Monday, September 30, 2019
Illusions Within the Great Gatsby
American Illusions in The Great Gatsby The American dream. Every American has his or her own ideals and preferences, but all share more or less the same dream. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald explores what happens when this dream is taken too far. What is one to do when the dream begins to overshadow reality? What are the consequences when a successful man allows the dream to matter more than life itself? Fitzgerald tells all through the hopeless Gatsby, idealistic Nick, and ignorant Myrtle. Mansions, cars, jewels, and extravagant parties- what more could a person want?Gatsby had it all, yet he was still empty inside, craving more. All the riches Gatsby has mean nothing without his great love, Daisy. Gatsby strived to become successful for the sole purpose of capturing Daisy's heart. However, Gatsby's dream is an unattainable and hopeless dream for he can never win her love. Daisy and Gatsby live only miles apart, but their relationship is eons apart, as Daisy is already attached. Ga tsby is pursuing â€Å"a transcendent significance outside of society and beyond the notability of history†(Lynn 180).Gatsby is dreaming â€Å"the American dream†that anything is possible, but the tragic flaw within him is that he is living in the past and cannot see the destructive future that lies ahead. Gatsby says, â€Å"I'm going to fix everything just the way it was before,†¦ She'll see,†and he does not realize that he cannot make it the way it was before (Fitzgerald 114). When Gatsby does get the chance to prove himself to Daisy, it is already too late. According to Fitzgerald, â€Å"the whole caravansay had fallen in like a card house at the disapproval in her eyes,†(Fitzgerald 114).Gatsby's downfall is in the fact that he is unable to determine the fine line that divides reality and illusion in his life. The green light at the end of Daisy's dock burns bright for Gatsby, but Gatsby does not realize that he cannot ever capture the light. He continues to dream blindly. This is evident when Nick tells Gatsby that he cannot relive the past and Gatsby replies, â€Å"Why of course you can, old sport! †(Fitzgerald 116). Gatsby's dream of capturing Daisy's love is based on a fantasy of romance, but the truth is that Daisy is already taken and no amount of money or popularity can change hat. His obsession leads him to come out and profess his love for Daisy, but Daisy does not follow in suit and his dream is over. Nick sums up Gatsby by saying â€Å"He did not know that [his dream] was already behind him†¦ †Gatsby's â€Å"American dream†was a one-way street and, with unrequited love, Gatsby's dream can never come true. Gatsby's â€Å"American dream†leads him to protect Daisy and causes his subsequent downfall, death. Nick has a haughty and idealistic dream of America, which clouds his own judgment.Nick is more aware than Gatsby. He makes a clear distinction between fantasy and reality. N ick is able to separate romance from real life. He has a perfectionist vision of America, and he judges people against his ideal American society. Nick is the right person in the wrong city associating with the wrong crowd. Nick is raised in an idealist middle-west society â€Å"where dwellings are still called through decades by a family's name,†and where tradition is part of everyday life (Fitzgerald 184).Nick dreams the â€Å"American dream†that he can travel to the East and become wealthy and still have all the old-fashioned ways of his town. After spending a few months in the East, Nick comes to the realization that the East is corrupt, materialistic, and self-centered. Nick's view on life is based on Western morals and a â€Å"western†American dream; one to which the East cannot measure up. Nick follows his dream according to his western morals of hard work and righteousness, yet in the East he possesses â€Å"some deficiency†which made him â₠¬Å"subtly unadaptable to Eastern life†(Fitzgerald 184).Nick is portrayed as a young man who comes to the East to make his fortune, but finally goes back to the mid-west, horribly disillusioned. Nick is let down by his â€Å"American dream†and loses a part of his faith in society. Myrtle Wilson, like many other commoners among American society, has the â€Å"American dream†to move ahead and become successful. Myrtle is tired of her life as a â€Å"nobody from nowhere. †She wanted power, wealth, and fame. Myrtle's way out of the ruins of society and the valley of the ashes is Tom. Myrtle feels a sense of power and with Tom she is closer to her â€Å"American Dream. Myrtle, as many Americans do, dreams of moving up in the social ladder, up towards the extravagant parties of the rich- the ultimate â€Å"American dream. †Myrtle had no chance of moving up with George Wilson, and she ended up having an affair with Tom to get ahead. Myrtle does not re alize she is just a toy on the side for Tom, and her dream will not likely come true. Myrtle is too foolishly stuck in her optimistic and ideal world to realize that Tom will never take a chance at moving a step down the social ladder.The naive Myrtle dreams of moving ahead with Tom and towards the rich society, yet in the end it is carelessness of that same society which causes her death. Myrtle Wilson turns out to be the brutal victim of Gatsby's and Daisy's love affair, as she left in the street for death while Gatsby and Daisy drive off without any thought of what they had done. â€Å"They saw that her left breast was swinging loose like a flap and there was no need to listen for the heart beneath†(Fitzgerald 145).Myrtle just wanted to attain her â€Å"American dream†like many others, but her ambition and lust for power caused her to pay the ultimate price, death. The hopelessness of Gatsby, Nick's idealism, and Myrtle's dream all contribute to the illusion of th e American Dream. It is not simply American to dream, it is the duty of every person to dream. However, to dream too far and become too entranced and engrossed in one's dream leads to either destructive behavior, ruin, or to disappointment. The Great Gatsby is based on this idea of an â€Å"American dream. †However, dreams that are taken too far become harmful illusions.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
A Multimedia Thesis Project Essay
During the 16th-17th century, when the Philippines was still under the control of Spain, the Jesuit Historian, Father Pedro Chirino, wrote in 1604 about the baptism of two deaf Filipino in Dulac, Leyte by Father Francisco De Otaco. Father Ramon De Prado, the vice-provincial priest taught these two deaf Filipinos and they were the first deaf Filipino who learned to use the Filipino Sign Language. The older Deaf, Raymundo shared his knowledge to five to ten deaf men during a mission. 300 years later, the first influence of American Sign Language came here in the Philippines thru Delight Rice, the hearing American teacher who established the School for the Deaf in 1907 in Manila (PDRC and PFD. 2004.) The school still exists today as the Philippines School for the Deaf (PSD) (HV 2474 F55 2005 Pt.1 from DLS-CSB). â€Å"Filipino Sign Language is certainly natural and a unique visual language of the Deaf Filipinos. The grammar, structure and syntax or arrangements of the Filipino Sign Language (FSL) are equal or the same as in the spoken language. FSL has its Filipino Deaf culture and identity. However, Filipino Sign Language is not a written system.†(Philippine Deaf Resource Center, Inc., Macky Calbay and Raphael Domingo) Sign languages communicate ideas through hands like spoken languages. However, sign languages do not need sounds and voice. It needs hands, face and other parts of the body to communicate in visual ways. The visual signs, helps the deaf to understand the message it conveys through the eyes. Signs must be clear in order to be understood in the eyes of the deaf, which the brain process, interprets and meanings comprehended. The basic parts of signs are hand shapes, location, movement, palm orientation and non-manual signals. Many people think of sign languages as a language of the hands but the research in linguistics revealed that sign language includes not only one or both hands, but also the different parts of the trunk, arms, neck, head and face. Hand shape, movement and number of hands used may be grouped together. A sign language follows many groups of rules. The parts of signs and their meanings, whole, signs, and the grammar of sentences are separate rules. Several words are put together to form a sentence, and the exchange of these sentence forms a dialogue. Examples of dialogue are conversations, stories, humor and poetry. When a sign is produced by itself, it may look different from when it is actually used in a conference. The important part of the sign language is the connection between two or more conversing people. Social factors are important in studying signs during the conference. It is because the sign language is not only for relaying messages but also for social interaction. The sign used for a word is influenced by one’s emotions. For example, the word â€Å"sorry†is signed in just one way, but when added with emotions, it could have different meanings. The signs are shown to the complexity of their grammatical function. In spoken languages, words act certainly according to their grammatical class. In sign languages, signs may function differently depending on the sentence structure, and context of the conference. So, it is common for a single sign to shift functions as a noun, verb, or adjective in different sentences, conversations or contexts. Since sign languages are not written systems, the use of words came from a written language and the grammatical function of the sign must carefully avoid being perplexed. For example, a word for a sign that can be a noun in English, but the sign itself can function as a noun or adjective. In Grammar classes, there are the same kinds of grammatical groups are getting into sign language. In ASL, there are different classes of verbs that have been described. The verbs may include different kinds of information such as: where the action takes place, or who does the action (subject) and who receives the action (object). It can be same to some sign couples in FSL. Examples of these noun-verb/adjective couples in FSL are LOW-BATTERY, BATTERY-FULL. Sign languages are different from spoken languages or written. A sign may be used as a noun, adjective or verb that depends on the sentence. Sometimes, a single sign can already be similar a share of a sentence or even a whole sentence. For example, the single sign â€Å"observe†may already mean, â€Å"I observe her carefully.†There are classifiers in the traditional signs appearing in FSL. These can be easy classifier hand shapes to understand classifier predicates. The classifiers observed in FSL also have classifier hand shapes and movement roots like those described in ASL and BSL. An example is the sign LRT/MRT. The classifier hand shape is the whole object type  the hand shape looks like the rail transit car. The movement of the classifier is a process movement root. The LRT/MRT moves forward. The straightforward movement of the hand represents the forward action of the LRT/MRT. In Nouns, the signs included in a group have always been noted in a dialogue as nouns. The traditional signs included food, events, places, persons and various objects. It included also common and proper nouns. For example, MANGO, ELECTRIC FAN, JOLLIBEE, HAPPY etc†¦ In Nouns/Verbs, the signs may switch in grammatical class that depends on the dialogue structure. The signs however, show to only have a single form unconcerned of their grammatical function. Most of them cannot be able to show always the movement repetitions strongly characteristic of noun-verbs pairs in American Sign Language. For example, AGREE, AGREEMENT, CONCLUSION/CONCLUDE etc†¦ In Nouns/Adjectives, the signs are noted to have nominal or adjectival functions. For example, BETTER, FAST, HOT, HAPPINESS, EXHAUSTED etc†¦ In Verbs/Adjectives, the signs are noted to be used as adjectival predicates. For example, CORRUPT/TO BE CORRUPT, PASSIVE/TO BE PASSIVE, SUFFER/BE IN SUFFERING etc†¦ In Lexicalized Finger spelled signs, the signs are aged which are more commonly noted among Deaf signers in their forties to sixties. Examples of Lexicalized Finger spelled signs are #AIRCORN, #TV etc†¦ In Lexicalized Initialized signs, the signs are from variant grammatical classes and used two or three decades. For example, ANYBODY, 13 PESO, GRADE VII etc†¦ In Structurally complex signs, the signs placed together since features of their structure are not as straightforward as the other signs shown so far. Signs included compound signs and agreement verbs. For example, HOW MUCH, DON’T KNOW, HARDHEAD etc†¦ In Semantically complex signs, the signs groups included idioms, belonging to variants of ASL, possessive pronouns, negations, various phrases, and classifier predicates (signer’s perspective). For example, DESTROY FOOD, PLEASE, RUDE etc†¦ (IDIOM) FSL signs showed to be adverbs. The non-manual signal noted in FSL signs that moves of the tongue. The tongue of non-manual signs is same but their meaning is mixed-up, not clear or hard to understand. For example TEXT-GARBLED describes a text message that is hard to understand. In FSL, the pointing pronouns are noted in commonly using among Deaf Filipino signers which usually include the index finger. The signs use an open hand. They show ownership or possessions. The question is always used by FSL sign. The eye gaze is forward the person who asked the question. The first location of the hand is near the object being talked about. The last location of the hand, and its palm, faces the person being asked. One example of pronouns is the TOUCH-MINE. In space as time, the place where the signer stands represents the time now. The space in front of the signer shows the future and the space behind the signer shows the past. Signs related to time such as LATELY, NEXT DAY, LAST WEEK AGO, NOW are produced at different points of this timeline. One example of time is the TOMORROW-TOMORROW, LAST-TWO-YEARS etc†¦ In idioms, there are several signs that are called Deaf idioms in the book Love Signs. But, the need is more researching if the signs are all true idioms. It uses expressions unique to Deaf Filipino signers. For example, the sign ISTAMBAY of the literal meaning is a person who stands around for a long time. The figurative meaning can be a verb or adjective, describing a jobless person. A sentence is a group of words that completes ideas and can be followed by a period, question mark or exclamation point. There are two most important of English grammar; knowledge of writing and allows students to study the grammar of other languages completely. There are the most important elements of the sentence, the verb, subject, direct object, indirect object, complement, multiple-word modifiers, modifiers, clauses and phrases. Sometimes, many sentences have only a verb and a subject. It also includes the parts of speech; noun and articles, verbs and verbals, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs and prepositions and conjunctions. A subject is the name of a person, animal, place, thing and event that the sentence about. For example, â€Å"The house is a big†. The house is the subject of the verb big, answering the question who or what big? Another example, â€Å"The tiger eats the animal†. The tiger is the subject of the verb eats, answering the question who or what eats the animal; he tiger eats the animal. A verb is a word that describes an action. For example, â€Å"The goat eats grass†. The verb eats describes the action performed by the subject goat. Another example, â€Å"Deaf people walk on the street†. The verb walk describes the action performed by the subject Deaf people. A direct object is the noun that receives the action. For example, â€Å"Everyone ruins your precious things†. What is the action? ruins. What receives the action? precious things, it is the direct object of the verb ruins. Another example, â€Å"Your friend got your ballpen†. What receives the action? ballpen. Ballpen is the direct object of the verb got. An indirect object is the noun or pronoun that receives the direct object. For example, â€Å"The professor helps his student’s education†. The direct object of helps is education. His student is the indirect object. Another example, â€Å"I give the laptop to you†. The direct object of give is laptop. You is the indirect object. Complement is the word or words that complete the meaning of verbs that express feeling, appearing, being, or seeming. Such verbs are classified as copulative or linking verbs. For example, â€Å"I am feeling sick†. The verb feeling does not describe action, but does describe a state of being. Feeling links the subject I with sick is the complement of feeling. Another example, â€Å"His family seems worried of you†. The copulative verb seems links his family and worried, the complement of seems. Modifiers may be a single word or groups of words, make the identity that describes a verb, subject, direct object, indirect object, complements or other modifier. For example, â€Å"My brother eats quickly his dinner†. The verb eats is made more precise is modified by quickly his dinner. Another example, â€Å"They lost my new laptop†. The direct object laptop is modified by my new. Multiple-word modifiers are included of phrases or clauses. A phrase is a logical grouping of words that does not contain a subject verb, while a clause is a logical grouping of words that does contain a subject and verb. For example, â€Å"My sister who was the only who love me goes to my graduation†. In this sentence, the clause who was the only who love me modifies my sister; the phrases to my graduation modifies goes. The first multiple word modifiers have both subject who and verb love. For this reason, the modifier is a clause. To my graduation has neither subject nor verb, so it is a phrase. A clause is a group of related words that includes a subject and a verb. It may also include an object or complement, an indirect object and modifiers. If it makes a complete idea and can stand alone as a sentence, it is called an independent clause. On the other hand, if it cannot stand alone as a sentence, it is called a subordinate or dependent clause. For example, â€Å"My family and I eat our lunch together and then we go to the mall†. This sentence consists of two independent clauses. Each clause has its own subject and verb: My family and I eat, we go. Either clause can stand as a complete sentence. Each makes a statement that does not depend on the other. The conjunction here is and, which is classified as a coordinating conjunction. Other coordinating conjunctions are but, for, so, or, nor and yet. A phrase is a group of two or more words that does not include a subject and a verb. It has many forms and functions. It is useful to learn and recognize phrases and to identify their functions as modifiers, subjects, complements and objects. For example, â€Å"His hobby was playing basketball†. The phrase playing basketball functions as the complement of was, a copulative verb. Playing is also a gerund. Another example, â€Å"My classmates want to finish their project early†. The phrase to finish their project early is the object of want. Notice that to finish is an infinitive, which is one of the three types of verbals. In Grammar classes, there are classifiers in a spoken language as nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs. It includes pronouns and prepositions that have a more limited meaning. They can display relationships between nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. In spoken languages, a word cannot be able to change its meaning. For example, if a word is a noun, it is always used as a noun. It does not develop into a verb, adjective, or adverb. In a spoken language, an idiom is a group of words with a unique meaning. It has two meanings, its literal and figurative meanings. The literal meaning is the independent meaning of the words, put together as a group, while the figurative meaning is the new meaning of the whole group of words. The new figurative meaning may not be related at all to the literal meaning of the words. Problem The Deaf students of the School of Deaf Education in Applied and Studies, De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde has a problem on English grammar because they do not know how to use the structure of the English language. They also believe that the sign language’s structure is the same or similar to the written English. As a result, it is hard for them to communicate with the hearing people through writing. Solution Through the creation of websites that utilizes flash player to describe the structures of FSL and Written English which can be arranged in such a way that the visual animation highlights the difference between the FSL and the written English structures. This way, it will be more meaningful and can be easily understood, remembered and applied by the deaf and as well as the hearing students in communicating with each other. Furthermore, the students can understand the differences in using FSL structure and English written rules. Description of the Project Objectives †¢ To encourage the deaf students to understand the structural difference between the Filipino Sign Language (FSL) and the written English. †¢ To help Deaf students know how to translate FSL to written English by conceptualization, and Hearing students to translate written English to FSL by conceptualization. †¢ To promote and encourage the hearing people to understand the structures of sign language (FSL) and use it to communicate with the deaf. †¢ To assist the Deaf people how to communicate with the hearing people through written English. †¢ To create the flash website visually that can help hearing and deaf people to understand easily the structures of FSL and Written English. Target Audience †¢ Deaf and hearing people †¢ College students Medium Websites that uses flash player. Adobe Photoshop is a graphic editing program that makes easily website which it can support website. ( (I CAN’T UNDERSTAND THIS KUYA!!!!) Video or Adobe Premiere is a technology of recording that supports website to make deaf and hearing people easily understandable. Pre-Production Process Project Step 1: Brainstorming to choose good topics related to Deaf issues Step 2: Choose three best topics pertaining to Deaf issues Step 3: Submit to my instructor the topics pertaining to Deaf issues Step 4: Consultation with my instructor to explain to me how to write the document Step 4: Share the topics to my classmates to help me select the best topic Step 5: Consultation with my Coordinator for editing my topic Step 6: Ask my English and FSL coordinators their opinion and to suggest what is the best topic to be written Step 7: Approval of the chosen topic by my CG coordinator Step 8: Research on the books related to my selected topic Step 9: Consult with my English and FSL coordinator Step 10: Writing paper (context) Step 11: Review and edit the paper Step 12: Draft sample design that is related to my topic Step 13: Print the paper Step 14: Final presentation Conclusion Therefore, this paper can be the seed to help both the deaf and hearing people understand the difference in structures of FSL and written English in an easy manner. For Deaf people, this paper will help them how to translate FSL to written English. Likewise, it will help the hearing people on translating written English to FSL. Furthermore, it will also help the hearing and deaf people to communicate with each other easily. The creation of websites utilizing flash player as visual aids highlighting the difference between the FSL and the written English structures will assist both the deaf and hearing people in communicating among themselves and with each other. It will also enhance the communication skills of the individuals; provide greater opportunities in understanding the world of the silent people, knowledge, cooperation and collaboration for the greater and common good of the society. References Tiongson, Peripi A., Hermosisima, Jun, Domingo, Raphael and Bustos, Marie Therese A. (ED.) (2004). AN INTRODUCTION TO FILIPINO SIGN LANGUAGE: Part l. Understanding Structure | Easy – to – read version |. [pp. 1-160] Filipino: Philippine Deaf Resource Center, Inc. TRADITIONAL SIGNS. (2004), AN INTRODUCTION TO FILIPINO SIGN LANGUAGE: Part ll: Traditional and Emerging Signs [pp.1-154] Philippines: Philippine Deaf Resource Center, Inc. Estiller-Corpuz, Marites Racquel [ED.]. Filipino Sign Language; A complication of signs from regions of the Philippines, Filipino: Philippine Federation of the Deaf. Ehrlich, Eugene (2000, 1991, 1976). SCHAUM’S OUTLINES: English Grammar, American: McGraw-Hill companies, Inc. Annex Initial design (Website) Gantt Chart Daily TR
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Humanities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Humanities - Essay Example However, Realism as an art movement does not focus merely on the beautiful sceneries of the society but rather on the ugly manifestations that has an impact on the political, social and moral features of the society. Realist movement chose to paint common, ordinary, sometimes ugly images rather than the stiff, conventional pictures favored by upper-class society. The thought of this art movement is still in use today. Not just in art but in the whole system of our community; from politics, to religion, to literature and many more. If there is one thing that we should learn from this movement, it is the idea of expressing our thoughts in many ways and how we could reach and affect people’s perspective in the society in a more unique way. Realism presents the most relatable material to its spectators in the art and literary world of writing as it allows readers to connect on several levels associating it with their own personal lives. If I have to choose an artist that is worth discussing, that would be the famous Leonardo da Vinci. Many people say that the way Da Vinci painted seems as if you could see into the souls of the paintings. Da Vinci, as a painter, architect, sculpturer, engineer and geologist presented a different attitude towards his works which is one of the reasons why most people appreciate him as a person. Mona Lisa and Last Supper were two of his most famous works that attracted millions of people around the world and even adopted his concept in arts. Mona Lisa which he worked on from 1503 to 1506 and The Last Supper which also took him 2 years to finish (1495 to 1497) presented his patience throughout his works. Most of us only knew him as a painter, but what makes Leonardo more interesting is that behind his famous works and admired reputation, he is a troubled man. Leonardo da Vinci was known to suffer from dyslexia- a learning disability that can hinder
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Situation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Situation - Essay Example According to the constitution, the federal government cannot enter into treaties with an entity, unless it is fully sovereign. The US government between the years 1790 and 1870 has entered into 371 treaties that affirm their sovereignty that is now both inherent and constitutionally valid (Churchill, 1985, p. 31). Throughout history, there have been numerous instances, besides the occupation of their homeland, whereby the government has failed to safeguard the interest of the Native Americans. Furthermore, from an economic point of view, the territories under the Native American tribes are extremely well-endowed with minerals and energy resources. Hence, not only from an ethical viewpoint, the Native American population deserves to enjoy the status of a Nation from a legal and economic perspective as well. The Native population is further divided into three very distinct racial units. Hence essentially there is no all-encompassing term for the numerous racial divisions of the indigenous population of North America (Churchill, 1985, p. 30). Despite the fact that the American constitution has was composed in order to safe guard the interest of every group, but so far it has failed to do anything for the indigenous people or even control the crimes that take place within these tribes. Inherent sovereignty may be a barrier, but it further demonstrates one of the key flaws within the country’s legislative and judicial system that has been unable to reach a position of compromise with the Native American tribesmen and the Government. The situation of the indigenous population is the perfect embodiment of the concept of ‘Internal colonialism’; which is the glaring disparity in development between two regions within the same society. As pointed out and elaborated by Churchill, it is truly a shame that the system fails to protect the rights of the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Non Profit Organizations Inter Agency Collaboration Thesis
Non Profit Organizations Inter Agency Collaboration - Thesis Example horities will seek to align and incorporate strategic objectives while retaining flexibility and influence over outcomes and assuring value for money†(21). This implies that the vision shared by the collaborating agencies call for an alignment of their business culture and aspirations for comparable levels of service quality that entails commitment to openness between these agencies (Foster, 2002). In the case of non profit organizations, collaboration between agencies is usually the practice in the implementation of joint projects for the welfare of their stakeholders. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) uses â€Å"nonprofit†as a legal term referring to organizations that may only use their revenues for their charitable or educational mission rather than profiting from their projects and distributing the profits to owners or shareholders (Eschenfelder, 2007). These nonprofit organizations are classified as tax exempt. Those who donate to public charity can claim a tax deduction (Berry, 2005). Unlike governments, non-profit agencies have no taxing authority, so they are reliant on charitable donations, volunteerism and grants from private foundations and government (Eschenfelder, 2007). It follows that nonprofit organizations face the perennial challenge of securing funds to cover costs of implementing their mission. Arsenault (1998) contends that nonprofit organizations maintain separate systems simultaneously: that of obtaining resources and another system serving their consumers. On the contrary, for-profit organizations operate only under one system that involves consumers purchasing products and services for the revenue generation of the organization – both processes happening simultaneously in just one system (148). In addition, nonprofits that use volunteers manage two human resources systems: the employed staff and another system for the volunteers. It is apparent that planning a nonprofit merger is more complex due to all the considerations
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Business management course work Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business management course work - Term Paper Example A lack of coordination takes place when teams working on the same project do not coordinate and this lack of coordination is represented both vertically and horizontally. Unclear accountability mechanism further adds fuel to the fire of depleting aggregate performance of the organization. Centralization cannot be termed as an effective way to manage organization like RIM. There is no clear marketing strategy. Section II: Statements of the Problem Research In Motion (RIM) has failed to develop and maintain a sustainable motivation, accountability and effective marketing strategy (Castaldo, 2012). The organization has grown unorganized and unmanageable; where a lack of clear-cut direction and conflicting opinions have compounded the aggregate management of the company (Castaldo, 2012). Section III Causes of the Problem Demotivation Motivation is the degree to which an employee wants and selects to carry out specific behavior (Mullins, 2009, p. 471). This specific behavior is nurtured t o obtain intended departmental and organizational goals and objectives. As motivation has both aspects in the form of intrinsic and extrinsic manifestations, the employees of RIM were not given sustainable workplace environment in which they could convert their potential into the desired results. For instance, according to a former employee, the new operational staff members were never fully empowered to carry out their jobs (Castaldo, 2012). This means the staff did not receive authority, sense of work ownership and a clear cut direction to attain a particular set of objectives. As a result, the sustainable motivation did not continue instead demotivation replaced motivation. Lack of Coordination â€Å"It was common for a few teams working on the same project to realize they were unlikely to make the date, but no one spoke up, under the belief that another team was even farther behind†(Castaldo, 2012). This statement mentions that there was no active and consistent coordinat ion between teams working even on the same project. They were on their own and they did not feel necessity to obtain information and see their progress on the project. Additionally, there was no strong check from the senior management whether the teams assigned to work and complete the same project were working in the suggested direction or the teams were facing issues related to the same project. There was a complete absence of vertical and horizontal coordination in the organization. In the absence of coordination, there would be no way to entertain department and organizational objectives. Unclear Accountability Mechanism Accountability can also be defined as the systematic inclusion of critical elements of program planning, implementation and evaluation with an aim of achieving desired results (Wandersman et al., 2000, p. 389). At RIM, nobody was accountable when a proposal or project failed to meet the expected level of performance. In the absence of any accountability mechanis m, it would be very difficult to learn from mistakes and derive certain result-oriented lessons from such steps. When accountability mechanism is not present and nobody is ready and willing to take and accept responsibility, strategic loss and strategic decline is unavoidable and it is what that is happening
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Giver Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Giver - Essay Example When there is no creativity , when there is no love and even joy seems programmed, these might as well be ants in a ant hill. Even ants are ordered, systematic and conforming. But what makes human beings different from other animals is that we are individuals and it is our innate tendency to be our own self , not a clone of anybody else. A community like Jonas’s would be suffocating to most people who have seen or known what it is like to be human. Are there communities like the one in the book in the modern day world? Indeed there are. China, North Korea, Iran all of have such societies to a varying degree. But just like in the book , the only way these societies are able to keep a grip on people is by restricting their freedom and keeping control over the information which is available to these people. Indeed there was and is little crime in such communities and nobody ever starves. But that is true even for a prison , but human beings are not meant to be caged. The free societies have their problems. Crime, populism perhaps even decline in morals. But however imperfect and chaotic that might be, those are the systems in which Human beings thrive and prosper. Since the fall of the Soviet Union , there has been a return , at least in a little way to the old iron rule in Russia. This , many say is evidence that people want stability and protection. People do want stability and protection . This is true , even in the bastions of freedom in U.S and other democracies. But this stability and protection is not wanted at the cost of freedom. You just have to see what happens when conformity is forced on people who have already enjoyed freedom and individuality , like Prohibition in the U.S. or Emergency in India. It is simply not possible. There is an old saying which states that those who don’t know history are condemned to repeat it. Pain and suffering while uncomfortable and horrifying are extremely important. They tell us what consequences
Monday, September 23, 2019
Central bank Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Central bank - Assignment Example Low education levels as well as underdevelopment are also a common feature in these countries and thus making them depend on foreign labour. In a strive to improve their economy, the GCC countries have tried to diversify their economic activities after realizing that the natural resources are in the process of getting depleted and therefore inculcated capital intensive projects (Cobham & Ghassan 2011). Although most investments are done nationally, it is evident that all these countries have a common goal and thus face a common problem of acquiring capital. In response to this the financial sector, which plays a critical role in economic diversification, the GCC countries have taken the initiative to develop it. The development of financial sector has been done individually with each country operating guided by its own principles. However in2009, the central bank of the GCC was proposed that would collectively operate across the whole GCC region. The GCC banking system is more of a w eb of different structures and situations rather than a homogeneous block. This is contrary to all other economic activities that tend to be common. It is to this reason that the central bank was formed (Cobham & Ghassan 2011). . ... However the location of the central bank of GCC is completely different from that of the European central bank. This creates a doubt on the overall efficiency of the proposed GCC central bank. it therefore deems necessary to understand the banks functions and objectives as well as its pros and cons, that is sources of failure as noted by other people. Discussion Structure The proposed GCC central bank will be a central bank for a common currency to be established in the GCC region. Its capital stock will be owned by the central banks of the major countries, dividing it according to their GDP ratios. Since the bank has not been established yet, its headquarters have not been stated clearly. As the GCC is located in the Arab region with almost every member country being Muslim dominated, then the bank has to take into consideration the Muslims way of living in addition to pursuing its usual activities. Relation with European Central Bank Being a multinational financial institution, the proposed GCC central bank portrays several similarities with the European central bank. Firstly, the formation of the bank aims at unifying the currency for the member states. However, there are debates that the GCC region might not be ready for a common currency. The main retardant to attaining the common currency, which also acts as the major difference between the location of the ECB and the GCC central bank is the lack of the political consensus in the latter. A common currency requires a set of common rules and regulation to prevent inflation and other economic disasters that result from inappropriate money supply trends (Cevik, Teksoz & International Monetary Fund 2012). Self-adjusting mechanism has been seen to fail after the 2008
Sunday, September 22, 2019
IT - Bluetooth Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
IT - Bluetooth Technology - Essay Example Development of Bluetooth technology Bluetooth technology is a key short-range communications technology or wireless protocol, which can be used to connect wide range of electronic devices including mobile phones, laptops, etc, when they are close to each other. After the connection is made, the technology can be used to securely transfer various types of files or data, and also can be used as a form of communication. â€Å"Bluetooth is a proprietary open wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short wavelength radio transmissions) from fixed and mobile devices, creating personal area networks (PANs) with high levels of security.†(â€Å"Bluetooth†). Short wavelength radio transmission in the sense, the data to be sent is broken down into small parts, and then sent through number of bands, without any synchronization issues. That is, Bluetooth adopts a â€Å"radio technology called frequency-hopping spread spectrum, which chops up th e data being sent and transmits chunks of it on up to 79 bands (1 MHz each; centered from 2402 to 2480 MHz) in the range 2,400-2,483.5 MHz (allowing for guard bands).†(â€Å"Bluetooth†). This technology was first developed by the telecom company, Ericsson in the year 1994 with the main intent of developing a wireless technology that can be an alternative to the RS-232 cables. ... SIG only oversees the formulation of the various Bluetooth specifications and importantly manages the standards for the qualification program. That is, companies can market their electronic devices as a Bluetooth-enabled device only if they fulfill the standards set by the SIG. â€Å"Bluetooth is an open technology standard, meaning that anyone who joins the Bluetooth Special Interest Group and adheres to well-outlined standards can create Bluetooth devices.†(McClain). Since its establishment in 1998, the SIG has been modifying and upgrading its technology and the features associated with it, in order to facilitate faster and better performance. Starting from Bluetooth v1.0 and v1.0B, the versions have evolved over the years, with v4.0 being the latest one and it has high speed and low energy features. The speed is based on Wi-Fi and so it is optimum and its low energy feature can operate the devices for many months or even years using just a small coin-cell batteries. (†Å"Bluetooth 4.0†). With these advancements, the capabilities of the many electronic devices can be accentuated. More and more electronic devices are being introduced in the market, with advanced technologies and optimal features. The Bluetooth technologies and the related features are being incorporated in maximum of these devices. Because of that incorporation, the people using these devices are getting optimal benefits. Thus, it is important to study this key technology and how it can provide advantages over other wireless technologies. Comparison of IrDA and Bluetooth Infrared Technology functions with the aid of certain hardware incorporated with software, both of which will be used to send as well as receive data through
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Compensation trends in the United States Essay Example for Free
Compensation trends in the United States Essay The current trend of globalization, technical revolution and competition, has had dynamic impact on the compensation trends worldwide, as well as within United States. The whole ladder of compensation from agriculture to Information technology has seen an upsurge in compensation. The economic conditions, the political support and the globalization have played an important role in setting the curve for this trend. There is greater awareness, increased skill, enhanced efficiency and wider range of choices. The human resource has become a more valued, competitive and specialized force affecting the future of economy and industry. They have the bargaining power, and capacity to mould the pattern of growth in every arena of service, research, education, health and industry. â€Å"The RAND Corporation, in a report prepared at the request of the U. S. Department of Labor, says three trends will shape the labor force and employment relationships in the coming years: a slowing in the growth rate of the workforce, an acceleration in technological advances, and continued globalization. †(RAND, 2004) â€Å"The Emerging Trends in Human Resources†looks into many trends which would affect the future compensation package for people in United States. He categorizes them in workplace trends which would affect the employers and employees with better technology, higher health insurance, outsourcing, aging and other factors. Demographic factors like growth, retirement and aging. The organizations will need to respond with more strategy to retain and recruit new employees as well as train and upscale them. The political emphasis on economy, growth and outsourcing will guide the future trend dramatically. The trends of the society will dictate the nature of the work force and the balance of the compensation. International trends like expansion of businesses globally, rise of Asian market and emerging off shoring giants like India, china, Philippines and others add more to the competitive edge. (Greene, 2006-2007) Most companies have turned to total rewards and pay-for-performance programs as a vehicle for maximizing return on investment and employee potential. Variable pay is now a major part of compensation design for nearly 80% of U. S. companies, according to our Salary Increase Survey. Having the best people is more important than ever, especially in a business environment focused on value creation. In fact, many experts believe that attracting, motivating, and retaining the best talent is one of the greatest obstacles to growth over the next decade. Smart companies are finding ways to get the most from their investment in compensation and rewards without sacrificing the ability to compete for talent. (Hewitt, 2007) According to the report, titled, The 21st Century at Work: Forces Shaping the Future Workforce and Workplace in the United States. (RAND,2004) These trends have important implications for vital aspects of the future workplace and workforce and for the U. S. economy. These trends will affect the size, makeup, and skills of the labor force, the kinds of work and its settings, and worker compensation. Understanding these trends will help workers, employers, educators and policymakers make informed decisions that reflect changing realities. (RAND,2004) There is tremendous promise in the rise of competitive compensation package in most fields with better opportunities for growth in Unites States. The demand for skilled human resource will pave the way for next decade in business, healthcare, services, engineering, IT, and many other fields. This is the period of strategic planning, wide range compensation and timely rewards. Work Cited (2-23-2004). RAND Report Predicts Trends in Labor Force. Retrieved February 23, 2007, from BLR Compensation BLR. com Web site: compensation. cfm/id/153659 Greene, Keith J. (2006-2007). HR SPHR. Retrieved February 23, 2007, from SHRM Web site: www. fmi. org/humanresources/Emerging_Trends_Presentation. pdf Rothberg, Deborah (29-AUG-2006). Study: Skills Shortage Boosts Salaries. Retrieved February 23, 2007, from e WEEK Careers Web site: www. careers. eweek. com/article/Study+Skills+Shortage+Boosts+Salaries/18739 _1. aspx (2007 ). Compensation Rewards. Retrieved February 23, 2007, from Hewitt Web site: www. hewittassociates. com/Intl/NA/en US/OurServices/ServiceHRC. aspx? cid=2402
Friday, September 20, 2019
Relationship Between Microfinance And Nigerias Economic Growth Economics Essay
Relationship Between Microfinance And Nigerias Economic Growth Economics Essay ABSTRACT Microfinance has over the years been associated with eradicating poverty, and consequently improving the standard of living of the less privileged members of a society, and rubbing on positively on the nations economy. This dissertation aims at exploring the impact microfinance has on economic growth, considering a specific case of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Due to the fact that this area of study has not witnessed so much research in the past, this work seeks to come up with an approach where the different links between microfinance and economic growth can be discovered and studied. Since most societies, especially the developing ones usually experience the presence of two types of financial system, the formal and the informal one under which microfinance falls, this will also be taken into consideration. The first hypothesis to be considered has to do with the micro level and this examines the relationship between microfinance and the financial system. The Second hypothesis h as to do with the macro level and examines the relationship between the financial system and economic growth, while the third one links the previous two, by checking the relationship between microfinance and economic development. Keywords: Microfinance; Economic Growth; Financial System; Nigeria INTRODUCTION Microfinance Institutions are financial organisations licensed to provide micro-savings, micro-credit, and micro-insurance in an economy. They operate in the informal sector of the financial system and are the major source of fund-provider for the medium, small and micro-enterprises. The basics of microfinance is the fact that the poor cannot access a loan from a bank of any reasonable commercial source, that is why Microfinance Institutions go out to the villages, meet with the poor who are encouraged to form an association, they give them micro-credits and sometimes even give them trainings to help them make the best use of the loan accessed (Mohammed and Hasan, 2008). The methodology used by most micro-finance institutions to make loan is that they gather people into trust groups and meet weekly. These groups assume joint liability and joint guarantee on loans extended to any member of the trust unit and this invariably helps in reducing incidence of defaults and bad loans. Most Micro-Finance Institutions enjoy a high repayment rate. It should also be noted that majority of microfinance customers are women who also make up a greater percentage of the worlds poor, and also experience a very high rate of unemployment; and sadly in most cases are responsible for providing for and taking care of their families. Nigeria with a GDP-real growth rate of 5 %( 2009 est.), remains a major player in the African economy but her population of about 149, 299,090(sourced from CIA-The world fact book), which is the largest in Africa, has about half of it living in poverty. However, since the introduction of microfinance in the country, an increase has been noticed both in the growth of the economy and also in the increase in number of microfinance institutions. The Central Bank of Nigeria is saddled with the responsibility of issuing banking license and supervision of banks in the country, Micro-finance Institutions inclusive. LITERATURE REVIEW Microfinance, through its provision of financial services to the poor can influence economic growth by encouraging savings, giving out loans for feasible investments, provision of free advisory services to new clients on how best to invest, and also to those with long standing relationship, on how to increase the marginal productivity of capital (Pagano, 1993). A lot of studies have been carried out on the relationship between financial development and economic growth. King and Levine(1993) are in support of the view that financial development leads to economic growth and in their visit on Joseph Schumpeters work pointed out that banking institution through their provision of funds for productive investments are of great importance to economic growth(Schumpeter, 1911 cited in King and Levine, 1993). Greenwood and Jovanovic(1990) suggested that the relationship between financial development and economic growth is mutual, while Khan,(1999) who is of a similar opinion explains further that economic growth create financial development which in turns helps in sustaining the growth. Qayyum et al.,(2007?) are of the opinion that direct finance has a significant positive relationship with economic growth. The availability of funds to the poor increases production and output, this also leads to an increases in the demand for more financial services (micro-savings and micro-insurance), which positively affects financial development and sets the economy on the path of growth(Khan, 2008).It can then be said that availability of funds generates enterprise, enterprise generates finance flow, finance flow generates financial development, while financial development generates economic growth. De Gregorio and Guidotti(1995) also argued that financial development leads to improved economic growth, especially when funds are efficiently invested. However, Kemal, et al.,(2004) do not regard finance(micro-finance inclusive) as an important determinant of economic growth and Lucas(1988) even referred to it as overstressed, while Levine(1997) sees financial institutions as more harmful to a nations economic growth. This led to a call for redefinition and the use of appropriate measure of estimation of the relationship between financial development and economic growth and development of financial intermediaries by Bencivenga and Smith(1991). The main objective of Microfinance is to raise income, by encouraging private sector activity through the provision of micro-credit to micro and small scale entrepreneurs ((Aghion and Morduch, 2000)). In a study conducted by Chua et al.,(2000), they noticed that the impact of microfinance services on income and consumption is dependent on the initial endowment of the household and the length of time they have been clients of the institution. It is also affected by how efficient they are in the management of the sourced resource and also the profitability of the sector they invest in. Availability of Social amenities and a cheaper source of factors of production also influence income. According to Akanji (2002), the poor make effective use of the credit facilities and not only are they willing to pay the high interest rate on loan, they also in no time make enough returns to run a savings account with the MFI. It should also be noted that the conversion of the poor who were formerly economic liabilities into profit making micro-entrepreneurs have a positive impact on the financial system and consequently begins the process of economic growth by bring its full physical and human resources into productive use (Kamath, 2008). METHODOLOGY Not many literature are available as regard the relationship between microfinance and economic growth, therefore the study will rely much on theoretical framework in order to understand the link between microfinance and economic growth. Both Primary and Secondary sources of data will be used and Questionnaires will be sent out to have a direct feedback from the beneficiary of the scheme while previous studies and findings as regards the Nigerian economy will also be put into use in order to determine a theoretical association between Microfinance and Economic Growth. It should be noted that the two main variables in this dissertation is Microfinance and Economic growth. The choice of Nigeria as a case study was borne out of the fact that the country has recently had its microfinance regulations tuned to enable it play its role in serving its targeted market effectively. An increase in the growth of microfinance institutions in the country has also made them better established and competitive, giving the erstwhile neglected micro-entrepreneurs a choice. The relationship between financial system and economic growth will be first examined and in the second part, microfinance, alongside its associated theories will be explored to determine their impact on Economic Growth. The third part will be about examining the impact of theoretical macro-level effect on the case study, which is Nigeria. Its effect on the case study will help in reshaping the theoretical framework which will be the basis for conclusion. To determine the impact of Microfinance on economic growth, micro credit disbursement from 2000 to 2009 will be analyzed using both non-parametric and parametric test methods. The parametric test involves regressing the dependent variable (GDP from 2000-2009) against the explanatory variable (micro-credit disbursements) to ascertain if its significant and provide explanatory power for economic growth. While the Chi-square method of non-parametric test will be used to examine the questionnaire to determine if there is any association between Microfinance and economic growth. RESEARCH QUESTIONS AND OBJECTIVES This Objective of this dissertation to answer the following questions: Is there a relationship between microfinance and Nigerias economic growth between 2000-2009? Does investment of micro-credit into commerce contribute more to economic growth than other sectors? Does microfinance have an effect on the financial system? Does an increase in the number of Microfinance Institutions result to an increase in economic growth? POTENTIAL PROBLEM The potential problems envisaged in this research work is the availability of data from microfinance institutions in Nigeria as a large number of them do not have access to the internet and so do not post their information online. This brings about another problem, which is the distance between my place of study and the location of the case study. The relative scarcity of research on this area of study also creates a problem of limited materials. However, I have devised solutions for each of the problem. Most of my materials will be sourced from the Microfinance Unit of the Other-Financial -Institutions department of the Central Bank of Nigeria, as they have unhindered access to records of every Microfinance Institution operating in Nigeria. Most of my materials will be sent online while I will make use of a cheap and reliable courier service for my questionnaires. Also, the available materials online will be coupled with those sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria Library and Dat a collected on the MFIs. RESOURCES REQUIRED The main resources needed are data on Nigerias GDP, list of MFIs presently operating, records of loan disbursement by MFIs, records of total amount set aside for Small and Medium Scale Enterprise by the nations commercial banks. All of these will be sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria, while Past Studies and other literature will be freely assessed through the school library. The Questionnaires will be sent through mail and returned through courier. Estimated cost at conclusion is  £250, which includes cost of printing and binding, as well as courier cost. WORKPLAN ITEM PARTICULARS NOTES TIME FRAME 1. Dissertation Proposal Submission May 5, 2010 2. Literature review Sourcing of materials and review of literature July 4- 16, 2010 3. Submission of preliminary literature review to my supervisor, and making suggested corrections June 17- 20, 2010 4. Methodology Reading on Methodology and structuring of theoretical framework June 20- 24, 2010 5. Submission of proposed methodology to supervisor, and making suggested amendments. July 25-June 28, 2010 6. Questionnaire Devise Questionnaire June 29-30, 2010 7. Submission of questionnaire to supervisor, and making suggested amendments July 1-5 2010 8. Questionnaire distribution July 6, 2010 9. Collection of all other needed data and further review of past literature July 7-20 2010 10 Collection of questionnaires and analysis of findings July 21- 25, 2010 11. Data Analysis July 26- 30, 2010 12. Interpretation of Findings. August 1-5, 2010 13. Formulation of Conclusion August 6-10,2010 14. Abstract, and appendix and referenced materials arrangement August 11- 15 15. Updating and Review Review with Supervisor August 16-20, 2010 16. Self review and amendment August 21-25, 2010 17. Final review with supervisor and proof-reading August 26-28,2010 18. Printing and Binding Printing and Binding August 29, 2010 19. Submission Submission at the PG office September 2, 2010. EXPECTED OUTPUT The output, which is the conclusion of this dissertation, is expected to help the Government in its activities aimed at the nations economic development. It will also guide them in effective channeling of resources aimed at poverty alleviation. MFI administrators will also benefit from this work as it will help them in making decisions on how to enlarge their area of coverage and to also record higher returns through provision of other services. Donor Agencies and International institutions will also discover opportunities for helping in the economic growth and empowering the poor. Lastly, this study is expected to pilot other studies in this area and form a basis on which other people discover more efficient and effective ways of making microfinance have a lasting positive impact on economic growth.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Trouble Down South Essay -- US-Mexico Border
Early in our school years we are taught the importance of staying away from drugs and their harmful effects. We live in a nation surrounded by drugs and the culture that surrounds them. Drugs inhabit our everyday lives through the mediums we come in contact with on a daily basis. Most people cannot go through their day without running into a drug reference of some sort on their phones or televisions. However, with all the drugs in our nation, many Americans do not take the time to wonder where they came from or how they got here. The most common answer is the U.S.-Mexico border (Gootenberg 2). As officials worry about the number of illegal immigrants that sneak into the nation, they seem less concerned about the amount of drug content that is smuggled in as well. With high-powered groups such as Los Zetas and the Sinaloans controlling Mexico’s drug world with violence and terrorism, our southern neighbor has a problem that has remained uncontrollable for the past twenty years (Gootenberg 4). Mexico has not always been infested with drugs. The current drug problems stem back to the cocaine boom of the 1980s in Columbia and U.S. efforts to eliminate trades in the 80s and 90s (Gootenberg 1, 2). During the boom, Columbian drug systems were organized in major cities such as Miami and New York. As the mid-80s approached, there were an approximated 22 million cocaine users in the United States (Gootenberg 2). With such success came a rapid expansion of the cocaine market, and it also led to more competition. As this competition rose, the Columbians were forced to insert hit men into the U.S to fight off their Cuban rivals (2). The violence caused by the Columbian markets forced the U.S. president to get involved. Presidents such as Rea... ...iven a broader base in the U.S. President Calderon is visibly unable to control the cartels in his own country, and is in dire need of some assistance. It is a responsibility of the United States to help its’ neighbor before it is too late. Mexican drug cartels have been rising to power since the demise of the Medellin cartel in 1980. They came to power thanks to the blowback effect caused by the United States (Gootenberg 3). With recent U.S. presidential decisions, our nation is doing little to help its neighbor (Kellner and Pipitone 37). Mexico has been left to find its own solution; it will be up to the minds of president Calderon and his fellow governors to find a peaceful way to eliminate the terror that has gripped their nation by the throat. That is, if the competition and hunger for territory and power don’t cause the cartels to destroy each other first.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Nature of Douglasss Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass Es
The Nature of Douglass's Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass wrote his autobiography the Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass to tell his story and to help the abolitionist's cause. It provides a window into his world, which is that of a former slave and of a prominent speaker. Douglass was born a slave in Maryland in 1818; his exact birthday is unknown. Unlike most slaves he had a mistress, Sophia Auld, who taught him his letters when he was about 10 and that basis of knowledge allowed him to 'steal literacy' over the years. Douglass was hired out to a slave breaker named Edward Covey in order to make him more subservient. In 1834 Frederick Douglass and Edward Covey had a battle which changed the course of Douglass?s life, and shaped him into a man who speaks and acts out against injustice. After Fredrick Douglass stood up to Covey he became free in sprit, if not in body, and vowed to allow no one to control his mind again. He escaped slavery and went to New York in 1839. His career as a speaker started in 1841 and in 1845 he published the Narrative. Although, those are some of the basic facts about his life but they do little to describe the man that he was, and what his first work says about himself and what he believed. The Narrative was written after he had spent a few years as a speaker going around telling his life?s story to abolitionist and therefore was in part rehearsed and also meant to be used as propaganda in the fight for equality. The book also serves as a historical source because it documents his voyage though slavery and the movement to end it. It is important when reading his autobiography to keep both views in mind. Many people have analyzed this complex work, Donald B. Gibson wrote about Douglass?s dual focus in his writing about how he had a public and social focus and a personal focus and private. The public and social focus was to correct the moral and political ills that slavery brought. While the personal and private focused on Douglass?s own thoughts, feelings, reactions, and emotions. The social focus was what presented the first twenty-one years of Douglass?s life in a way that allowed it to serve as a weapon for abolitionism. William Lloyd Garrison and Wendell Phillips recognized the public perspective, both of which wrote prefatory material to the Narrative. I... ...hen reading Frederick Douglass?s Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass it is important to take in to account the time period in which it was written, who the author was and their background, and the purpose that the work was written for. Douglass was a slave and an abolitionist who wrote about his life for two reasons, to give the facts and to convince people that slavery was wrong. The way he wrote both parts are intertwined so that they compliment and support each other it exist as a work of abolitionist propaganda and as an historical source. Bibliography Andrews, William L., To Tell a Free Story: The First Century of Afro-American Autobiography, 1760-1865. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1986. Douglass, Fredrick, Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass: An American Slave, ed. David Blight. New York: St. Martins, 1993. Gibson, Donald B., Reconciling Public and Private in Frederick Douglass? Narrative, Rutgers University. Polsky, Milton. The American Slave Narrative: Dramatic Resource Material for the Classroom. Hunter College of CUNY. Stewart, James Brewer, Holy Warriors The Abolitionists and American Slavery. New York: Hill and Wang, 1976.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Love in the Time of Cholera
How does novel, â€Å"Love in the Time of Cholera†define Love and Marriage? The novel â€Å"Love in the Time of Cholera,†basically defines love as a curse or sickness rather than simply a feeling. This best exemplified by Florentino Arizam one of the main characters in the novel, as he is seemingly cursed with an obsession for his love, Fermina Daza. Generally, throughout the entire story, it was depicted that Florentino loved Fermina so much that it nearly drove him insane. It basically began when Florentino and Fermina were still young. Everyday Florentino would watch Fermina as she walks to her school. When Florentino was able to muster enough courage to approach Fermina, he did so very aggressively as he insisted that she asked permission from her father in order for him to be able to court her. Even though Fermina showed no interest in him, Florentino still persisted and even went as far as saying that his need for her and his desire to be with her was a matter of life and death. This basically shows that from the start, Florentino was already determined to get Fermina. In addition to that, Florentino’s obsession for Fermina could be not hindered by Lorenzo Daza, the latter’s father who forbade his daughter from marrying him. Even when Lorenzo took Fermina away on a journey, Florentino still found a way to secretly send telegrams to her, which basically stresses the fact that his feelings towards her were more of an obsession. However, although Florentino’s expressions of his unfaltering love for Fermina can be initially viewed as admirable acts, it also showed the damages that love can do to a person. Basically, Florentino’s obsession towards Fermina can be likened to a disease called cholera, which was shown as an epidemic in the story in the story. Basically, like cholera, Florentino is â€Å"lovesick†as he resorts to doing unusual things just to satisfy his desire for Fermina. In addition, when the two were away from each other, Florentino ate grass and drank cologne simply because he wanted to be familiar with her scent. Moreover, when he was away from Fermina, Florenino would engage in sexual intercourse with several women just to satisfy his need for her. Although he promised to himself that he would reserve his virginity solely to Fermina, he was forced to break that vow because he felt that resorting to sexual intercourse would somehow alleviate the pain of being unable to be with her. In addition, as he was having sex with Rosalba, he was also thinking of his tormented love for Fermina which shows that sexual intercourse was a temporary antidote for his incurable sickness or obsession. In other words, although in the modern world, love is generally perceived as a positive feeling, in the story it was depicted as both a physical and mental illness which is why it can be closely likened to cholera, which is a disease characterized by severe dehydration and vomiting. Florentino was so obsessed with Fermina that he was no longer able to function normally without thinking of her first. In addition, this also showed that his love for her not only physically ill but also mentally disturbed. Furthemore, in the story, marriage was perceived as something that can be simply forced on someone instead of something that is governed by freedom of choice. This was basically shown when Lorenzo refused to allow her daughter, Fermina, to marry Florentino even though she had already accepted his proposal. Moreover, even though Lorenzo knew that his refusal to allow her daughter to choose whom she wants to marry was similar to the disapproval of his wife’s family of their marriage, he still forced his will on Fermina which shows that he did not learn from his past mistakes. He still allowed history to repeat itself as he forced Fermina to marry Dr. Juvenal Urbnino. Furthermore, in the novel, marriage was characterized as a means to commit infidelity as Dr. Urbino himself had an affair with a woman named Barbara Lynch. In addition, it was shown throughout the story that both Dr. Urbino and Fermina were not a happy with their marriage as they would constantly argue over the simplest things such as a little bar of soap. This basically showed that since the two did not truly love each other, they were unable to live a happy and normal marriage. Moreover, this also supports the traditional definition of marriage which states that both the man and the woman must willingly agree in order for the bond to be successful and long lasting. In short, the novel basically defined love and marriage as mere compulsive obsessions. The novel’s definition of love and marriage deviates from the dogmatic and traditional definitions which basically state that the two are sacred and long lasting bonds between two people that are governed by divine laws. Basically, in the novel, love was defined as a feeling that can drive a person insane to the point that it becomes similar to a disease that cannot be simply cured which is best illustrated by Florentno’s obsession for Fermina.On the other hand, marriage was defined as a bond in which one cannot freely choose whom he or she would like to marry but rather as something that can be forced on a person by anyone.        Love in the Time of Cholera The setting for the novel â€Å"Love in the Time of Cholera†is during the late nineteenth century to the early twentieth century in a Spanish city somewhere in South America. This is much like the authors country of origin which is Colombia. Much of Gabriel Garcia Marquez writings were shaped by his own life experiences along with his life in Columbia. Marquez incorporated much of Columbia’s cultural strife and society in his novels. The large gap between the rich and the poor, along with the injustices is a way of life in South America, and social class is always incorporated into his writings. He was born in 1928 in the small town of Aracataca and was raised by his grandparents until he was eight and his grandfather passed away. He is often quoted as saying â€Å"that it was during this time that all of the most exciting things happened in his life and after this period nothing really exciting ever happened†(McNerney 16). When Marquez responded to an interview that he saw stories and created them from a single image and his image of this story was, â€Å"two old people dancing on the deck of a boat dancing a bolero†(Matuz 55: 135). He was true to that image. In researching the author and the novel I noticed that many references were made towards his grandmother’s influence in his writings and especially when looking at the mystical aspect of his writings. His grandmother, Tranquilina Iquaran Cotes believed in the supernatural and it was incorporated into their daily life, â€Å"many of the tales he heard during this period find their way into his fiction, it is the matter of fact tone with which his grandmother said the most outrageous things that characterized his work†(McNerney 7). Many of his female characters mirrored his grandmother’s attitude and beliefs. Female characters were fundamental in his writings, just as they were to him in reality. Women were strong, but knew their place. With Fermina Daza her duties were to her husband up until his death. When an event happened to a character it was usually on a grand scale, such as the love Ariza has for Daza, this was said to mirror Marquez’s life he would say, â€Å"Everything that happened to me in the street had an enormous resonance in the house. The women in the kitchen would tell the stories to the strangers arriving on the train, who in turn brought other stories to be told†(McNerney 24). Marquez said his first contact with the written word was when he was five by way of his grandfather. And it was on a trip as an adult to his grandparent’s home that gave him the inspiration to be a writer.  His use of symbolism was probably because of his grandmother and is blended with all of his writings. The novel â€Å"Love in the Time of Cholera†, revolves around a strange love triangle between a husband and his wife who through the course of fifty years showed how another man loved the woman enough to wait until her present husband would die then he could replace him having the woman for himself. As the story unfolds Fermina Daza, the female character and wife of Urbino’s the doctor, only married him for security but after awhile began a love for him. The man who had loved her all during this time, Florentino Ariza, believed his love was beyond this realm, spiritual making it indestructible and forever. Florentino believed that love constituted his entire reason for being. With Marquez’s writing of Florentino he linked love and suffering very well. Marquez’s grandmother would say, â€Å"Take advantage and suffer all you can now that your young things like this won’t last your whole life†(McNerney 89). The reflection of Florentino’s mother underestimation of her son’s ability to love was probably the same with Marquez’s grandmother. When asked what was the creation of â€Å"Love in the Time of Cholera†Marquez replied that â€Å"it came from two sources the first was the love affair between his parents†, which he compares to his parents and the other was a story he had read about the death of two Americans who for forty years had meet in Acapulco, but on their last trip they had taken a boat ride and was killed by the boatman and robbed. It was because of their deaths and how their romance was found out that intrigued him (Matuz 55: 134). The novel begins with de Saint-Amour’s suicide and Urbino is called as a doctor to come to investigate. Saint-Amour has taken cyanide because of his getting older and his belief that his mistress doesn’t really love him Urbino believes â€Å"the fate of unrequited love†(3). His getting older was truly the core of his own suicide. Urbino is saddened by his friend’s suicide and reflects on his own aging self. This part ends with Urbino’s death. Then the story really begins to unfold with Florentino, who loves Urbino’s wife and has been waiting for her for exactly fifty-one years, nine months, and four days can now re-profess his love to her. After the funeral Florentino tells Fermina how he feels, he tells her of his â€Å"vow of eternal fidelity and everlasting love†(50). She becomes angry at Florentino and tells him to leave her house forever because of cursing her husband’s memory by just saying that. But strangely she dreams that night are of Florentino, a love she passed on so many years ago. The middle of the novel tells a tale of love between Fermina and Florentino, but also chronicles Fermina’s long marriage to Urbino. Fermina and Florentino were forced apart by Fermina’s father and how they kept in contact, by telegraph, was the same as Garcia Marquez’s parents. In reading this part of the book I found that his devotion is moving. Once during the years apart he happened to see Fermina’s reflection in a restaurant mirror, and he had to buy it from the owner and persuaded him to sell it so he can take it home, this was a good representation of the mystical realism the book had. He believed that her reflection was captured in the mirror and having the mirror gave him a sense of having her. By the time they are able to be together because of Urbino’s death Ariza is seventy-six and Daza is seventy-one. He was not an attractive man but he also was not faithful to his love on this earthly plane, but was only faithful on the spiritual plane. Florentino’s drive for writing, which mirrors the authors, has him writing of his hundreds of sexual encounters. He estimated it at 622 encounters that were of a long term status. He had written them in twenty-five notebooks that he gave the title of â€Å"Women†. Florentino has a romantic belief in love and would do anything even total devotion to his love. He loves writing love letters and that is how he won the love of Fermina when they were young. It took almost two years to win Fermina’s heart back again. Florentino persuades Fermina to take a cruise with him up the Magdalena River on a boat that was named New Fidelity. Their love grew and eventually they consummated their love on this cruise. How Marquez describes their aging bodies as time that had passed between them is kind of sad. On the first night of the trip Fermina finally allowed Florentino to touch her hand they realized how different than when they first touched, but soon realized how really it was the same, â€Å"the hands made of old bones were not the hands they had imagined before touching. In the next moment, however, they were†(329). Their love making was too hurried at first and not as satisfying as they would have hoped by still they are â€Å"satisfied with the simple joy of being together†(341). The title of the novel is because of the many aspects the novel has. Urbino first met Fermina because she became ill during a cholera epidemic. Fermina’s father thought that possibly she had cholera, but she just had the stomach flu instead. In another part of the novel Florentino becomes ill and believes his symptoms mean he has cholera, but his was because of his suffering because of his love. He had two episodes like this one when he was a young fellow and another when Fermina allowed him back into her house after banishing him a year before when her husband had died. At the end of the novel Florentino also has the boat captain fly a cholera flag to have privacy. It works because of the bodies in the river could be victims of another cholera epidemic. But they have problems when they can’t dock because of the flag and Florentino vows to protect her with his love and under the cholera flag â€Å"forever†. When Gabriel Garcia Marquez was interviewed by Marlise Simons he was asked what intrigued him about plagues he replied, â€Å"They make people want to live more. It’s that almost metaphysical dimension that interests me†(Matuz 55: 134). The novel is very complex and should not be interpreted literally. It allows the characters Florentino and Fermina to claim their age but to still explore life with vigor. Author S.M.J. Minta wrote, â€Å"It is a novel about commitment and fidelity under circumstances which seem to render such virtues, absurd, about refusal to grow old gracefully and respectably, about the triumph sentiment can still win over reason, and above al, perhaps, about Latin America, about keeping faith with where, for better or worse, you started from.†(Matuz 55: 143). Marquez’s writing of love is truly heart felt and inspiring. His love and imagination for writing is clear in this novel. The mystical realism in his novels flows so easily because it flows so easily in his own life. Galen Strawson wrote, â€Å"Garcia Marquez’s insight into human turpitude and pettiness is inseparable from and amusement and forgiveness, and from intense affections†(Matuz 55: 144). This is a good description of what the novel was all about. Works Cited Bell-Villada, Gene H. â€Å"Garcia Marquez: The Man and His Works†. Chapel Hill:            University of North Carolina Press. 1990 Jones, Anne H. â€Å"Literature and Medicine: Garcia Marquez ‘Love in the Time of Cholera’†. Lancet; October 18, 1997 v. 350 Issues 9085 Marquez, Gabriel G. â€Å"Love in the Time of Cholera†. Boston, Mass.: G.K. Hall. 1989 Matuz, Roger (Ed.) & Gills, Mary K. â€Å"Contemporary Literary Criticism†.          Detroit: Gale  Research Co. 1988 v. 55 McNerney, Kathleen. â€Å"Understanding Gabriel Garcia Marquez†. Columbia, S.C.:          University of South Carolina Press. 1998.  Â
Monday, September 16, 2019
Life is like an ocean
The ocean. This is the object/place that I could compare with my life. Life is unpredictable and there are also waves like the ocean. There are calm days and there are rough days. Sometimes it's warm and inviting, but sometimes it's cold and scary. The ocean is deep and there is much to explore. And also is life. There are so many things to explore, but we can only experience all this things if we go inside it.Every mime you go inside it, you learn new things and this things could make you grow up and can teach you some things. Some of us are afraid of what will happen because we don't know what's next. â€Å"What if I can't? What if I fail? What if they laugh at me? What if I get hurt? †This questions are some of those hindrance of solving our challenges in life. We should not overreact and all we have to do is Just think about It.If we make the bad decision then we should not blame others, we must need to sail gain through the rough parts of it until we already achieve it. It can pull us under, but we can still rise if we really want that our dreams will come true. My life can be compared to ocean. It's always moving, and having ups and downs, long, and big. We also meet different creatures while exploring that can help us. Even if it is full of problems, we should still enjoy It. Life Is an ocean of experiences. You should dive right In!
Sunday, September 15, 2019
People Only See What They Are Prepared to See Essay
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, â€Å"People only see what they are prepared to see.†A statement so veridical, that the people to whom it implies are either not capable of understanding it or simply cannot accept it. In fact, most of humanity can read the undeniably prodigious quote ad infinitum, without comprehending the profound meaning behind it. There are four types of individualities, each reacting to the quote in a different manner. And how individuals react to it, determines their general responses to the situations which life brings upon them. Innocent minds are unable to adequately understand the significance of the quote. Because of their naivety, they are neither able to respond intelligibly to the quote, nor to most situations in life. They are gullible and non-opinionative, thus, only seeing what others want them to see. The majority of people so caracterised are infants and young children. They fail to look at things from various perspectives because they have not yet had enough experience in life. For instance, if you speak of war with a child, he or she will not know how to respond. The mind of the person is too young for knowing what to do when spoken to about political conflicts, patriotisms, warfare, death and other serious matters. In most situations, their innocent, unsophisticated minds, simply cannot understand the difference between wrong and right until they develop into more sophisticated beings. Ignorant people avoid thinking about anything which does not concern them personally. These people apparently have the ability to see, but because of their personality, are unable to. Until they start caring, they will not be able to see things which demand care, because they are not yet ready. Many adolescents and unsuccessful people would fall into this category. And why I stereotype many unsuccessful people is due to the fact that they are ignorant to education and in time, fail to succeed in life. Education is the knowledge of life, and if avoided, results in failure at it. If again, you mention war to an ignorant being, he or she will dismiss the subject before it could reach the brain’s thinking process. These personalities could never go below the surface of the topic. Stubbornness is similar to ignorance, but not quite the same. The stubborn will not hesitate to dive into the ocean, but will never reach the bottom so they can examine it in depth. These people will hear a topic; they will think about the topic; but before looking at it from another viewpoint, their stubbornness will compel them to form a prejudice opinion. These would be the people who, when spoken to of war, will take a stand on one side before examining the other. For example, if America is warring with Iraq, many stubborn Americans will support their leader no matter how immoral his actions may be. Same would imply to the stubborn Iraqis, who will deny the fact that their leader was corrupt without visualizing him from his victims’ perspective. Because they are the citizens of their country, they will overlook its faults and never question their government’s actions, thus, diving into the situation, but only going half way down, because that is what they are prepar ed to see, therefore, that is what they see. The realists see everything and accept it as it is. They have the power to make unbiased decisions and opinions. These are the people who will stand up for what they believe in. They are logical and open-minded. A realist would dive into the ocean, go to the bottom, take time to look at everything in depth, then, and only then, will form an opinion backed by much reasoning. Realists can see everything. Their minds have no road blocks blocking information from entering and processing through their brains. A realist will look at Emerson’s quote and completely comprehend its meaning. To what depth you understand this essay will determine how ready your mind is to accept the facts stated in it. Literally, you will see everything on these pages. However, mentally, your mind will comprehend only the details herein, for which it is prepared to accept. If you have read this far, you certainly are not ignorant; you have already gone below the surface of the quote. If you have understood and accepted everything, congratulations, you are in fact, a realist! If not, time may be the remedy to your innocence or stubbornness.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Language-rich classroom
It is necessary to admit that acquisition of new words shouldn’t be only particular stage in child development. Developing language skills is very important stage in literacy development of every child. Children acquire new words through everyday interactions with parents, friends and school teachers. Recent researches suggest that â€Å"number of words spoken to children in the first three years of life and the quality of the feedback they receive have a significant impact on their success in school†. (Lynn 1997) Many researchers and psychologists claim that children should be placed in language-rich environment to develop their skills better and faster. Language-rich environment at school is of great importance because children are provided with abundance of environmental print and text to practice reading, as well as they face written and oral language. Furthermore, children are allowed to ask for support of parents or caregivers. Such classrooms increase children’s awareness and help to develop alphabetic principles and enrich vocabulary. The role of a teacher in such classroom is integral as he/she supplies children with necessary textbooks and other materials. Distinguished feature of such classroom is that teachers don’t criticize their students; instead, they encourage them and involve in writing and reading activities. Conversation is an essential part of language-rich environment. The main characteristics of language-rich classroom are the following: 1.  teachers read books aloud every day because reading motivates conversation and, therefore, children develop new vocabulary, sentence structures, and they overcome fear to speak aloud; 2.  teachers encourage pretend talk and pretend play because opening â€Å"the frame of reference into the world of pretend gives additional opportunity for new vocabulary and predicting skills†; (What Are The Features 2006) 3.  teachers value children’ efforts and options meaning that teachers ask children to support their hypothesis or claim; it will help to develop though process and make children to defend their position and extend their thinking; 4.  children are treated as people with interesting and extraordinary experience meaning that children are encouraged during their mealtime or play time to discuss interesting moments with each other; (What Are The Features 2006) 5.  teachers introduce words – they can be written of every object in a classroom. There are many instructional strategies how to support language-rich environment. For example, teachers should speak slowly at first and shouldn’t distort their language. Nevertheless, two strategies seem to be of top priority in every classroom. Firstly, teachers should label every object in classroom because it will help newcomers to understand the meanings of the objects at school. Secondly, teachers school from the very beginning of the studies to assign classroom duties among all students because it will help them to consider themselves part of the classroom. Duties will also develop the sense of duty and responsibility. It goes without saying that all strategies suggest that students should be praised for their work, eve if the task is very simply. (Literacy Development 2004) Finally, parents and caregivers should be also interested and encourage taking part in children’s development. Researchers say that children who communicate with parents every day develop language skills better than children who don’t. Therefore, parent should understand that their children are interesting personality and they want to develop speaking, reading, writing and listening skills. Parents should talk to their children, firstly, about children’s everyday experiences and activities, ask them to describe object, relations with other students. Parent should consider that children are fond of pretend play and should make up stories and poems with them. Drawing and scribbling are the best ways to encourage writing. (What Are The Features 2006) References Lynn, Leon. (1997). Language-Rich Home and School Environments Are Key to Reading Success. Retrieved July 12, 2007, from Â
George and Lennie Comparison Essay
George and Lennie, two extraordinary characters in Of Mice and Men, Similar yet very different. Both Lennie and George rely on their friendship to survive. Lennie depends on his friendship with George to make the correct desisions. George relies on the friendship he has with Lennie in order to plan for the future. While Lennie depends on George, in some ways George depends on Lennie. For example, despite George’s impatience and annoyance with Lennie, and his remarks about how easy his life would be without him, George would lead a much harder life. George always explains to Lennie what is correct and incorrect and makes sure that Lennie behaves. Finally, in order for George to have a future in mind, George needs Lennie. George and Lenny both shared the same type of hard work, and both of them lacked friendship in their lives. Both George and Lenny want something more in life – they are both dreamers. Their similarities lay below the surface where they appear different. George is a small, quick man with well-defined features. A migrant ranch worker, George dreamt of one day saving enough money to buy his own place and be his own boss, living off of the land. The hindrance to his objective is his mentally handicapped companion, Lennie, with whom he has traveled and worked since Lennie’s Aunt Clara, whom George knew, died. The majority of George’s energy is devoted to looking after Lennie, whose blunders prevent George from working toward his dream, or even living the life of a normal rancher. Thus, George’s conflict arises in Lennie, to whom he has the ties of long- time companionship that he so often yearns to break in order to live the life of which he dreams. This tension strains George into demonstrating various emotions, ranging from anger to patience to sadness to pride and to hope. George’s companion, the source of the novel’s conflict. Lennie, enormous, ungainly, and mentally slow, is George’s polar opposite both mentally and physically. Lennie’s ignorance and innocence and helplessness, his childish actions, such as his desire to pet soft things, contrast his physical bulk, making him likeable to readers. Although devoid of cruel intentions, Lennie’s stupidity and carelessness cause him to unwittingly harm animals and people, which creates trouble for both him and George. Lennie is tirelessly devoted to George and delights in hearing him tell of the dream of having a farm, but he does not desire the dream of the American worker in the same way that George does. His understanding of George’s dream is more childish and he grows excited at the possibility of tending the future rabbits, most likely because it will afford him a chance to pet their soft hides as much as he wishes. Nevertheless, a dream is a dream, different for everyone, and George and Lennie share the similar attribute of desiring what they haven’t got. Lennie, however, is helpless to attain his dream, and remains a static character throughout, relying on George to fuel is hope and save him from trouble
Friday, September 13, 2019
Harvard Business School Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Harvard Business School Analysis - Case Study Example James commitment is seen as he travelled to various countries from Sun’s headquarters in California unexpectedly with a few hours’ notice to meet the 45 global team members dealing with customer implementation in France, United Arab Emirates (UAE), United States (US), and India. The fact that he followed up the core of the problem shows that he is responsible, flexible, and dependable hence portraying the character of an intelligent manager of a global team. You displayed an image of responsibility as a manager when you travelled to the countries where Sun operates to find out for the second time why they were not responding promptly to the customer system outage, as they were required by the agreements in their service contracts. James managed his global team well by ensuring constant communication between the other managers in other countries for instance; he had strings of emails that had been forwarded by service managers such Ashok Rahul from Mumbai team. This effort confirms that James is knowledgeable of all the events that take place in the firm in various countries hence ensuring success in the business. James is an organized leader as he ensured recruitment of individuals from at least all the countries where they had operations in Europe and Asia to serve the customers of Sun’s enterprise. The experience of James in the technical field enables him to manage the global teams and enables him to get a sixth sense and to trust himself when in challenging situations (Garton and Wegryn, 45-46). In my opinion, the individual who should be blamed for the HS Holding crisis is Praveen Devilal who is the Support Engineer for team in Mumbai. Praveen should be blamed because due to his irrational behavior he used the weekday contact protocols instead of using the weekend protocol forgetting that in California it was still a weekend. Nick Elliott the Application
Thursday, September 12, 2019
How the jewish american lobby influences congress on us foreigh policy Research Proposal
How the jewish american lobby influences congress on us foreigh policy towards israel - Research Proposal Example Among the most prominent are the Zionist/Jewish groups that have been joined by various Christian groups to form a powerful pro-Israel lobby group. The predominant lobby group among the pro-Israel supporters is the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which together with other powerful Israel friendly groups have been accused of adversely influencing US foreign policy ‘dominating American foreign policy while disguised as a domestic lobby (Gates, 1). However, there are over 60 pro-Israel lobby organisations with the most powerful being AIPAC, Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the American Zionist Council (AZC), and the American Jewish Committee (AJC). Among these, 52 are affiliated to the umbrella body The Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American Organizations representing American Jews. The Israel lobby has also prospered with the addition of the powerful Christian evangelicals to their cause as the evangelicals enjoy massive support in rural America even though there very few Jews found there. In the UK veteran Labour legislator, Tam Dalyell declared in 2003 that, â€Å"A Jewish cabal have taken over the government in the United States and formed an unholy alliance with fundamentalist Christians †¦ There is far too much Jewish influence in the United States†(Nelson). United States as the only remaining world superpower has thus immense influence on most of the global foreign policy unmatched by any other nation. Since the demise of world communism and the fall of the Berlin Wall, much of the world attention has been expended on the Middle East agenda, which mainly evolves around the toxic Israel-Palestine relations or rather Arab-Israel conflicts. In this regard, the US actions and inactions have shaped its relations with both set of antagonists. The United States unwavering support of Israel has thus shaped its relations with the Arab countries of the Middle East leading
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