academic integrity of the institution and validate the students degree from the institution. Students are able to purchase papers of any topic on the Internet, sometimes very inexpensively. If not caught, the student may think plagiarism is ok and continue to take ideas without, in the students opinion, any consequences. The universities are a training grounds and it is their duty to discourage and stop students from pursuing this route. If unchecked and the student, now a graduate, enters the business environment with these attitudes, it could become costly to the business which employs the person and the business itself. The stealing of ideas can be considered copyright infringement and subject the individual or organization to legal actions. Since plagiarism is stealing it could be prosecuted as a felony in some jurisdictions. That is the legal side of plagiarism, but their are other effects. The loss of respect among peers and possible termination as companies try to distance themselves away from this potentially public negative event. No company wants bad press, this ty pe of publicity is the type that companies shy away from. The negative effect on a career can be devastating as well, being identified as someone who s
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Themes Of Social Mobility Through Marriage - 1655 Words
This paper critically analyses the theme of social mobility through marriage in Shakespeare’s play ‘Twelfth Night’. In addition, the paper highlights how different characters in the play got into higher social classes or desired to be in higher social classes through marriage. This paper holds that in a highly stratified society such as that presented in the Shakespeare’s play; marriage plays a significant role in in social class mobility. As opposed to some traditional society where marriage was only permitted along an individual’s class, Shakespeare presents a literally liberal society with marriage and other relationships permitted along all the classes within the society. In fact, marriage is more of a person choice, contrary to the perception in the tradition society. How Marriage leads to Social Mobility in the Play ‘Twelfth Night’ According to Chris, Shakespeare’s play ‘Twelfth Night’ touches on sensitive concepts within the society (1). Similar to the majority of his literary works, Twelfth Night captures the concept of love and how individuals use love through marriage to achieve power or a higher social status. Throughout the play, there is an apparent struggle for social status by the key characters. Lindheim asserts that there are some characters in the play, such as Antonio who would do everything within their means in order to achieve their sexual desires (2). For example, in a more traditional society or contemporary setting, Antonio could never hope ofShow MoreRelatedGreat Expectations By Charles Dickens1347 Words  | 6 Pagessociety as much as socioeconomic status. An individuals social status not only supersedes their apparent values or intellect - characteristics that truly attest to the worth of an individual in the context of social membership - but also seemingly establis hes a societal dichotomy, one that divides the population into that of the rich and the poor. Whether it is due to increases in inequality or the poor status of the economy, social mobility does not seem to be occurring at high rates, with the poorRead MoreThe Reform Of Hammurabi s Code896 Words  | 4 Pagesleads to the stratification of social classes and mistreatment of minorities, among others. The establishment of Hammurabi’s code helped bring order and equality into society through the attempt to implement a moral standard. An eye for an eye is a fair punishment for the committed crime. But not all of Hammurabi’s codes follow suit. The codes enforced the social stratification that was already in place in Babylonia, intensifying the division between the various social groups. Although Hammurabi’sRead MoreMarriage And English Society Within The 1800 S1322 Words  | 6 PagesJane Austen provides her readers with insight into marriage and English societ y within the 1800’s. In Emma, the story establishes the idea that society could not function without marriage and how the institution of marriage defined one’s social status. Marriage, a broad theme in this book, can be broken down throughout. Emma’s sister has gone off after getting married and left her alone. After her sister’s marriage, Emma proclaimed that she was not destined for love and made herself the town’sRead MoreEmma Clueless915 Words  | 4 Pagesbe conveyed, many of the themes within the original text must remain the same, it is the context and the values inherent within these themes that change. o Both texts present, deluded central character living in own upper-class microcosm. †¢ Emma living in C19th England ( ‘handsome, clever and rich’ woman of ‘one and twenty’ with ‘nothing much to distress or vex her’. ââ€" ª Lives in a world based around inheritance, breeding, manners and respectability as means for social valuing. †¢ Cher is aRead MoreThe Taming Of The Shrew By William Shakespeare1181 Words  | 5 PagesHindu Puranas, ancient Indian literature about myths and legends, like Mahabharata teach the society about deed, religion, respect, knowledge, and royalty. Kalidasa can use Shakespeare’s play to reteach Mahabharata’s values, since the play presents themes of wealth, gender role, religious belief, respect, status, and fashion, which are very closely ideal with the Puranas’ concept and teachings. Along with the Puranas, Kalidasa’s name means the â€Å"servant of Kali†which can suggest he was a followerRead MoreThe Social Hierarchy Of Jane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte1262 Words  | 6 PagesIn Charlotte Bronte’s novel, Jane Eyre, Bronte seemingly condemns the existing social hierarchy. Not only are the characters who are most concerned with the allure of fortune and rank portrayed as either deceitful or unethical, but even characters who’ve accepted their means of poverty and demonstrate honest moral natures are mocked. Rather than use the normal class structures, the book suggests that a person of impoverished means can be viewed as socially respectable with the condition that theyRead MoreSocial Class in Jane Austen997 Words  | 4 Pagesessay , I will be looking at the theme of social class in Jane Austen’s work ; critically analysed by Juliet McMaster, a chapter taken from ‘The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen’, edit ed by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster. Jane Austens novels at first glance tell a story of romance, set within the landowning society amidst country estates, and their cultivation of tea parties, social outings, and extravagant balls; ladies frolicking in flowing gowns through decorated rooms, and men deliberatingRead MoreF. Scott Fitzgerald s The Great Gatsby1619 Words  | 7 Pagesis â€Å"social class†and â€Å"social standing†is a motif seen all throughout American literature with no absence from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby. Although at times overshadowed by the blatant themes of love, hope, and loss, Fitzgerald addresses the concept of social mobility, social standing, and social precedent continuously throughout his novel beginning as early as the first chapter. However, what separates The Great Gatsby from other novels addressing the perceptions of social classRead MoreAnalysis Of Othello By William Shakespeare Essay1606 Words  | 7 PagesThe theme of power is explored in various ways throughout ‘Othello’, Shakespeare uses the vulnerability of characters’ flaws to allow power shifts to occur through manipulation. The Elizabethan value consensus highlights the difference in gender roles, with societal expectations being defined by the divine order. The limitations of social mobility provide a strong platform for the theme of power to be embedded upon, with characters such as Desdemona and Emilia representing the struggle that womenRead MorePride And Prejudice Essay1074 Words  | 5 PagesPride and Prejudice In Pride and Prejudice Austen offers up commentary on a variety of themes  prejudice, family, marriage, class, and so on. Of all the themes, perhaps none is better developed than that of Pride. Pride and Prejudice is regarded as a brilliant piece of social commentary, offering a vivid peek into the British Regency life in 1813. The social milieu of Austen’s Regency England was particularly stratified, and class divisions were rooted in family connections and wealth. In her work
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Griffith Park Observatory Free Essays
The Griffith Observatory is a spectacular place, filled with amazing exhibits! It’s understandable that some people are frustrated, but with a little patience and some good planning, you can have a wonderful visit! Here’s the 10 best tips for your trip: (1) GO ON A WEEKDAY. It’s very busy on Sat and Sun, shows sell out, and tons of people make it hard to get a good view of the exhibits. (2) BRING A LUNCH. We will write a custom essay sample on The Griffith Park Observatory or any similar topic only for you Order Now The cafe is okay, not great, and the prices are kind of silly ($2. 50 for a bag of chips). You can eat your own food at the cafe tables, but not outside on the lawn. No picnicking. (3) SEE THE PLANETARIUM SHOW. It is by far the coolest thing at the Observatory. It’s sort of like an imax film. Very moving! (4) ASK A GUIDE FOR INFO. As I described above, the guides can tell you what you’re looking at, and it will blow your mind! (5) COME AFTER SUNSET. You can look through the telescope on the roof and see the rings of Saturn, or the craters of the moon. Also, if the line on the roof is really long, you can see just as good of stuff by looking through the telescopes on the front lawn. (6) BE PATIENT.The Observatory was reopened about 6 months before it was really ready – they wanted to give people the chance to get in to see what’s there – but as a result there’s no brochures or organized tours yet. Remember, though, the Guides will answer your questions! (7) SEE THE FREE DOCUMENTARY. There’s a new theater in the lower levels (The Leonard Nimoy Event Horizon) that has a free documentary film about the Observatory. It’s 25 minutes long and it’s a great way to get some background information and have a break from walking around. (8) TAKE THE ZOO SHUTTLE. The Zoo shuttle is easy to find, easy to drive to, and free to park at.However, if you want to sightsee, don’t mind paying a few bucks for parking, then park at Hollywood ; Highland and see the Chinese Theatre as part of your tourist activities. (9) HIKING UP IS FREE. If you can find the path up to the Observatory through the park, you can go in for free. (10) USE WEBSITE TO MAKE RESERVATIONS. It is so easy. Just follow the links under â€Å"Visiting†to â€Å"Make a Reservation†and you can choose the shuttle you want, the date you want, and the time you want and then you can print your tickets out from home! Don’t bother with the reservation line, the wait is forever, and they have to email or fax the tickets anyway. How to cite The Griffith Park Observatory, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Roman (5688 words) Essay Example For Students
Roman (5688 words) Essay RomanArchitectureAgreat deal of conjecture has been expended on the question as to the genesis ofthe Roman basilica. For present purposes it may be sufficient to observe thatthe addition of aisles to the nave was so manifest a convenience that it mightnot improbably have been thought of, even had models not been at hand in thecivic buildings of the Empire. The most suitable example that can be chosen astypical of the Roman basilica of the age of Constantine is the church of S. Maria Maggiore. And this, not merely because, in spite of certain modernalterations, it has kept in the main its original features, but also because itdeparts, to a lesser extent than any other extant example, from the classicalideal. The lateral colonnade is immediately surmounted by a horizontalentablature, with architrave, frieze, and cornice all complete. The monolithiccolumns, with their capitals, are, moreover, homogenous, and have been cut fortheir position, instead of being like those of so many early Christian churches,the more or less incongruous and heterogeneous spoils of older and non-Christianedifices. Of this church, in its original form, no one however decidedly histastes may incline to some more highly developed system or style of architecturewill call in question the stately and majestic beauty. The general effect isthat of a vast perspective of lines of noble columns, carrying the eye forwardto the altar, which, with its civory or canopy, forms so conspicuous an ob ject,standing, framed, as it mere, within the arch of the terminal apse, which formsits immediate and appropriate background. S. Maria Maggiore is considerablysmaller than were any of the other three chief basilicas of Rome (St Peters,St. Pauls, and the Lateran). Each of these, in addition to a nave of greaterlength and breadth, was furnished (as may still be seen in the restored StPauls) with a double aisle. This, however, was an advantage which was notunattended with a serious drawback from a purely esthetic point of view. For agreat space of blank wall intervening between the top of the lateral colonnadeand the clerestory windows was of necessity required in order to give support tothe penthouse roof of the double aisle. And it is curious, to say the least,that it should not have occurred to the builders of those three basilicas toutilize a portion of the space thus enclosed, and at the same time to lightenthe burden of the wall above the colonnade, by constructing a gallery abov e theinner aisle. It is true, of course, that such a gallery is found in the churchof S. Agnese, where the low-level of the floor relatively to the surface of theground outside may have suggested this method of construction; but whereas, inthe East, the provision of a gallery (used as a gynaeceum) was usual from veryearly times, it never became otherwise than exceptional in the West. Taking Eastand West together, we find among early and medieval basilican churches examplesof all the combinations that are possible in the arrangement of aisles andgalleries. They are the single aisle without gallery, which is, of course, thecommonest type of all; the double aisle without gallery, as in the three greatRoman basilicas; the single aisle with gallery, as in S. Agnese; the doubleaisle with single gallery, as in St. Demetrius at Thessalonica; and finally, asa crowning example, though of a later period, the double aisle surmounted by adouble gallery, as in the Duomo at Pisa. These, however, a re modifications inthe general design of the building. Others, not less important, though they areless obviously striking, concern the details of the construction. Of these thefirst was the substitution of the arch for the horizontal entablature, and thesecond that of the pillar of masonry for the monolithic column. The formerchange, which had already come into operation in the first basilica of St. Paulwithout the Walls, was so obviously in the nature of an improvement in point ofstability that it is no matter for surprise that it should have been almost. universally adopted. Colonnaded and arcaded basilicas, as we may call them, forthe most part older than the eleventh century, are to be found in the mostwidely distant regions, from Syria to Spain, and from Sicily to Saxony; and thelack of examples in Southern France is probably due to the destructive invasionof the Saracens and Northmen and to the building of new churches of a differenttype, in the eleventh and succeeding centuries, on the ruins of the old. Thechange from column to pillar, though in many cases it was no doubt necessitatedby lack of suitable materials for the supply of ready-made monoliths frompagan buildings was not inexhaustible proved, in fact, the germ of futuredevelopment; for from the plain square support to the recessed pillar, and fromthis again to the grouped shafts of the Gothic cathedrals of later times, theprogress can be quite plainly traced. Mention should here be made of a class ofbasilican churches, in which as in S. Miniato, outside Florence, and i n S. Zenone, Verona, pillars or grouped shafts alternate, at fixed intervals, withsimple columns, and serve the purpose of affording support to transverse archesspanning the whole width of the nave; a first step, it may be observed, tocontinuous vaulting. ROMANESQUE TYPES Something must now be said of the veryimportant alterations which the eastern end of the basilican church underwent inthe process of development from the Roman to what may conveniently be groupedtogether under the designation of Romanesque types. When, instudying the ground-plan of a Roman basilica, we pass from the nave and aislesto what lies beyond them, only two forms of design present themselves. In thegreat majority of instances the terminal apse opens immediately on the nave,with the necessary result, so far as internal arrangements are concerned, thatthe choir, as we should call it, was an enclosure, quite unconnected with thearchitecture of the building, protruding forwards into the body of the church,as may stil l be seen in the church of S. Clemente in Rome. In the four greaterbasilicas, however, as well as in a few other instances, a transept wasinterposed between the nave and the apse, affording adequate space for the choirin its central portion, while its arms (which did not project beyond the aisles)served the purpose implied in the terms senatorium and matroneum. Now it isnoteworthy that the transept of a Roman basilica is, architecturally speaking,simply an oblong hall, crossing the nave at its upper extremity, and formingwith it a T-shaped cross, or crux immissa, but having no organic structuralrelation with it. But it was only necessary to equalize the breadth of transeptand nave, so that their crossing became a perfect square, in order to give tothis crossing a definite structural character, by strengthening the pieces atthe four angles of the crossing, and making them the basis of a more or lessconspicuous tower. And this was one of the most characteristic innovation orimprovemen ts introduced by the Romanesque builders of Northern Europe. In fact,however, before this stage of development was reached, the older basilicandesign had undergone another modification. For the simple apse, openingimmediately to the transept, church builders of all parts of Europe had alreadyin the eighth century substituted a projecting chancel, forming a fourth limb ofthe cross, which now definitively assumed the form of the crux commissa, bycontrast with the crux immissa of the Roman basilica. The earliest example of aperfectly quadrate crossing, with a somewhat rudimentary tower, appears to havebeen the minster of Fulda, built about A. D. 800. It was quickly followed by St. Gall (830), Hersfeld (831), and Werden (875); but nearly two centuries were toelapse before the cruciform arrangement, even in the case of more importantchurches, can be said to have gained general acceptance (Dehio and v. Bezold,Die kirchliche Baukunst des Abendlandes, I, 161). The differences which havealready been mentioned were, however, by no means the only ones whichdistinguished the Romanesque from the Roman transept. The transept of aRomanesque church, especially of those which were attached to monasteries, wasusually provided with one or more apses, projecting from the east side of itsnorthern and southern arms; and from this it appears, plainly enough, that thepurpose, or at least a principal purpose, of the medieval transept, was to makeprovision for subsidiary altars and chapels. A pair of transept apses,projecting eastwards, already makes its appearance at Hersfeld and Werden. AtBernay, Boscherville (St- Georges), and Cerisy-la-Forà ªt(St-Vigor), each arm of the transep t has two eastern apses, correspondingrespectively to the aisle and to the projecting arm. The same arrangement isfound also at Tarragona. At La Charità ©,a priory dependent on Cluny, each arm had three apses, so that there were sevenin all, immediately contiguous to one another, and varying in depth from thecentral to the northern and southern members of the system. The plan of Clunyitself was that of a cross with two transverse beams. Of the western transepteach arm had two apses; of the eastern each had three, two projecting eastwardsand one terminal. Saint-Benoà ®t-sur-Loirehad likewise a double transept, furnished on the same principle with sixsubsidiary apses. Among English cathedrals it may here be mentioned bothCanterbury and Norwich have a single chapel projecting from each arm of theirrespective transepts; and at E1y the Galilee porch, which has theform of a western transept, opens eastwards into two apsidal chapels, contiguouson either side to the main walls of the ca thedral. Far more important in theirbearing on the later history of architecture than these developments of thetransept were certain changes which gradually took place in connection with thechancel. It is not unusual in Romanesque churches, to find the chancel flanked,like the nave, with aisles, terminating in apsidal or square-ended chapels. Butin more considerable edifices especially in France, the aisle is often carriedround as an ambulatory behind the chancel apse; and when this is the case, theambulatory most commonly opens into a series of radiating chapels. These are, inthe earliest examples, entirely separate from one another, being sometimes twoor four, but more usually three or five, in number. In later examples the numberof chapels increases to seven or even nine; and they are then contiguous,forming a complete corona or chevet. The first beginnings of this system go backto so early a date as the fifth century. De Rossi has argued, apparently on goodgrounds, that some ear ly Roman, Italian, and African basilicas were furnishedwith an ambulatory round the apse. This form of design, however, was soonabandoned in Italy, and in the Romanesque pre-Gothic period it cannot be said tohave been usual anywhere except in France, where it proved a seed rich with thepromise of future developments. The earliest instance of its adoption there wasalmost certainly the ancient church of St-Martin of Tours, as rebuilt by BishopPerpetuus in A. D. 470. This edifice, as Quicherat has shown, had a semicircularambulatory at the back of the altar, in which, a few years later, was placed thetomb of Perpetuus himself. From Tours the type seems to have passed to Clermont-Ferrand(Sts. Vitalis and Agricola), and thence, many centuries later, to Orlà ©ans(St-Aignan, 1029). Meanwhile, in 997, the church of St. Martin had been rebuilt,and in the foundations of this edifice, which can still be traced, we find whatis probably the earliest example of a chevet or corona of radiating ch apels. Itserved, in its turn, in the course of the following century, as the model, inthis respect, of Notre-Dame de la Couture at Le Mans (c. 1000), St-Remi at Reims(c. 1010), St-Savin at Saint Savin (1020-30), the cathedral at Vannes (c. 1030),St-Hilaire at Poitiers (1049), and the abbey church at Cluny, as rebuilt in1089. Shortly before 1100 the church of St. Martin was once more rebuilt, on ascale of greater splendour; and once more the new building became the model forother churches, chief among which were those of St-Sernin at Toulouse (1096), ofSantiago at Compostela (c. 1105), and of the cathedral at Chartres (1112). Double standard EssayThe final stage in the evolution of architecture of the pointed arch was not,however, reached, until, for the solid Romanesque buttresses, which rested onthe vaulting of the aisles, and which were not only clumsy but often provedinadequate for their purpose, the genius of the Gothic builders hit upon theepoch-making device of the flying buttress. By means of this device the thrustof the main vaulting was not, indeed, as has been too often said, met by acounter-thrust, but was transmitted to the solid buttresses, mostlyweighted with pinnacles, which were now built outwards to a great distance fromthe aisles, and the spaces between which were sometimes utilized, and might withadvantage have been more often utilized, for a range of lateral chapels. Thesubject of Gothic architecture in its details is, however, one that needsseparate treatment, and for present purposes this very inadequate indication ofsome of the general principles involved in its development must suffice. THECIRCULAR CHURCH AND ITS DERIVATIVES It was stated at the outset of the articlethat all ecclesiastical architecture may be said to have been devel- oped fromtwo primitive germs, the oblong and the circular chamber. Of those very numerouschurches, principally, but by no means exclusively, Eastern or Italian, whichmay be regarded as the products of the second line of development, we shallspeak very briefly. That a circular chamber without any kind of annex wasunsuitable for the ordinary purposes of public worship is plain enough. And themost obvious modification of this rudimentary form was to throw out a projectingsanctuary on one side of the building, as in St. Georges, Thessalonica, or inthe little church of S. Tommaso in Limine, near Bergamo. It was hardly lessobviously convenient to build a projecting porch or narthex on the oppositeside, as in St. Eliass, also at Thessalonica, and to complete the cross bymeans of lateral projection, as in the sepulchral chapel of Gall a Placidia atRavenna. Thus it was that churches having the form of a Greek cross, as well asother varieties of what German authors call the Centralbau, may be said to owetheir origin to a very simple process of evolution from the circular domedbuilding. Among the almost endless varieties on the main theme may be hereenumerated: buildings in which a circular, or polygonal, or quadrilateral aisle,whether in one or more stories, surrounds the central space, buildings in which,though the principal open space is cruciform, and the whole is dominated by acentral cupola, the ground- plan shows a rectangular outline, the cross being,as it were, boxed within a square; and buildings in which one of the arms of thecross is considerably elongated, as in the Duomo at Florence, St. Peters inRome, and St. Pauls in London. The last-named modification, it is to beobserved, has the effect of assimilating the ground-plan of those greatchurches, and of many lesser examples of the same character, to tha t of theRomanesque and Gothic cruciform buildings whose genealogical descent from thecolumned rectangular basilica is contestable. Among ecclesiastical edifices ofhistorical importance or interest which are either circular or polygonal, or inwhich the circular or polygonal centre predominates over subsidiary parts of thestructure, may be mentioned the Pantheon in Rome, St. Sergius at Constantinople,S. Vitale at Ravenna, S. Lorenzo at Milan, the great baptisteries of Florence,Siena, and Pisa, and the churches of the Knights Templars in various parts ofEurope. St. Luke at Stiris in Phocis, besides being an excellent typicalinstance of true Byzantine architecture, affords a good example of theboxing of a cruciform building of the Greek type, by enclosingwithin the walls the square space between the adjacent limbs of the cross. Practically, however, the full development of cruciform from circular buildingsbecame possible only when the problem had been solved of roofing a squarechamber with a circular dome. This has in some cases been done by first reducingthe square to an octagon, by means of squinches or trompettes,and then raising the dome on the octagon, by filling in the obtuse angles of thefigure with rudimentary pendentives or faced corbelling. But already in thesixth century the architect and builder of Santa Sophia had showed for all timethat it was possible by means of true pendentives, to support adome, even of immense size, on four arches (with their piers) forming a square. The use of pendentives being once understood, it became possible, not only tocombine the advantages of a great central dome with those of a cruciform church,but also to substitute domical for barrel- vaulting over the limbs of the cross,as at S. Marco, Venice, St-Front, Pà ©rigueux,and S. Antonio, Padua, or even to employ domical vaulting for a nave dividedinto square bays, as in the cathedral at Angouleme and other eleventh centurychurches in Perigord, in S. Salvatore at Venice, in the London Oratory, and(with the difference that saucer domes are here employed) in the WestminsterCathedral. Nor should it be forgotten that in the nave of St. Pauls, London,the architect had shown that domical vaulting is possible even when the bays ofnave or aisles are not square, but pronouncedly oblong. Indeed, if account betaken of the manifold disadvantages of barrel-vaulting as a means of roofing thenave of a large church, it may safely be said that the employment of some formof the dome or cupol a is as necessary to the logical and structural perfectionof the architecture of the round arch as ribbed groining and the use of flyingbuttresses are necessary to the logical and structural perfection of thearchitecture of the pointed arch. SYSTEMS AND STYLES OF ARCHITECTURE IN RELIGIONTO MODERN NEEDS A word must now be said, in conclusion, as to the merits of theseveral systems and styles of architecture, more especially in relation to theneeds of our own day. Of systems, indeed, there are in truth only three, thetrabeate or that of which the horizontal lintel may be regarded as thegenerating element, and which of necessity postulates a timber roof; that of theround arch, which by virtue of the law of economy postulates, as has been said,the use of domical rather than barrel-vaulting and that of the pointed arch,which, if carried to perfection postulates ribbed groining and the use of theflying buttress. The second system, however, admits of two methods of treatmentwhich are suffi ciently distinctive to be classed as two styles, viz. the neoclassical, or Renaissance, and the Byzantine, and which shall beparticularized presently. Now the trabeate system, or that of the timber roof,may be very briefly dismissed. In the great majority of cases we must, indeed,of necessity be content with such a covering, for our churches; but no one wouldchoose a wooden roof who could afford a vaulted building. Again, the varioustypes of Romanesque architecture, with their imperfect and tentative methods ofvaulting, though historically of great interest, should be regarded as finallyout of court. On the other hands of the Gothic architecture of the thirteenthcentury as exemplified in the great cathedrals of Northern France and ofCologne, it mas be quite fearlessly asserted: that every single principle ofconstruction employed therein was the outcome of centuries of practicalexperience, in the form of successive and progressive attempts to solve theproblems of church vaulting; that the great loftiness of these buildings was notprimari ly due (as has been sometimes suggested) to any mere Emporstreben, orupward-soaring propensity, but was simply the aggregate result ofgiving to the windows of the aisles and of the clerestory a height in suitableproportion to their width, and to the triforium a height sufficient to allow ofthe abutment of the aisle roof; and that every subsequent attempt to modify inany substantial particular, this perfected Gothic style, was of its natureretrogressive and decadent, as may be illustrated from the English perpendicularand the Italian and Spanish varieties of Gothic architecture. Nevertheless itmust be admitted that thirteenth-century Gothic, though perfect of its kind, hasits limitations, the most serious of which in relation to modern needs isthe necessarily restricted width of the nave. When the architect of the Milancathedral attempted to improve on his French predecessors by exceeding theirmaximum width of fifty feet, and to construct a Gothic building with a navemeasuring sixt y feet across it was found impossible, as the building proceeded,to carry out the original design without incurring the almost certain risk of acollapse, and hence it was necessary to depress the clerestory to its presentstunted proportions. Now under modern conditions of life, especially in the caseof a cathedral of first-class importance, a nave of far greater width is by allmeans desirable; and in order to secure this greater width it is necessaryeither to fall back on the unsatisfactory compromise of Italian or SpanishGothic, as illustrated in the cathedrals of Milan, Florence, or Gerona, or elseto adopt the principle of the round arch, combined, by preference, with domicalvaulting. This, as everyone knows, is what Mr. Bentley has done, with altogetherconspicuous success, in the case of the Westminster Cathedral. Of the design ofthis noble edifice it is impossible to speak here. But it may be worth while toindicate one main reason for the choice of the Byzantine rather than then eoclassic or Renaissance treatment of the round-arch system. The principaldifference between the two is this: that, whereas the neoclassical style, by itsuse of pilasters, treats every pier as though it were a cluster of huge,flat-faced columns; the Byzantine boldly distinguishes between piers andcolumns, and employs the latter exclusively for the purposes which monolithicshafts are suited to fulfil, for instance the support of a gallery while thepiers in a Byzantine building make no pretence of being other than what theyare, viz., the main supports of the vaulting. The Byzantine method ofconstruction was employed at Westminster has the further advantage that itbrings within the building the whole of the spaces between the buttressesthereby at the same time increasing the interior dimensions and avoiding theawkward appearance of ponderous external supports. Nor is the Byzantine style ofarchitecture suitable for a great cathedral alone; and one may venture to hopethat the great exper iment which has been tried at Westminster will be fruitfulof results in the future development of ecclesiastical architecture.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Ode to the West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Ode to the West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley Free Online Research Papers â€Å"Ode to the West Wind†by Percy Bysshe Shelley, is a poem that depicts a broken man who is calling for the help of the wind to spread his words across the world. The wind is used to represent both a â€Å"destroyer and preserver†, but later uses the wind to represent his own work. Shelley’s use of first person point of view along with iambic pentameter form allows him to show the direct relationship with nature and his works. Shelley puts this poem in the first person and he becomes the character in the poem. It is set up like a monologue. Shelley is trying to talk to the wind that will not hear him. He continues to talk to the wind until he finally uses the wind to talk about himself. The wind in the fifth part is no longer an outside force that he is trying to speak to but the wind becomes a force that is within him. The poem starts with the feel of a love poem as he praises the wind in attempt to flatter it. He tries to flatter the wind hoping that it will respond or hear his thoughts. Shelley eventually stops trying to speak to the wind but reflects on how the wind is within him. Shelley’s use of the first person allows us to feel more connected with him and his thoughts. It allows us to feel his desire to speak with the wind that will never hear him. The point of view shows that he himself is in nature and his work should be considered a part of nature as well. Metaphor is used throughout the poem. Shelley uses the wind to represent a force in the world that will be able to spread his thoughts to the world. Scatter his thoughts as the wind scatters leaves, clouds, and waves. The wind then becomes a metaphor for his work as a whole. That his work will kill off all the old thoughts and be a â€Å"trumpet of a prophecy†for all of mankind. The leaves come to represent thoughts. He wants his thoughts to be lifted up like leaves and scattered. Leaves also refer to the thoughts that came before his, the dead thoughts. He then uses the â€Å"spring†in the last line to represent the reawakening of the earth. He believes that if his work is able to destroy the old and dead thoughts that it will be able to spark a new thought, just as the spring brings in new life. These metaphors allow the reader to relate nature to his thoughts. Shelley only uses images of nature to represent how he feels his work is a part of nature. The structure of the poem also shows its relation to nature. The poem is structured in Iambic pentameter which is considered to be a very natural rhythm for a poem. Shelley uses terza rima as his rhyme scheme. This rhyme scheme is repeated throughout the five stanzas in the poem. The rhyme is ABA BCB CDC DED EE. This rhyme scheme is a very classic rhyme scheme. The poem is also broken up into 5 stanzas and within those five stanzas each is broken into 5 parts. This poem then creates a classic feel along with a very natural rhythm that conveys the idea that Shelley and his art is at one with nature. Shelley in â€Å"Ode to the West Wind†is able to convey his thoughts of himself through the form that he uses. Shelley’s use of unique metaphors, Iambic Pentameter, and the first person point of view all allow us to feel that he is one with nature. Shelley thought of himself as the person who would be able to transform thought of the 19th century. Shelley felt that he would be able to get rid of all the old 18th century thoughts and to bring about an era of new thought that woud reflect his own. Research Papers on â€Å"Ode to the West Wind†by Percy Bysshe ShelleyThe Spring and AutumnMind TravelHip-Hop is ArtMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesGenetic EngineeringQuebec and CanadaUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThree Concepts of PsychodynamicCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite Religion
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
FASBs Current Exposure on Revenue Recognition Essay
FASBs Current Exposure on Revenue Recognition - Essay Example The entities will change their revenue recognition policy since the proposed amendment will actually supersede the current revenue recognition of GAAP and also the IFRSs guides in IASs 11 and 18. It is true with the new proposed guidelines that some entities will be more affected than others and the main areas which the board have identified so far include; whether the recognition of that revenue is fully based on the transfer of goods in question or the service like construction services, customized software’s or in the manufacturing areas. The companies will also be required to identify the performance separate duty either by dividing the given contract into parts which are actually distinct and can be delivered at different times, this can make an entity to separate the contract and account for it in a different way as the current accounting practices. The companies will also be required to analyze the intellectual property whether it is less than the actual economic value of the property that is the license is being granted in a non-exclusive or exclusive basis in this case the company will be required to recognize the revenue in terms of the license term, and this will actually be different with the current practices of revenue recognition. The issue on how the credit risk is evaluated is actually contradicting with the current rules and practices and this will have the effect on the credit risk of the customers and the collectability period this will, in turn, affect the number of revenues recognized by an entity rather than when to recognize such revenue. The companies will also be required to use estimates in calculating the transaction price of a commodity unlike the current rigid rules in following of the rules and standards in coming up with the commodity price. The new guidelines also give details on how to account for the cost of contract services, the new proposal, unlike the current guidelines, gives or specify the contract parts to be classified as expenses and the cost to be capitalized.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Engineer can be characterized as geek or nerd. categorize yourself Essay
Engineer can be characterized as geek or nerd. categorize yourself - Essay Example ay’s modern and competitive world, but also would like to learn such leadership competencies that help him apply that technological knowledge into practice with great efficiency and strength. When both technological expertise and leadership competencies will combine, then such an efficacy of knowledge will arise that will leave behind all field specific or generalized engineering proficiency. I would like to incorporate transformational leadership, in which I would like to set such trends in the chosen field with the help of which many will try to follow me in my footsteps. These trends will help boost the technological world with the right kind of leadership direction. I would create such a vision for myself and for those working under me that would help explain the importance of combining technology and leadership. As a front-runner technocrat, I would incorporate strategic planning in its most efficient form in all the departments of work lying in my control. Strategic plan ning will help me lay out goals and achieve them in the most efficient way
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Tourism And Economic Development In The Caribbean Tourism Essay
Tourism And Economic Development In The Caribbean Tourism Essay The Caribbean is known for its beautiful islands and breath-taking shores. There are numerous sites in this region of thousands of diverse islands. To list a few reasons as to why its a huge attraction to tourists from all over the world, then the coral reefs, colorful fruits, golf courses, sailboats and the wonderful sunsets at the beach are just the tip of the ice burg. Its the perfect place to relax with the family and a Caribbean holiday is the best place if anyone is seeking for a little adventure. The Caribbean seems to have everything for a great vacation from horse riding to hiking, wildlife tourism and much more. Everything from exploring the beautiful waterfalls, going kayaking upriver and even canoeing gives the Caribbean the top most position in tourism category. The Caribbean has both extinct and live volcanoes. It gives a definite adrenaline rush for tourists seeking it. Its tropical rainforests consists of rare and exotic animal species. It is by all means, absolutely beautiful. The Caribbean region consists of thousands of islands and to name a few that are of great tourists interest and as stated in http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_are_the_names_of_the_Caribbean_islands: Anguilla UK, Antigua Barbuda, Aruba ~ Netherlands, Bahamas, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe ~ France, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Martinique ~ France, Montserrat ~ UK, Netherland Antilles, Puerto Rico ~ US, St. Barthelemy, St. Kitts Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Martin, St. Vincent Grenadines, Trinidad Tobago, Turks Caicos ~ UK and US Virgin Island. Its not only about the adventures but the Caribbean features cites of its rich heritage and unique architecture. If we were to take a look into the most popular tourist attraction in the Caribbean then this would definitely include the Barbados; a small island also called as little England during the British era. It is called so, because it still contains a part of the thriving British legacy, cricket, Anglo Saxon activity and high tea. We have Antigua Barbuda that has more than 356 beaches (representing one for every year). This too is another popular tourist attraction. Then there is Guyana which is a one of the independent members in the Caribbean. It is also known for its beaches and countless rivers and lakes. The best side to it is that gold deposits and diamonds can be found at the river bottoms and hillsides. This place is popular for yachting and sailing. Another beautiful island is ST Lucida. This island is known for its mountains that are covered with forests and the wildlife in it. Such other marvelous sites in the Caribbeans are St Martin, Trinidad, Cuba, Jamaica, Cayman Islands and much more. Situated in the Caribbean Sea is the Roatan Honduras Island that has brought the economy a constant dramatic increase due to the scuba diving fans. This place offers its visitors everything, ranging from marine wildlife to scuba lessons and even certification. It is know for its coral which is very diverse and can be seen easily. Here, tourism is well developed, hotels are well equipped and the resorts are numerous. This place is even called the Caribbeans best kept secret. It is no doubt one of the most beautiful sites and experiences to have. According to Gmelch, George (Behind the Smile: the Working Lives of Caribbean Tourism. Bloomington, IN: Indiana UP, 2003), the Caribbean governments welcome tourists with warm hearts because they realized that the Caribbean economy is completely dependant on tourism, also being referred to as the engine of their growth. Economic development in the Caribbean has benefited merchants, farmers, fishermen and many more. According to Pattullo, Polly. (Last Resorts: the Cost of Tourism in the Caribbean. London: Cassell, 1996), Tourism is a huge contributor to the economies of all Caribbean countries and the biggest contributor to many of them such as Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas and the Virgin Islands Yolande Wilson MBA 08 In the Caribbean Tourism Fueled by Hotel Development: The Good and the Bad, explains that the success of Caribbean tourism is probably because people have the thoughts of aqua blue waters, warm sand beaches and luxury images on their minds. It is these precise thoughts that play a large role in the tourism business in the Caribbean. This puts all the focus on the tourism companies, services industries and real estate development. Tourism in the Caribbean is as early as 1862 where Jamaica had health spas and cruises that ran to the island but now, the tourism industries in the Caribbean estimates an anticipated contribution of over 18.7 billion dollars by 2011. Another author named C. James Hospedales wrote about the importance of tourism to Caribbean development in (Healthy Tourism in the Caribbean) Saturday, 22nd September 2007. He explained that 25 billion dollars were the gross output in the Caribbean tourism with more than 12 million tourists arriving for stay in the Caribbean and more than 6 million cruise ships. Hotels were completely booked and tourism became very important to the Caribbean economy. Tourism in the Caribbean is even compared to oil in the Middle East. They have also made it a motto Caribbean development through quality tourism which made it clear that the economy will be completely dependant on tourism for the coming years. With the arrival of the internet on 1995 which made it possible to spread the word of all the good and bad news. It was an effective tool in informing the world about this ravishing country. There was also the European tour operators whom made it easy for the tourists to get to the Caribbean from the European countries. However, with the success of increasing arrivals of tourists that helped boost the countrys economy, it also brought in the possibility of diseases being imported from different parts of the world. Yet this did not stop the Caribbean tourism organization from making sure that such issues along with injuries are minimized to its lowest. Their vision was that the Caribbean to be the safest, happiest, and healthiest of comparable destinations in the world Its obvious that tourism has affected the economy of the Caribbean region. These effects are mainly due to the travel and tourism industries. Through Paul McDaniels point of view, an eHow contributing writer in The effects of Tourism in the Caribbean, the economy was affected both positively and negatively. From these effects, wed notice that it includes the Caribbeans utmost and complete reliance on tourism and travel industries. But because, most of these tourism companies are never usually based in a particular Caribbean island, much of the money made does not stay on the Caribbean. This may also appear as a disadvantage for the Caribbean. However, without the competing companies, the economy could also be highly affected. However, David Jessop wrote about Grasping the full economic impact of Caribbean tourism Sunday | September 23, 2007 and questioned if the governments truly understood the importance of tourism, which in his words is the industry that now underwrites the regional economy. He provided reports that were produced over the last 2 years that explained the positive impact tourism had on the economy. These reports were based on the studies produced, supported and encouraged by the Caribbean tourism organization and Caribbean hotel association. It was a clear demonstration to the government that tourism has become the dominant force in the Caribbean. In these reports, the Caribbean tourism is expected to get over 56.1 billion dollars economically with about 15% increase in tourism employment from 2007 to 2017. Basically these earnings are expected to grow over 3 percent per year. Therefore, from these readings its pretty clear that the Caribbean region is economically dependent on the touris m industry. However, if these industries do not remain competitive, then the economic boost could come to an end. The problems that face the Caribbean tourism industry are those of globalization as well as interdependence. Therefore the beauty and nature of the country will not be enough to make the regions case. It requires the government to play a role in supporting it to the fullest. Whether its decreasing the taxes, providing public health education or even changing the policies to fit the countrys increasing economy. In a pacific islands report written by Sir Ronald Sanders in the Benefits of Caribbean tourism must be shared, he wrote about another problem that could affect the tourism industry in the Caribbean which is surprisingly the racial division notion in the island. This existing problem causes constant discomfort among many hotel owners that are expatriates, managers and the citizens yet they dare not deal with it. These problems are being left depressed like the racial division between the ownership on one side and the workers on the other. This problem is expected to worsen in the future if not dealt with now. Given the growing size of tourists coming into the country every year, it would keep requiring a large size of financial investments for the resorts and hotels in the Caribbean. These investments are primarily funded by the white expatriates that own tourism companies and can build or own resorts and any other tourism aspects in the business. This may seem as a problem because th e profits in this case are sent abroad. The country does not benefit and the balance is disturbed. In an abstract written by Harry G. Matthews, 6 May 2009 Radicals and third world tourism: A Caribbean focus, he talks about the metropolitan tourism in third world countries that have brought to question the tourist industries in a more political and social way. He talks about how it could affect the country and in this case, the Caribbean. He believes that tourism is an intrusion which is of metropolitan type, developed by the white people into the world of non-white. He also believes that these are merely fantasies sold to the tourists, causing the rise of cultures in countries like the Caribbean. Therefore the solution lies with the government of these countries where they are trying to bring forth an increase in sophistication. However, it is uncertain of how this action would actually take place. A critique; Tom Womeldorff analyzes the Caribbean tourism in an interesting way in Caribbean tourism: A Critical analysis 10/14/2009. He writes about the western mentality of escaping to tropical islands with exotic animals, plants and warm sunsets. This fantasy is offered by the Caribbean tourism resorts and travel agencies that aim to fulfill the western dream. And recently, the market has included the catering of tourists whom want to experience the exotic island to the fullest. These tourism agencies are expanding to provide whatever desires that could have tourist dollars following it. Therefore these tourist industries carefully construct the hotels and resorts to meet the conceptions and needs of tourists. This perception to perfection however comes with a cost. Although it provides as a source of income to the Caribbean people, it has made them completely commoditized because it requires that they put all their focus in the tourism programme, to make every thing possible. In The state and tourism: a Caribbean perspective by Hilton McDavid, Diaram Ramajeesingh, the abstract mentions an important something to think about and its how the tourism industries are now the center of attention. This is because the country is now tourism dependant. But does the government do what it takes to make sure that the social and environmental needs are taken care off? In this journal, the writers believe that the government have to work harder in order to shape the tourism industries in a way that every sector in the Caribbean benefits. The Stabroek staff | February 5, 2010 in Business the Caribbean tourism industry raise an important question Will the 2009 nightmare push regional tourist destinations towards diversification. It is true that the Caribbean got caught up in the economic crisis that took away jobs, homes, savings and much more. The Caribbean people were beginning to wonder if they have to shift towards diversification for their economic incomes. The number of tourists drastically changed and Caribbean development bank activities showed a significant decline. Sharply declining tourist arrivals according to the CDB with other investments, the main transmission channels of the crisis to regional economies. However it appears that the Caribbean has settled down from all the economic problems and found its comfort zone where its reassured that the tourists will keep coming in. the CDG even reports that the growth is expected to return and is likely to become the same by 2011. Although the whole economy of the country, peoples jobs and welfare cannot wait till the crises associated with the whole world is recovered, diversification for a better economy should be considered. In Caribbean tourism looking toward an improvement in 2010 by Linda Hutchinson-Jafar, Jan 28, 2010, after the economic crises that effected the countrys economy due to the decline in tourists rate, the Caribbean tourism industry began improving despite criminal and tax problems in some of the islands. And the earthquake that hit Haiti did not affect the islands economy much. Chastanet said, during and annual event in the Caribbean We will probably end the year 5.6 percent down but were looking for a strong rebound in 2010 And a hotel owner Rene Seepersadsingh The economic situation globally impacted negatively on Tobago. Hotels reported as much as a 40 percent decline in stayover, particularly from the British and the German markets As for Jamaica, it was seeing a 4% increase in arrivals while the other islands were reporting a decline in 2009. This is probably because it was running ads on television across North America, tempting them to join the warm summers. They were very successful with their ads as Barlett who works at the airlines said For this winter season now beginning, we have a record 1 million (airline) seats which is the largest number we ever had. The unusual part is that Jamaica continues to attract tourists even though it is categorized as one of the most violent countries in the world. The murder and crimes rates were 1,680 last year alone. Barlett believes that Its a contradiction. The most iconic attraction in Jamaica is the people. It belies the crime statistics Finally the most spoke about topic in the Caribbean tourism is HARPOONING CARIBBEAN TOURISM: SWALLOWING A DEAD RAT by Sir Ronald Sanders Sunday, March 14, 2010. The new attractions that require full support by the Caribbean governments are the whale watching activities. There was an international meeting held in Martinique from February 18 to 21 on what they call Sustainable Blue tourism in the Caribbean, specifically urging the Caribbean government to not only support this attraction but to protect the marine wildlife and mammal population by providing sustainable jobs to the fishermen. This new attraction is bound too boost the economy situation and the exotic fantasies keep getting better. Thus the Caribbean keeps finding ways to attract tourists and its economy although highly dependant on tourism yet, very rich.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Disabled Athletes
Karen defines disability as persons who have disabilities or individuals with a physical impairment. These people have entered into the sport world and various terms have been used to describe them in bid to describe sports designed for people with disabilities. However, according to Karen this term does not fully describe entity of sports in which athletes with disabilities can be found. Sport in this context adopts a broader meaning including all individuals with disabilities and hence disability sport focusing more on the competitive sport and athletes with disabilities.This includes goal ball for blind athletes, wheelchair basketball for athletes with physical impairment who use wheelchair, or sitting volleyball for athletes with lower-limb impairments. Disability sport also includes athletics, swimming, volleyball that have been adopted to include athletes with disabilities. Deaf sport is often considered a separate entity from disability sport, but has become included within th e context of disability sport. In the past, sport was only accessible to few and many people were locked outside the sporting arena.These included women, members of ethnic minorities, and persons with disabilities, due to culture, gender, ethnicity, and class or disability affiliation. Due to these stereotypes, persons with disabilities were marginalized and had limited participation in social issues. They had been secluded and disenfranchised and there has been extremely inclusion and acceptance in the sport arena. There was a perception that people with disabilities were weak or physically impaired hence could not participate in sports.Such treatment was also extended to women as gender and also women with disabilities. The medical restrictions also played part in excluding persons with disabilities form participating in sports. These were also due to the attitude of doctors’ and lack of knowledge. This has decreased and there is now more research done, appreciation of the abilities of such people as socialization with other members of society increases. There has been a tendency by the society to reject or discourage youth with disability to deviate from the social role or expectations such as just watching to play.This denies such youths the opportunity to develop appropriate sport behavior early in life. There has also been mixed attitudes toward people with disabilities participating in sports. This perceived frailty, weakness, experience resulting from defeat, has discouraged such people from competing. At the same time, disability sport ahs been viewed as lower sporting activity and not a legitimate sport. Less public recognition, awards, opportunities and media attention ahs not been given to this sport.However, there is little emerging integrated participation in sporting events. Main barriers to inclusion in sports have been the society’s attitude towards individuals with disabilities due to myths, categorizing and hence grouping peopl e, stereotyping, common misconceptions that persons with disabilities could not perform certain sports, lack of organized sport programmes, lack of informal early experiences in sport, lack of coaching and training, limited access to sport facilities and limiting psychological and sociological factors.However, some of these barriers have been reduced through increasing number of role models for aspiring athletes with disabilities, increasing visibility if disability sport resulting to more sport opportunities, community-based recreational and sport prograsmmes for people with disabilities have increased though they are not sufficient in tapping the potential and the population of individual with disabilities, there is an increased number of trained professionals and physical educators to train people with disabilities.Physical and attitudinal barriers initially limited athletes with disabilities from meaningful participation in sports. Despite the much progress and greater opportuni ty today for athletes with disability, economic, psychological and social barriers remain. Disability sport has made its mark upon society and individuals with disabilities have become recognized as athletes for their achievements and accomplishments in sports. Legislative framework ahs also made disability sport more accessible.Nowadays physical and competitive sport has become viable opportunities for individuals with disabilities. It is clear that the disability sport is taking root and being assimilated in the social values. The past discrimination has decreased in such magnitudes. Milestones have been achieved even incorporation into the Olympics. However, major challenges still face this sport. The perception of the people having disabilities should change so as not to view themselves as lesser members of the society.The nature of posing as passive recipients of the reformation process needs to be changed to active participation and pro-activeness in bring more changes within this sector. Competitive sport has not been fully integrated in the developing countries which sill struggle with organizational structures and poverty has not paid much attention to disability sport. It is therefore critical that processes that lead to poverty be addressed by capacity building of the disability groups through funding, education and training.Karen observes that persons with disabilities have participated and won both in the able-bodied arenas and also in the disability sports. This shows great potential among those with disabilities of kind. This potential ought to be tapped and exploited at national and global level through integrated forums like intercontinental sports. At the same time the disability sport is bound to grow as more recognition is given and also may reduce as it sis being integrated into mainstream sport.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Foolproof Compare and Contrast Essay Samples for 6th Grade Strategy
The Foolproof Compare and Contrast Essay Samples for 6th Grade Strategy The Meaning of Compare and Contrast Essay Samples for 6th Grade In case it makes up a sizable proportion of your total grade, then maybe it would be better to have an expert to write it. Those students that are looking for more than information on the best way to compose a 5 paragraph compare and contrast paper don't hesitate to locate a helping hand in the surface of online writing service. Tell how you clean your hair. How to Choose Compare and Contrast Essay Samples for 6th Grade When making comparisons or contrasts, it's essential to be clear what criteria you're using. Any sphere and degree of complexity is going to be managed successfully. Based on the writing task you have at hand, the things you may include in your comparative essay might vary. Make certain you don't compose each point and just concentrate on the critical ones. Compare and Contrast Essay Samples for 6th Grade - Is it a Scam? Before writing a comparative essay, you first have to arm yourself with the information you require. Your college essay ought to be a concise essay about who you are and what you plan to study at the academic institution of your choice. Writing a great essay requires a lot of time and efforts. Writing a college essay can arrive in various forms and styles based on your taste. It'll be quite easy to locate the differences but the similarities are a lot more difficult to find. A family is a vital element in the progression of mental instability in Yellow Wallpaper and Metamorphosis. You need to make certain that the similarities or differences are clearly defined. This way you don't need to work too challenging to discover the similarities and differences between the 2 topics. Therefore, for something so short, it might be overlooked as not being as essential as other sections of the paper. There are a lot of methods to teach comparing and contrasting, but if you're searchi ng for an easy, pre-made set of practice pages, look no more! You need to spend time picking the points that you ought to highlight or ignore. Each has an epidermis, but orange skins are thick and simple to peel. The Ultimate Approach to Compare and Contrast Essay Samples for 6th Grade You may explore them all and select the one which best matches your topics and preferences. You might need to register before you may post. The Downside Risk of Compare and Contrast Essay Samples for 6th Grade Compare and contrast essays are extremely common as they show your comprehension of the topic. Citations and extracts from assorted sources have to be formatted properly. A number of the essay topics below may appear to contain subjects that don't have anything in common. Some critical suggestions on how to compose an essay about yourself. The Compare and Contrast Essay Samples for 6th Grade Pitfall If you choose to ask a question, don't neglect to hint at the answer within the next portion of your paper. It's great in order to write from scratch the entire paper, but the working process will flow easier in case you make an outline. Just get those marks you wish to include into your paper free of doubt. A prosperous paper always has an excellent title. Compare and Contrast Essay Samples for 6th Grade Help! A comparison essay is among them. If you are thinking about how to begin a compare and contrast essay or simply wish to know how to write one well, you first have to comprehend its objective. A conclusion shouldn't be too long. Always keep in mind that your conclusion should only restate facts you've already analyzed. After discussing two unique subjects independently, now you can analyze them together in a distinct paragraph. A paper may contain over five paragraphs altogether based on the range of subjects a student makes the decision to analyze. Your structure may vary widely. The illustration of an outline is provided below. Whenever you c hoose to ask us for skilled guidance, don't hesitate to get in touch with our support managers. After discovering our website, you will no longer will need to bother friends and family with these kinds of requests. If you want to obtain a complimentary example, there's no greater place to search than an expert online writing website. Before studying the essay examples think if you truly desire to apply for our professional guidance and use our services. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Compare and Contrast Essay Samples for 6th Grade You may employ a professional essay writing service to complete your assignment in the very best quality. Any great introduction is no more than an ideal start. It is essential if you would like your writing procedure to be easier and clear. Every bit of writing will be created depending on your requirements and the criteria you provide.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Current Factors Affecting The Rights Of Homeless People Essay
O Grady et al., (2011) indicate that many jurisdictions throughout Canada have implemented measures to restrict the rights of homeless people. These measures include controlling public behaviours and income-generating activities through enforcement of the SSA by police and the criminal justice system. This literature suggests that the over-reliance on emergency services to address homelessness ... when there is an insufficient investment in prevention and affordable housing... is irresponsible (O Grady et al., 2011, p. 6). Poverty is not adequately addressed by this social welfare policy, and the public places responsibility on police and the courts instead of the governement and their own communities. Current Factors Influencing the Safe Streets Act O Grady et al., (2013) examined SSA enforcement by the Toronto Police Service between 2000 and 2010, and found that over this period there was an increase of approximately 2000 percent in the number of tickets issued. However, there is very little information available to provide framework and rationale for why enforcement numbers have increased. Despite increasing SSA ticketing during this time, crime rates, squeegeeing and panhandling were decreasing (O Grady et al., 2013). Additionally, ...research shows that the rise in [SSA] tickets in not the result of an increased homeless population in Toronto or due to aggressive practices on the part of those who were fined... (O Grady et al., 2013, p. 548). IncreasedShow MoreRelatedSocial Problems Within The Australian Society1215 Words  | 5 Pagestrend that is affecting people of all demographics. Homelessness is more than just a simple disadvantage; with usually many underpinning f actors which contribute to it, such as domestic violence, financial stress, mental illness and drug use. Homelessness is an issue around the globe, however when focusing on the issue within an Australian context – it stems back quite a long way. 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