Tuesday, December 24, 2019
The United States Army Is One Of The Oldest American...
The United States Army is one of the oldest American institutions that has been around longer than the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The Army has many accomplishments throughout its time to include ending slavery and winning two world wars. The uniform of the army represents many things to the soldiers who serve, the families that support the soldiers, and the American citizens. The soldiers that are serving wear the uniform knowing that there will be hardships that they must overcome in their career. The Army families also have to endure the timely separations from their loved ones, not knowing if they will come home. The American citizens view soldiers as a form of pride and love for the country they swore to†¦show more content†¦Landpower is defined as the ability to gain, sustain, and exploit control over land, resources, and people. The United States Army is so successful because they insert troops into the conflicting nations and don’t p ull them out until they decide that the nation is stable and able to operate on its own. The roles of the Army are prevent, shape, and win. The Army prevents conflict in a nation by having a force that is trustworthy and made up of combat ready forces that can act swiftly when the time comes. The Army also has to stand ready to help defend other nation’s forces if they were to come in conflict at any time. The Army also has to shape the partnering nations by helping to train them so they can defend themselves. The last role is to win, and do so successfully against any opposing force. This can sometimes be the most difficult because it is face to face with the opponents and uses lethal means. The Army mission comes from the congress and laws governing the Armed Forces. The Army is a part of the Armed Forces as well as a profession. Not only does the Army carry out the missions given to them by the Commander in Chief but everyone has a job they have to do in order for the rest of the mission to flow smoothly. The Army relies on trust between soldiers and also the trust between soldiers and their leaders. The mission cannot be completed if there is not trust between everyone working together as a team. Other forms of trust include that betweenShow MoreRelatedRole of the National Guard2150 Words  | 9 PagesAbstract The National Guard is one of the oldest American institutions, and predates the War of Independence. Substantiated by the Constitution, the National Guard remains a viable military force that provides both domestic and international support for the standing armed forces. One of the capacities that the National Guard has recently served as happens to be within the realm of post-conflict stabilization. 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The university was founded in the early 1800’s and was followed by only five other military colleges. The Department of Defense recognizes Norwich University as the birthplace of the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC). Norwich University creates a supportive learning environment by maintaining an average student-faculty ratio of one to 12. The Academic Achievement Center employs professionalsRead MoreThe Legacy Of Ronald Wilson Reagan1247 Words  | 5 PagesIrish background, while his mother was a Scottish and English mix. Reagan had only one sibling, his brother, Neil Reagan. He attended a high school nearby what he considers his hometown, Dixon. At Dixon high school, he served as student body president and participated in football,basketball, track, and school plays. After graduating from Dixon High, he proceeded to attend Eureka College, a small liberal arts institution and majored in economics and sociology. 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The workload of the nurse faculty profession has proven to be one of the highest in stress content levels, by way of the various strains and discontents that lead to burnout amongst nurse faculty (Baker, Fitzpatrick, Griffin, 2011; Roughton, 2013; Yedidia, Chou, Brownlee, Flynn, Tanner, 2014). Preceding efforts in the arena of the administrative department provides only one basis to organizational commitment elements that influence multigenerational nurse facultyRead MoreThe Events That Changed Latin America2205 Words  | 9 PagesThe Event that Changed Latin America The Latin American countries have been subject to many changes ever since the American continent was discovered. These changes have mainly affected the economy, culture and power changes these countries have suffered throughout the years. According to Jon Charles Chasteen on his book â€Å"Born in Blood Fire†During the twentieth century, there were three main events that changed the course of Latin American countries and their economies. These three events wereRead MorePrison Gangs2927 Words  | 12 Pageswell-organized groups could still pose significant threats to the security and orderly running of an institution. Many of these smaller groups occupy the fringes of various conceptual and organizational frameworks, most notable ethnic, religious, or social organizations. Nevertheless, they have demonstrated that they can constitute a threat to prison security and public safety (gang buster). In 1986 the United States Department of Justice identified 114 different pri son gangs in the U.S., and with a membership
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Hidden Facts Regarding Long Argumentative Essay Topics Uncovered by an Old Pro
The Hidden Facts Regarding Long Argumentative Essay Topics Uncovered by an Old Pro You don't need to find super technical with legal argumentative essays, but make certain to do your homework on what the present laws about your preferred topic actually say. Therefore, the topic needs to be debatable! Pick the topic you're already knowledgeable about. Whether you cannot decide on topics for argumentative essay, don't understand how to begin, or simply require a good example of a well-structured paper in a particular format, we're always prepared to help! Remember your final grade significantly is contingent on the topic. To compose a strong argumentative essay, students should start by familiarizing themselves with a number of the common, and frequently conflicting, positions on the research topic so they can write an educated paper. An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. It is a particular type of academic writing. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's important to at all times be critically contemplating the world around us. Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. But What About Long Argumentative Essay Topics? When it has to do with writing an argumentative essay, the most crucial issue to do is to select a topic and an argument which you can really get behind. The primary goal of topic choice for a proposal essay is to show the idea can be put into place in practice. In choosing your topic, it's frequently a good notion to start out with a subject which you already have some familiarity with. When you are requested to opt for a great topic for your argument, start with something you're familiarized with. The above-mentioned topic selection may give you a very clear comprehension of what things to write about. After you choose a topic, you should reply to the query and substantiate your response with three or more motivations as to why you think like that. You may see that the course of action is practically always the exact same. You have to discover good evidence to back up your ideas and examples to illustrate the evidence. Facts, Fiction and Long Argumentative Essay Topics Thanks to the correct selection of presentation style and a thorough understanding of the goals you wish to attain in your essay, there are plenty of categories essay themes may be broken into. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. Leading quality essays provide services in the area of academic write an essay about your life experience throughout the world order top-class services of on-line uk. Discover how to compose a great an d intriguing analysis essay or research paper on a movie known as an attractive mind. There are several steps that you should take so as to write an outstanding essay. When you've got a completed outline, you'll have a step-by-step guide that you are able to follow till you're done writing. In terms of the organization of the last essay, it's advisable to use a 5-paragraph structure. Thus, it's important to read corresponding formatting guide. Remember which you can make funny argumentative essays if you do a few things. There's no need in making a determination, which health problem or phenomena is more urgent right now or what's left in the shadows and should be enlightened at least in your essay. Preferably, it needs to be something that you're an expert in. The issue is that everybody's interpretation of what makes a great society differs. The second thing that you should take care of once you choose the title is to maintain in mind five kinds of argument claims. When you're picking your topic, bear in mind that it's much simpler to write about something which you currently have interest ineven in case you don't know a good deal about it. It is preferable to search online since it will save yourself a plenty of time. Second, talk what you shouldn't do instead of what has to be carried out. The Key to Successful Long Argumentative Essay Topics If you need to write your whole essay in 1 day, do your very best to give yourself breaks so you don't burn out. Our crew of professional writers with the essential experience and writing skills is always prepared to fulfill your demands and exceed your expectations. The last write-up ought to be concise with firm language. Yearly driving tests ought to be mandatory for the initial five years after obtaining a license.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Class family in Bradford Essay Example For Students
Class family in Bradford Essay In 1894 J. B Priestley was born into a middle class family in Bradford. As his grandparents were working class, Priestley had an insight into both social tiers and the strong divide between them. Priestley became bombarded with opinions from a multi-talented philosophical social reformer, George Bernard Shaw. George Bernard Shaw believed an improvement in human nature was long overdue and the quote Its all that the young can do for the old, to shock them and keep them up to date left a permanent impression in Priestleys thoughts that would later influence his writing. Throughout his lifetime Priestley saw many unnecessary disasters such as lower class people dying from the cold, mill explosions and an unemployment epidemic with a lack of government assistance. The liberating suffragette movement combined with the eloquent influence of H. G Wells throughout it allowed Priestley to accept society changing as a possible occurrence. Although, the tragedy of death and destruction caused by the First World War shook society, these mistakes were not only repeated, but also magnified in the Second World War. Witnessing these unnecessary disasters, Priestley began to form strong opinions about the problems in society. In 1945, when the Second World War ended, Priestley wrote An Inspector Calls in Moscow and incorporated the communist views of the Soviet Union with the opinions of H. G Wells and George Bernard Shaw. This produced a moralistic play aimed at reform societys virtues rather then an entertaining play, although the play proved to be popular with its audiences for entertainment purposes. An Inspector Calls integrated the idea that economic value was irrelevant when measuring a persons nobility and every class of person is entitled to a decent standard of living. Priestley set An Inspector Calls in 1912, to convey his message most efficiently as he had experienced preventable capitalist mistakes. He related his play to an extreme disaster involving the whole of society. It was also a time when materialistic beliefs stood strong and allowed Priestley to mock these beliefs. Priestley uses factual evidence of Titanic in An Inspector Calls to prove this opinion wrong. People assumed that a ship of Titanics enormous size and luxury was unsinkable. However, the ornate fittings and obvious wealth on the ship gave a false sense of security and many people died. The audience feels distant from the Birling family at the beginning of the play, as they give an impression of being very self-centred. The family seemed very content and stable together and away from the problems of society. As the inspector reveals the harsh truth about their behaviour towards Eva Smith the family breakdown to show the audience fragile and empty lives, the audience lose respect for the family and begin to pity them. Although, Eric and Sheilas maturity and responsible attitudes gains the audiences admiration. An Inspector Calls operates in real time in a tense discussion about the consequences of the Birlingss selfish actions. The heartless acts do not actually occur in the play but are only spoken about and the audiences are informed through conversation about Eva Smiths suicide and her reasons. As the audience never experience events contributing to her death or her actual death, the author has the opportunity to alter previous events. The dubious information leaves the audience in anticipation. As the action is not witnessed it is easier for the audience to accept Eva Smith symbolising the future. Except for Eric and Mrs Birling the inspector confronts each member of the family in chronological order, to complete the audiences and the characters understanding. The inspector reveals that Mrs Birling rejected Eva Smith from her charity organisation before she knew Eric was the father. This is because with the knowledge that Eric was the father, Mrs Birling would have reacted differently and not shown her hypocrisy. .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41 , .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41 .postImageUrl , .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41 , .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41:hover , .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41:visited , .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41:active { border:0!important; } .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41:active , .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41 .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubf09c166402b0ed960a6700675727c41:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: My Job at Family Dollar EssayThe play is easy to accept because it is in a realistic setting and at the time it was written, many people had similar beliefs to those raised in the play. As the story slowly unwinds, the audience senses an approaching climax that keeps them in suspense. The inspector keeps releasing clues and the mounting tension with each interrogation holds the audiences interest and challenges them to solve the mystery. For example Sheila says to Gerald I expect youve done things youre ashamed of too, which hints that Gerald has a shameful secret. The inspector enters the play dressed in a darkish suit and is described as a man who creates an impression of massiveness, solidity and purposefulness. His strong presence interrupts the excitable atmosphere of Sheila and Geralds engagement celebrations and transforms almost instantly into an aura of tension by his uncomfortable questions, despite the families attempt to avoid the inspectors enquiry. He proceeds to slowly reveal the truth in a logical fashion to influence both the play characters and the audience. The inspector presents many clues, such as insinuating Erics involvement as he protests for Eric not to turn in as you might have to turn out again soon. The order is important as this is designed to both intrigue the audience and to influence the audiences thoughts. Priestly used this as an instrument to convey his notions. The inspector allows the characters to announce their opinions in an arrogant manner, then contradicts them by revealing the truth. The inspector asks who is to blame and Mrs Birling replys blame the young man who was the father but later the inspector reveals Eric is the father. The audience relates to the inspectors questions connected to the current social events of the period. In a similar way to the characters, the audience is allowed to form opinions, which are later demolished. The inspector exits with a final summary of Priestleys righteous notion, We dont live alone. We are members of one body-We are responsible for each other as our lives are intertwined with occurrences of the future and peoples happiness. The effect caused by Birlings selfish beliefs correlate with societys similar views that this would result in disastrous consequences of fire and blood and anguish. The inspector acts as a Greek chorus filling in pieces of information and makes righteous comments as if he is on a higher moral level. One example of Priestleys ideas about social status being unrelated to ones nobility, is communicated through the inspector as he says Sometimes there isnt as much difference as you think. In response to were respectable citizens and not criminals, Priestley did not want too much attention concentrated on who the inspector was, but to the points he made. As a result the inspector spoke concisely with little emotion or information about himself, he would either ask a question She talked about herself. , a comment to show he was listening such as Go on or a judgmental comment such as I was looking at what was left of Eva Smith. A nice promising life there, I thought, and a nasty mess somebodys made of it referring to the Birling family symbolising the destruction cause by someones unnecessary action to instigate a war.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Wall Street Barbarians At The Gate Essays -
Wall Street: Barbarians At The Gate Barbarians at the Gate is a story of the largest takeover in Wall Street history. Ross Johnson turned CEO of a company, which was the product of three merged companies, Standard Brands, RJ Reynolds, and National Biscuit Company (Nabisco). The newly formed companys, called RJR Nabisco, stock began to fall and never recover. Johnson along with Shearson executives planned a leverage buyout (LBO), in which a brokerage firm (Shearson) would borrow money from banks and buy up all the outstanding shares from the stockholders to turn the company private. The problem with this is that the company would be put into jeopardy of other companies that can outbid the parent company, which would lead to a takeover. The higher the bid would lead to a bigger debt and lesser profits for the owners of the firm. One of the six accounting principles that was discussed in the book was the expense principle, which helps determine performance of a company by measuring the outflows and inflows of resources. The matching principle guides the recognition of expenses, so good matching will ultimately lead to a better measure of performance. When KKR exercised due diligence of RJR Reynolds, they could not figure out other uses of cash in the statements obtained. The initial projections they had obtained from RJR Nabisco was a heading other uses of cash. Beside it was a row of figures stretching out ten years, each year ranging from 300 to 500 million dollars. Was it cash flowing in or out? Should he add it? Subtract it? Ignore it? (Barbarians 369). Obviously, KKR was trying to figure out whether RJR Nabisco was a good investment or not. The debt accrued by an LBO needed to be paid off using cash from the company acquired. The difference between expensing the millions of dollars or recognizing it as r evenues would mean a bid of 92 or 96 dollars per share. The expense recognition method here proved to be helpful for KKR to acquire RJR Nabisco. Economics Essays
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Bisman Singh Essays - Doubt, Films, Free Essays, Term Papers
Bisman Singh Essays - Doubt, Films, Free Essays, Term Papers Bisman Singh People who commit sins usually do not stay close to god throughout their lifetime. In the play Doubt by John Patrick Shanley, characters experience doubt because of what they believe. In the play sister Aloysius commented In the Pursuit of wrongdoing, one steps away from god. Of course there is a price which means that by doing things wrong, people have to pay a punishment and they weaken their relationship with god. By developing sinful characteristics, the four main characters step away from god and lose happiness. Mrs. Muller loses happiness and steps away from god as she accepts the inappropriate actions that may be happening between Father Flynn and her son. When sister Aloysius tells Mrs. Muller of what could be happening between Donald and Father Flynn, using the motif of vision, she responds saying, I prefer not to see it that way (46). This shows that Mrs. Muller, similarly to sister James does not want to be involved and does not want to see the wrong things that are happening. She accepts that her son is being molested when she said, Its just till June (50). By using euphemism, she told sister Aloysius Maybe what you dont know maybe is my son is that way (48) to imply that Donald may be homosexual. Mrs. Muller only wants for her son to be happy and get through the school year with support even if he is being molested. She said, This Priest. Puts out a hand to the boy. Does the man have his reasons? Yes. Everybody has their reasons. You have your reasons. But do I ask the man why hes go od to my son? No. I dont care why (49). This characterizes her as a bad mother because she does not care that her son may presumably be getting molested. She believes it is in his nature (48) to be homosexual. Mrs Muller steps away from god and ends up paying the price by having to deal with a homosexual son who has no one on his side. Sister James steps away from god as she resists opening he eyes and is indecisive between supporting Father Flynn and Sister Aloysius. Sister James is portrayed as a parallel character to Mrs. Muller as she does not want to see or be involved in all the change in the Parish. In the film, Sister James is shown to have shut the window, stopping the wind from blowing into the classroom. This is an example of pathetic fallacy, where the wind symbolizes how the actions of people are bringing change to the parish. When sister Aloysius explains her suspicions to sister James, sister James said, I think Im starting to understand you a little. But its so unsettling to look at things and people with suspicion. It feels as if Im less close to god (20). By supporting sister Aloysius in the suspicion that Father Flynn is doing something wrong, sister James feels less close to god. In the meeting with Father Flynn, sister James sugarcoats everything she says, supporting both Father Flynn and Siste r Aloysius. When sister Aloysius asks sister James if she wants sugar, sister James replies by saying Never! Not that there is anything wrong with that (28). Sister James does not want to know the truth about Father Flynn and tells Sister Aloysius, You just do not like him! You dont like that he uses a ballpoint pen. You dont like it that he takes three lumps of sugar in his tea. You dont like it that he likes Frosty the snowman. And youre letting that convince you of something terrible, just terrible! (35). Sister James steps away from god as she is indecisive about who to support and end sup paying a price by seeing the Father Flynn get Kicked out of the parish and sister Aloysius feel doubt about her accusation. Father Flynn steps away from god as he addresses what he sees as the wrongdoing of sister Aloysius or in the fact that he may presumably have sexual relations with Donald Muller. In his sermons Father Flynn uses Diction to imply that maybe he has done something wrong. He said, No one knows ive lost my
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Purpose of Building a Portfolio Assessment
The Purpose of Building a Portfolio Assessment A portfolio assessment is a collection of student works that are associated with standards you are required to learn. This collection of work is often gathered over a long period of time to reflect what you have been taught as well as what you have learned. Each piece in the portfolio is selected because it is an authentic representation of what you have learned and is meant to demonstrate your current knowledge and skills. A portfolio by nature is a storybook capturing a students progression of learning as they move through the year. What Goes Into a Portfolio A portfolio can include classwork, artistic pieces, photographs, and a variety of other media all demonstrating the concepts that you have mastered. Each item that is selected to go in the portfolio is chosen within the parameters of the purpose of the portfolio itself. Many teachers require their students to write a reflection that correlates with each piece in the portfolio. This practice is advantageous for the student as they self-assess their work and may set goals to improve. Finally, the reflection helps reinforce the concept for the student and it provides some clarity for anyone reviewing the portfolio. Ultimately, the most authentic portfolios are built when the teacher and student work collaboratively to decide which pieces should be included to demonstrate mastery of a specific learning objective. The Purpose of Developing a Portfolio A portfolio assessment is often deemed an authentic form of assessment because it includes authentic samples of a students work. Many advocates of the portfolio assessment argue that this makes it a superior assessment tool because it is demonstrates learning and growth over an extended period of time. They believe it is more indicative of what a students true abilities especially when you compare it to a standardized test that provides a snapshot of what a student can do on a particular day. Ultimately, the teacher guiding the portfolio process helps determine the purpose of the final portfolio. The portfolio may be used to show growth over time, it may be used to promote a students abilities, or it may be used to evaluate a students learning within a specific course. Its purpose may also be a combination of all three areas. The Pros of Using a Portfolio Assessment A portfolio assessment demonstrates learning over the course of time rather than what a student knows a particular day.A portfolio assessment provides an opportunity for a student to reflect on their learning, to self assess, and to formulate a deeper understanding of the concepts they are learning beyond a simple surface explanation.A portfolio assessment requires a great level of individual interaction between the student and teacher wherein they are always collaborating about the requirements and components going into the portfolio.  The Cons of Using a Portfolio Assessment Developing and assessing a portfolio is time-consuming. It takes a lot of effort from both the teacher and the student and is a demanding endeavor in which you can quickly fall behind.Portfolio assessments are very subjective in nature. Even if the teacher utilizes a rubric, the individualized nature of a portfolio makes it difficult to remain objective and stick to the rubric. Two students working on the same learning standard may have two totally different approaches thus learning may not be the same.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Parthenon in Athens and the Pantheon in Rome Essay
The Parthenon in Athens and the Pantheon in Rome - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that in comparing the Greek and Roman cultures one must first study a brief history of the cultures surrounding the cities in which these magnificent buildings were first built. Athens began as a great limestone rock, a holy or sacred place rising to the Attica plateau. The Acropolis as it is called means in Greek, â€Å"the highest point of the town.†Many ancient cities were built on principles of height as a fortress for protection; however, the Acropolis has special meaning as a sacred place for an emerging Greek dynasty. The great limestone rock measures from the basin to 70 meters and levels out at the top at 300 meters long and 150 meters wide. The top has become very flat due to many landfills over the course of history which allowed construction of its temples and buildings. The Acropolis was a prime location for habitation and worship due to its shallow caves and underground water springs. Its steep slopes were also a great source of protection during an unstable time in history. A deep well dug at the north end of the rock was very useful to the defenders during a long siege. It provided an almost endless underground water supply. The Acropolis functioned also as a residence for royalty, a place to worship for the Goddess of fertility and nature, and her male companion God Erechtheus. The Acropolis hill is sometimes called the â€Å"sacred rock†of Athens and is seen as holding the most important sites of the city and secrets of the ancient Greek culture. This sacred rock is the beginning of some of the architectural masterpieces of Greek history and culture. Relics of offerings made to the Goddess Athena in marble, korai, bronze and clay date back to the Archaic period around 650-480 B.C.). The Parthenon: The Parthenon was built on the site of other cultures that came before them. It was considered a sacred place. The purpose of the Parthenon was to cement the temples of earlier cultures as well as experience and praise the Greek goddess Athena. The name Parthenon refers to the worship of the goddess who is the patroness of the city of Athens. Mythology has it that she was born fully-grown out of the head of her father Zeus. This reverts back to the Greek belief that she represented the greater order of spiritual development with the gifts of intellect and understanding. She is seen as a symbol to the human aspect of wisdom. Two architects, Ictinus and Callicrates, supervised by the sculptor, Phidias, built the Parthenon. Considered a temple, the Parthenon was built according to the Doric order of architecture, the simplest of classical Greek architectural styles. It represented simplicity along with power; built to precise dimensions using mathematical ratios of sacred geometry. The building is rectangular and measured 101.34 feet wide by 228.14 feet long from the top of its base. When new it was constructed of white marble, 46 columns, and tile roofing. It contained a nearly 40 foot tall statue of the goddess Athena. The statue was constructed of wood, gold and ivory. Athens most significant and prosperous time in history was the 5th century BC under the reign of Pericles. During this time the Greeks developed a constitution that gave all citizens the right to participate in the governing of the state. Democracy was the most significant achievement of the early Greeks. Considered the Golden Age of Athens, the Parthenon was built when arts, philosophy and drama were at their highest point. Unfortunately, the Peloponnesian War with Athenians and Sparta ended development. The building has been damaged over past centuries by looters, modern day automobile exhausts, industrial pollution and acid rain.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Date Rape Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Date Rape - Essay Example In majority of this instances, both the victim and the assailant do not usually believe that the action that took place is indeed, rape. This leads to the reason why a high number of the cases go unreported. The women are usually fearful that their recollection of the story may not be believed, and they are likely to take the blame for their predicament (Wilkins, 2010). One of the recent cases of date rape that captured world attention through the social media is the Daisy Coleman rape case in Missouri. The 14-year-old girl had just moved to the town of Maryville with her mother after the death of her father. On the fateful night, Daisy was invited to a night party by her friend, who was a 17-year-old footballer. Daisy was accompanied by her 13-year-old friend whose name has been with-held for legal reasons. The two girls were glad for having attracted the attention of their high school senior who hailed from a prominent family in Maryville. The two girls snuck off to the party where they made merry till late hours in the night. Soon after, the girls finished taking binge, they lost consciousness and the unexpected thing happened. Their male friend took advantage of their defenseless state, and the two young girls were raped. The rape sojourn was captured on film by a friend of the senior boy who had invited the girls to the party. Later, Daisy was carried and dumped off near her mother’s house. Her personal belongings were strewn across the compound, and her shoes were missing, with the unconscious girl lying in freezing temperatures (Vawter 2014). A report on the case was made to the authorities and investigations were initiated to unmask the events that unfolded the previous night. When the investigations were in top gear, the police discovered that the rape ordeal had been captured on an iPhone. Consequently, they levied the charge of felony for sexual exploitation against the 17-year-old friend who
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Children Today Essay Example for Free
Children Today Essay There are many factors which lead to the way children act today. The way a child is raised, is a reflection of the lack of respect which an adolescent embraces for their elders. Over time, generations of human beings have become more reliant on technology. This has made mankind lazy and uncultured, causing a reflection on our children. Also, there have been many laws which were set against structure in a childs life. Whether the child is at home, school, or with a care giver such as a â€Å"babysitter†, there are limits to how a child can be disciplined. However, when a child has a lack of authoritative parents, it often times produces the young ones disrespect for others. The powerful painting by Banksy entitled, Girl Patting Down Army Soldier, demonstrates role reversal between child and adult. The image clearly illustrates a young girl in a pink dress and pig-tails, patting down a strong, fierce soldier. Soldiers represent power and authority, and this little girl is taking over that roll. This, to an extent, is the way our generation of children are becoming. They believe they are equals with adults in this world. They do this by bossing their parents around, and disrespecting them day after day. The way our world uses technology is only part of the reason why our children are so ignorant today. In the past, parents would send their children outside to get their pride and joy out of their hair and to have some fresh air. Presently, they set their child in front of a television to watch a show or play a video game. Due to the fact that most parents do not monitor every show or game their child takes part of, many children begin learning how to act by observing what is on the television screen in front of them. The television show entitled, Toddlers and Tiaras, is a prime example of these types of shows. Here, children of various ages dress as though they are twenty years old, yet act the total opposite. Kids which are two and three yeas old talk back to their parents and constantly role their eyes at the people they love. There are also multiple children hitting their competition and parents when they do not get what they want. When any child watches this type of show, they often times will begin to mirror the negative behavior. In fact, according to Illinois State Medical Societys experiment entitled, Monkey See Monkey Do, â€Å"In a matter of seconds, most children can mimic a movie or TV character, sing an advertising jingle or give other examples of what they have learned from watching media. These examples may include naming a popular brand of beer, striking a â€Å"sexy†pose, acting impolitely, or play fighting. Children only have to put a movie into the DVD player, flip through the channels, open a magazine, click on a web site, pop a video game into an X-Box or watch television to experience all kinds of messages. The impact of these messages can build slowly when children see and hear them over and over again.†Our youth today does not understand what is real and what is not on the T.V. If kids do not have guidance from their parents, they will most likely begin transforming into impolite little people. Therefore, parents need to not place their child in front of the television, but rather spend more time with them. Many kids care givers are also beginning to spend more time with their technology instead of their child. This is beginning to cause children to act up due to the fact they feel they are getting no attention. An article on The Washington Post entitled, Parents are ignoring their children for their Blackberry, stated, If youre taking [parental attention] away from the child, for what looks like it is not a good reason, kids might think, What am I doing wrong that my parents dont like me? and may start acting out to get their parents attention because they have a hard time distinguishing positive from negative attention. Although parents do not mean to push their child away and make them feel as though they are less important than their phone, they are. This is why our generation of kids are beginning to throw tantrums and are becoming more impolite. The laws which have been set against a childs punishment have changed tremendously over the past fifty years. This is a large factor of why our children have become so disrespectful to the people around them. In the past, teachers had the right to inflict corporal punishments on children. This is a form of discipline which ended around 1989 in Oregon. According to American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, corporal punishment is a method which a, â€Å"Supervising adult deliberately inflicts pain upon a child in response to a childs unacceptable behavior.†The purpose for this type of punishment was to try to prevent non-tolerated actions to reoccur. It was meant to change their long-term behaviors and to show the child what was and was not acceptable. In current times, children can not be touched in any physical matter from any one other than their parent or guardian. This is because it is now illegal to physically harm kids. This law has led some children to understand they can get away with excessive amounts of negative behaviors due to the fact there are less ramifications that follow their unfavorable actions. Because of these laws, kids can not be disciplined to any amount which the state would find excessive. Therefor, when these kids become disrespectful, there is no possible way for the children to be disciplined by any teacher or caregiver. The law of non corporal punishment has effected our children to a point because they cannot be punished for their actions, making them more disrespectful. There are many parents who hold a lack of authority. This is part of what is producing our youths disrespect for others. An authoritative parent is someone who expects a lot from their child. They also have strict rules which they predict will be followed at all times. These parents are also a large part of child rearing. According to ChildRearingMatters.com, â€Å"The aim is always to bring?out?the best in each child, and to prevent and overcome difficulties.†In other words, parenting. When a childs parents lack this, their children in most cases, end up running the house. These children think they are their own parent. When this occurs, the adolescent ends up pushing their own parents around as well as the others around them. Many children today are becoming unexceptionably disrespectful to their elders and others around them. This is due to the way they are raised and brought up since birth. There are three main aspects which have created this issue which is occurring now. These include the number of parents relying on technology, the laws which protect children from any form of physical discipline, and the lack of authoritative parents which these children have. If the way our children are raised never changes, the issue of disrespect towards others is only going to worsen. Having respect for other is a large aspect of life. If children can not learn how to respect others, how are they supposed to respect themselves?
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Kyrgyzstan :: essays research papers
The collapse of the Soviet Union created 15 new states. These states over the last 5 years have all struggled with economic, ethnic, political and territorial problems left to them by the Soviet empire. Kyrgyzstan, is a former Soviet Republic (FSR) located in the Central Asia. This paper will give a statistical representation of the state, Kyrgyzstan. The statistical data will reflect the basic geography of the subject country containing population, size and location. This miniature report will also contain brief descriptions of current political and economic situations. Included in the current information section of this report, is an outlook for possible near future events concerning both political stability and economy. Kyrgyzstan is located in the southern area of the former Soviet Union. Its boarders are defined by China to the east (& South), Kazakhstan to the north (& Northwest), Uzbekistan directly west and Tajikistan to the south (& Southwest). Kyrgyzstan features 76,641 square miles of land, which consisted of .9% of the former USSR's land-mass. The land is primarily used for pastoral purposes. Only 7% of the farmable land is cultivated. The population is approximated to be 4,258,000 people (see Figure A). The Kyrgyzstan populace has experienced a 25.3% growth in population during the last 12 years (Population Growth Data from 1979-1991), and a birthrate at 29.1/1000. Population distribution is 61.9% in rural areas and 38.1% in urban centers. City & Population The top 4 cities are: Bishkek (formally Frunze) 616,000 (Capitol) Osh 213,000 Przhevalsk 64,000 Naryn 26,000 In June of 1990 ethnic violence arose in the city of Oh. Kyrgyz clashed with Uzbeks resulting in a bloody conflict which was eventually suppressed by Soviet Interior Ministry troops. This clash outlined political and economic problems present in Kyrgyzstan even when the USSR was still existent. These ethnic clashes in Oh served to cement political groups who were organizing outside of the communist party during Perestroika. It also gave voice to the large economic problems in central Kyrgyzstan. The "head of state" and leader of the communist party in Kyrgyzstan was Absamat Masaliev. Masaliev invoked policies which were rigid and served to enhance the existing social problems. Because of the decline present in the government's abilities to meet the expectations of the populace, the allowances granted by the Perestroika police and ethnic tensions, communist authority in Kyrgyzstan was challenged. The communist party's rule came to an end in October of that same year.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Robert Frost: Lessons of Life
Robert Frost: Lessons of Life Robert Frost has over fifty poems circulating throughout the world. Frost’s career can be separated between flashes of insight and deeper wisdom. Individuality, love, religion, and nature are all things that can be learned from Frost. His mental, emotional, and spiritual equipment all blend together to form poems which can teach people things about their own life. Love can be learned from Robert Frost’s poetry. Frost’s poem, â€Å"Reluctance†, is a representation of love becoming a positive force. It teaches how things from the heart are irrational, but people cannot be reluctant to how they respond to these feelings. There is note of realistic affirmation that accepts the challenge for the human conditions (Isaacs 42). Love should dominate all to Frost. In the conclusion of â€Å"Wild Grapes†, love is the theme that dominates the attitude towards life. â€Å"All of my poems are love poems,†Frost said (Thompson 185). Love is the strongest expression of forces. There are different levels which suggest the types of love. In â€Å"A Prayer in Spring†, there is specific emphasis on the present. There are no problems about the future and what comes after death. It ends with an emphasis on the need to fulfill actions controlled by love (Thompson 189). Nature is something that anyone can learn from every single day. Frost uses references to nature in almost all of his poems. In â€Å"Once by the Pacific†, Frost speaks of water and woods. The water is representational of power and how much the water eats away at the woods and the cliffs. This can be translated into many things, but one idea is that God is the water. He is the power. People are the woods and cliffs. God constantly is eating away at people. He wants us to follow Him. A lesson that can be learned from this is to follow and trust in Him and His ways. In â€Å"Desert Places†, nature is used to illustrate the thoughts and feelings of the speaker. The entire poem takes place outside on a dark, snowy night. Nothing can be seen. The speaker is alone and upset that the animals can go and escape from their everyday lives. He fears the loneliness of life. The fear is not of the places that the loneliness will take him but of the anguish that will take place in his mind. This teaches how to overcome difficult situations. It shows how to defeat stress and worry in everyday situations. The mind is one of the most dangerous things and Frost’s poetry can help focus in on what is truly mportant so that one stays focus in his or her goals and plans. Throughout Frost’s works, there are references to a higher God. People can learn about God and His power through Frost’s poems about creation and design. In â€Å"Acquainted with the Night†, he uses images of loneliness in the night, however, the speaker indicates his spiritual tormenting as he overlooks his physical anxieties. People have to learn that they must overcome what is of themselves and focus on that which is of God. With â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening†, there are images of a need for spiritual investment. Reason is not enough in life, but faith can bring a compromise between the two so that they can work together to create a harmonious lifestyle. In â€Å"Design†, there is a focus on a creator. It opens man’s thinking to go beyond reason and look at the aspect of faith (Isaacs). Another idea is hope. Frost plays a lot of importance on staying hopeful in life. In â€Å"Peril of Hope†, there is the concept that no matter how things are at one minute in time, they can always change. Nothing is ever promised, but everything can be hoped for in the future. Hope is constantly there and will always be there. It is endless. Hope can be found anytime and any place. There are no limitations on it. This teaches that one should always have hope. Situations can always change for the better at any time. Works Cited Isaacs, Elizabeth. An Introduction to Robert Frost. New York City: Haskell House, 1972. â€Å"On â€Å"The Road Not Taken††Welcome to English  « Department of English, College of LAS, University of Illinois. 10 Apr. 2010. http://www. english. illinois. edu/maps/poets/a_f/frost/road. htm. Thompson, Lawrance. Fire and Ice: The Art and Thought of Robert Frost. New York City: Russell & Russell, 1961.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Differences and Similarities between Respiration and Photosynthesis Essay
Cellular RespirationPhotosynthesis OrganellesMitochondriaChloroplast Organelle StructuresThe double-membraned mitochondrion can be loosely described as a large wrinkled bag packed inside of a smaller, unwrinkled bag. The two membranes create distinct compartments within the organelle, and are themselves very different in structure and in function.Two membranes contain and protect the inner parts of the chloroplast. The stroma is an area inside of the chloroplast where reactions occur and starches (sugars) are created. One thylakoid stack is called a granum. The thylakoids have chlorophyll molecules on their surface. That chlorophyll uses sunlight to create sugars. The stacks of sacs are connected by stromal lamellae. The lamellae act like the skeleton of the chloroplast, keeping all of the sacs a safe distance from each other and maximizing the efficiency of the organelle. Stages InvolvedGlycolysis, the Krebs Cycle, Electron Transport ChainPhotoexcitation, photolysis, photophosphorylation ReactantsOxygen and GlucoseCarbon Dioxide and Water
Thursday, November 7, 2019
One of the primary structural elements Essays
One of the primary structural elements Essays One of the primary structural elements Essay One of the primary structural elements Essay One of the primary structural elements of groups is the fact that members tend to play specific roles in group interaction. A role can be defined as the typical behaviours that characterize a person in a social context (R.Baron and J.Greenberg 1990). An understanding of roles can help to determine why group members will show a consistent preference for certain behaviours and not for others. As a group deals with its problems, individuals begin to behave in certain ways taking on different roles within the group. Some may contribute to the welfare and progress; others may add little or nothing to its success. Meredith Belbin developed a useful framework for understanding roles within a group or team.He produced a self-report questionnaire and distinguished nine team roles which people with certain characteristics will fit, limiting the likelihood that they will be successful in other roles. Belbins team-role theory is extensively used as a counselling and team development tool by organisations and management consultancies in the UK as stated in The Journal of Management Development. The study tested Belbins proposal that teams in which a wide range of team-roles are represented perform better than those when there is an imbalance of roles as certain roles are over-presented. Results showed that a mixed group consisting of one co-ordinator, one plant, a completer finisher and a team worker performed better than teams consisting of shapers alone.On the other hand, Belbins team-role theory is not without its critics. The Journal of Management development states that most teams have no set roles and that every member often takes the roles of others. Conflict is also an issue that needs to be considered as it can have dramatic effects on group behaviour. Due to the different roles that members play within groups, conflict can arise under certain conditions and can cause frustration and added pressure upon certain members. Conflict can be positive as constructive disagreements between members can lead to better group outcomes. However, conflict can also be destructive and dysfunctional.Group norms are acceptable standards of behaviour within a group that are shared by the groups members (Stephen.P.Robbins, 2001). Each group will establish its own set of norms. For example, group norms may determine who to communicate with, how hard to work etc. When agreed to and accepted by the group, norms act as a means of influencing the behaviour of group members, thus need to be taken into account when finding out why groups behave in a certain way.Today, groups make many of the decisions in organisations. An advantage to this is a greater amount of information and experience can be gathered than an individual alone can gather. However there are many disadvantages. Working in groups may lead to certain members thinking they can free ride and not contribute to decisions. Traits such as shyness can affect certain people from offering opinions, as can loud, dominant people, leading to a lack of group action.One of the major problems facing organisations today is groupthink, a process discovered by Irving Lester Janis (1941). This is when group members develop a strong spirit and become so concerned with not disrupting the like-mindedness of the group, they are reluctant to challenge the groups decisions. This process that occurs can be damaging to organisations. The International Journal of Corporate Communications states two cases of possible groupthink at British Airways and Marks Spencer causing blocked management communications and leading to the fall in reputation and stock market valuation of these two companies.In conclusion, all of the above factors are what I would consider when assessing the behaviour of groups within a commercial or industrial setting. Managers should note that groups existing within their organisation, whether formal or informal, can be utilised at all levels, despite downfalls that can occur such as conflict, stress etc. However, it is the consideration of these behaviour changing elements and the balancing of the positive and negative factors that can produce a great team in the long run, thus enabling them to be more productive within the work place.List of ReferencesA.Huczynski and D.Buchanan, 2001, Organisational Behaviour An Introductory Text, 4th Ed, UK, Prentice Hall R A Baron and J Greenberg, 1990, Behaviour in Organisations: Understanding and Managing the human side of work, 3rd Ed, USA S P Robbins, 2000, Essentials of Organisational Behaviour, 6th Ed, UK, Prentice Hall
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Effectively Prepare for a Second Interview
How to Effectively Prepare for a Second Interview Congratulations! Not only have you made it to the interview stage, you’ve made it through to the second round. You’re one step closer to landing the job. It’s not a guarantee, but it’s a pretty good indication that they like you. Think of it like a second date with someone you’d like to get serious with. Now’s your chance to prove to them that you have what it takes. That being said, here’s your comprehensive prep guide to help you prepare for a second job interview. First step: StrategizeThe stakes are obviously higher. You’ll have to kick your game up a notch to match the level of scrutiny you’ll be under. Make sure you’re well prepared. Make sure you know the exact name and function of the position for which you’re being considered. And make sure to ask in advance exactly who will be interviewing you, names and roles.If you’ve gotten word of your second interview via email rather than phone, this g ives you a bonus shot at drafting a superbly professional response. If not, no worries. Just plow forward into your prep work. The key to good prep is not to stalk them, but to garner enough knowledge to show them you’re keen and wells Included)
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Procurement and Purchasing Strategies(Critique) Essay
Procurement and Purchasing Strategies(Critique) - Essay Example In this paper, this concept will be discussed in detail considering three scholarly articles in order to know what benefits does outsourcing provide to companies and what concerns companies usually have in deciding whether they should outsource the procurement process or not. Discussion The articles chosen for this discussion included ‘The Make-or-Buy Decision in the Presence of a Rival: Strategic Outsourcing to a Common Supplier’ by Arya, Mittendorf and Sappington, ‘The procurement function’s role in strategic outsourcing from a process perspective’ by Carter and Yan, and ‘Strategic procurement outsourcing: a paradox in current theory’ by Fernandez and Kekale. The main concept behind all of these articles is that outsourcing is basic need of today for companies to operate efficiently. For example, Carter and Yan (2007, p. 210) state that there are many benefits of adopting this approach some of which include reduced costs, improved compe titiveness, and increased focus on other business processes. Some more benefits of outsourcing the procurement function to external sources include improvement in efficiency levels and reduced transaction costs (Fernandez & Kekale 2007, p. 168). Procurement outsourcing also provides strategic benefits to companies (Arya, Mittendorf & Sappington 2008, p. 1749). Moreover, Fernandez and Kekale (2007, p. 168) also found that reduced cost is a very significant benefit of procurement outsourcing if we consider the increased percentage of external goods and services purchases. Fernandez and Kekale (2007, p. 168) also found that a company outsourcing its procurement functions can achieve at least five times more saving as compared to the savings that achieve from outsourcing other processes, such as, HR activities and financial operations. This figure suggests that procurement outsourcing is really a very beneficial aspect of doing business in the modern world where the competition is conti nuously increasing with every passing day. However, companies usually have some concerns regarding outsourcing their procurement functions to external sources. For example, managers of such companies feel that they will become dependent on other firms if they completely outsource the procurement function. They also feel that this approach will lead to downsizing ion their firms which will out a negative impact on the careers of many employees working for purchasing and procurement department. Manager also have other concerns like what they should actually outsource, whom should they outsource their procurement function, and whether outsourcing to a common supplier in presence of competitors will be a viable option or not (Carter & Yan 2007; Arya, Mittendorf & Sappington 2008). Some managers think that if they outsource their procurement function to a supplier which is also serving some of its competitors, it will increase the cost because of monopolistic power of the supplier. Howev er, in actual, there is no such case and the monopolistic input supplier serves all clients equally (Arya, Mittendorf & Sappington 2008, p. 1747). According to Cohen and Roussel (2005), the purpose of outsourcing is to add value to suppliers while reducing business costs. Procurement means to acquire those goods and services which a company needs to have for completing its manufacturing processes. If these goods and servi
Thursday, October 31, 2019
English Oral - Lady Windermere's Fan - Oscar Wilde Essay
English Oral - Lady Windermere's Fan - Oscar Wilde - Essay Example She confronts her husband but he instead invites the other woman, Mrs. Erlynne, to her birthday ball. Angered by her husbands unfaithfulness, Lady Windermere leaves her husband for another lover. After discovering what has transpired, Mrs. Erlynne follows Lady Windermere and attempts to persuade her to return to her husband and in the course of this, Mrs. Erlynne is discovered in a compromising position. She sacrifices herself and her reputation in order to save Lady Windermeres marriage. The book, Lady Windermere’s Fan was staged in St. Jhames Theatre in London as a play in February 1892. This was written at the request of George Alexander, actor-manager of the St Jamess Theatre in London. Wilde described it as "one of those modern drawing-room plays with pink lampshades". It was immediately successful, the author making the enormous sum of seven thousand pounds from the original run.1 Numerous characters in the play draw their names from places in the north of England: Lady Windermere from the lake Windermere, the Duchess of Berwick from Berwick-upon-Tweed, Lord Darlington from Darlington.The plays Broadway premiere on 15, 1892 at Palmers Theatre was also the first Broadway performance for stage and screen actress Julia Arthur, who played Lady Windermere. Lady Windermeres eavesdropping convinces her of her husbands fidelity. Also Mrs. Erlynnes sacrifice of her own reputation convinces her of the older womans virtue. Further adding to the dramatic intensity, the story often has the eavesdropper leave something behind in the room. Hamilton criticized the book; He is an English teacher at Gary Academy, an innovative private school in Gary, North Carolina. He explores how the wit in Lady Windermeres Fan contributes to the structure and meaning of the plot, while also investing the book with a satirical jab at high society. Likewise, Jacobs, one of the critics of Oscar Wilde, examines Wildes use of fantasy in exploring the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Expanding Your Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Expanding Your Business - Essay Example In addition, the initial capital outlay for purchasing an existing coffee shop was found to be affordable with the available capital without seeking debt financing which has higher leverage risk (Ward, 2014). The financial plan for Coffee shop will be summarized below into three financial statements namely: income statement, cash flow statement and balance sheet. The statement of financial position will comprises of all revenues/ incomes and expenses incurred in the previous financial year. The cash flow statement will provide the cash generated from financing and operating activities as well as cash outflow. Finally, the balance sheet below commonly known as statement of financial position will display the current and noncurrent assets of Coffee Hot Cafe as well as equity and liabilities of the business (Ward, 2014). Guerrilla-marketing strategy entails promoting a product by presenting its messages from nowhere thereby, capturing the attention of consumers by creating a large impression before disappearing. Coffee Hot Cafe will utilize various Guerrilla marketing strategies to capture the attention of different customers as well as to increase sales and profitability. Among the strategies that will be utilized include. Media, marketing via events, utilization of giveaways, partnership, free demonstrations and word of mouth. Coffee Hot Cafe will influence the media to talk about their products; this will help to create awareness among the members of the public. The use of media may also involve inviting media people to an educative workshop on healthy eating. Further, Coffee Cafe may employ event marketing. This entails participating or supporting certain events such as soccer, volleyball and athletic games. Such events may help to create awareness about the company products (Sam Ashe-Edmunds, 2 014). Giveaway strategy may involve donating to charity or offering free
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Managing Enterprise in Health and Social Care
Managing Enterprise in Health and Social Care Nita Nathaniel TASK ONE Entrepreneurs are people who move forward toward risky situations or pursuing opportunities which others see as threats or problems. They are classed as founders of businesses large and small by starting a self-employed service or buying a shop or franchise retail outlet. They are individuals who are innovative in nature and put their ideas into action by creating a new product and introducing it in a market or bring about an operational change in an existing business. They are characterised as people who are flexible not rigid and that is why they are tolerant with ambiguity. They are self-confident and with a passion for what they do, they go all out to achieve it with high levels of energy. They love independence and therefore want to have full control of all and be self-reliant Entrepreneurs usually come from families with the same parentage of entrepreneurs and therefore having life experience and the same desire towards creativity they innovate and start a business. There are s ome misconceptions about entrepreneurs like money is the key to their success, they have a business degree or they are young and gamblers because they are risk takers (Anthony’s lecture notes, 2014). Entrepreneurship means risk taking behaviour combined with strategic thinking that creates new opportunities for people, resulting in monetary and personal satisfaction rewards. People become entrepreneurs either due to necessity because of lack of employment opportunities or career options or because they are looking for solution to problems or trying new, innovative ways regarding some big social issue like homelessness. There is a changing phase in entrepreneurship. Nowadays there are more and more women becoming entrepreneurs (Anthony’s lecture notes, 2014). Small businesses are characterised as owned and operated independently with 500 or less employees. The changing face of technical advancement has been a blessing for entrepreneurs as most of the small businesses are internet based. They are mostly based on family ownership which usually involves succession problems and family feuds. Not all small businesses flourish. Some fail and that is due to poor financial control, fast growing pace, not sufficient commitment and lack of experience, expertise and strategic leadership. Every entrepreneurial company or creative venture has a life cycle of three stages: birth, breakthrough and maturity and each stage demands different managerial ways of handling it. The birth stage can be defined as a fight for existence and survival, dealing with getting finances and customers and starting the company. The breakthrough stage is moving towards growth by becoming profitable and the maturity stage deals with moving wisely with investment of resources open to flexible ideas for expansion and further growth. A new venture or business should have a plan including items like an executive summary and an analysis of the industry with a description of the company, market, operations, product and services and staffing along with a marketing strategy and the capital to start the business, a financial backup to cross the milestones. Different forms of ownership include sole ownership, partnership which could be general, limited or limited liability or a corporation or a limited liability corporation. There are different ways of securing finance for the new business either as debt or equity finance. Equity finance alternatives include angel investors, initial public offerings (IPO) and venture capitalists The plan should have an attached copyright (Anthony’s lecture notes, 2014). Entrepreneurial orientation is of great importance in the health and social care business sector. It is the most changing and diverse market ever hence the need for entrepreneurship. New diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s and infections like the novo virus and other bugs, all need new remedies and medication and all new innovations need risk takers to keep going till they find that one product to launch into the market. With the ever evolving technology advancement which helps as drugs can be made faster and the production gets increased immeasurably. Some diseases which are quite old like cancer but yet do not have a cure need more innovative minds to strive for a medication to help because without a cure more and more people are contracting it with no help in sight. The few treatments are old and not so effective and expensive. With more people needing treatment we need to find more cost effective ways. People change and so do their circumstances, situations, habits and needs and therefore health social care has to change to accommodate these needs. We deal with diverse cultural backgrounds. All the major drug companies started with entrepreneurship and are now well established. Some of them have on going changes with regards to treatment technology and the invention of new drugs and they are thriving but there are others who are not so innovative and hence are on the decline. Most hospitals are facing a crisis because people are coming with newer infections and problems and they need more space, more drugs, more finance and faster control measures which are all dependent on entrepreneurship. TASK TWO Case Study Border Cottage Care started from humble beginnings and then taking it through change became a major player in their community and is still considering further changes to move with the changing times to reach higher goals. The care company owners Richard Brightmore and Sarah Jordan realised that the elderly and the physically and mentally disabled adults in their community of Wakefield district wanted to maintain their independence and remain in their own homes and not in a residential care or nursing home. They saw the opportunity and moved from their office from their home into a business centre, employing just 4 staff and took advantage of the all-inclusive fee, professional office surroundings and onsite staff support providing business advice and guidance. Gap Analysis in management literature is described as the comparison between the actual performance and the potential desired performance (Wikipedia, 2014). The care company owners understood their potential customers and keeping their requirement in mind and aligning the vision of their company with their customers’ demands changed the direction of their company in order to reach their potential desired goal of expanding and growing and moving with the times. PEST (Political, Economic, Social and Technological) analysis is used as a business measurement tool to understand the market growth or decline which in turn determines the position, potential and direction of any business. Another interpretation is STEEPLED which includes all aspects – Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental, Political, Legal, Ethical and Demographic. In most situations the original PEST covers all the factors. Demographic factor gets covered in the Social issue and Ethical factors could b e included in both Social or political Factor. Ecological and Environmental factors could be placed under any one or all four PEST factors depending upon their effect. A SWOT analysis is used to measure a business unit, idea or a proposition (Anthony’s lecture notes 2014). The PEST analysis in this case study would include the following: The PEST factors are external factors which answer the why, when and what questions of any business. With all the help and support from Wakefield council’s managed workspace team and business advisors the company’s turnover grew substantially. All the extra profits gave way to options of expansion in wider spheres of Day Care Centre and home care division with more employment opportunities for more local people. After getting a profile on their target customers of elderly people wanting to stay in their own homes within the community enjoying their independence with some outside help through care assistants the company decided to open a care agency to provide the same exactly the direct alternative to their original business plan of opening a nursing or care home. The gap analysis tool helped the company owners to see the potential business idea and change their business plans and turn them around to fit the market. They recognised the opportunity through the profiling process of their customers. The customers are all elderly, physically and mentally disabled adults who will need some care and support depending on their exact situation which will be assessed after scrutiny of their medical records, their living standards dependent on the money available to them and through what sources and other demographics of their ethnicity and background. As the elderly will be in the age group of 60 and above but the physically and mentally disabled could be in different age groups and therefore their care and support will differ significantly. The other important factor is that they want to stay in their own homes and this also would be for different reasons. Could be that they are mobile and want their independence or they want to live in their surroundings with the memories of their families. The reasons could be as varied as each individual. So Border Cottage Care was born but for it to flourish the owners had to move into a business centre in order to get all the professional help and business advice and support. This move was the result of the external or pest analysis as described above. As their company grew and their contacts increased so did their business. They expanded into other areas of care namely the day care centre and homecare division. Any work done with a passion will prove to be successful and therefore as the owners of this company seem to work in alignment t o its mission they are confident of the service that they provide to their clients through their highly trained staff and the training itself is provided by the council college. They already have had their first inspection and have been rated as â€Å"3 star excellent†by the CQC. So this company’s management knows how to use the resources that are at their disposal and to put them to the best use of their business. By the continuing of the external analysis process they are in a position to know their competitors and also they have to be one step ahead of them to beat them in the business arena. They need to expand and dominate all the different areas of care in their district in order to continue to have their place in the market with a profit. Richard Brightmore, director of Border Cottage Care mentioned in his speech about all these achievements and acknowledged the support they had received from the district council and hoped for its continuation for the future growth of the business. As the new additions of the day centre and providing high quality care to more local residents means recruiting more local staff. As the company is expanding so is the staff at all levels but as the head of the company the owners are now contemplating whether the senior level management staff is equipped with the expertise and the extra skills required for its growth to other areas. To ensure that they have the right people in key leadership positions to take the company growth to new heights and horizons some companies turn to assessment companies who can help them evaluate the capabilities of their senior level managers. This assessment is based on mainly the SWOT analysis of their own company and comparing it with its competitor’s staff for its future direction and growth with the competitive advantage. Competitive advantage meaning meeting the customer’s needs better with lower costs and maximum customer satisfaction. For a company to monitor its competitive success it is imperative for the company’s managers to understand the company costs and skills it has in comparison to its competitors company. Cost differences arise due to the levels of investments in the infrastructure based on its employee’s skills and productivity. In the UK the NHS Direct via the internet was promoted to help patients get medical information faster through the internet which helped them to increase their knowledge and direct their own health care (Hannagan, 2002). TASK THREE Health and Social Care Businesses are expensive to start or to expand to keep in the market with a profit hence they need to be protected in all circumstances which is why we need insurance policies to fall on in times of need. Unforeseen circumstances or situations are all part of everyday life and we cannot always prevent them all but we can make prior arrangements to cushion the impact in the unlikely event of some occurrence beyond our immediate control. That is where the legal framework of the business becomes a core and crucial part without which we could not move ahead. This legal framework revolves round insurance companies which take care of the financial side of the business after unexpected occurrences affect it. The working of an insurance company is that we have a deal with them and they charge a certain amount and if and when an unexpected occurrence does happen, they deliver the service of providing the cash for recovery and repair or whatever the terms might hold in t he contract. If the business is accident prone or any other circumstances which can be foreseen as being damaging or affecting the business negatively then the charge is higher or a premium rate is included. The insurance companies utilise the services of underwriters who help by creating matching portfolios by assessing the risks and accepting them with the factors that make them behave in similar fashion. Insurance companies need these services of underwriters to protect their own businesses from ruin or disaster (Anthony’s lecture notes, 2014). Although there are some similarities between Copyrights, Patents and Trademarks but all these kinds of intellectual property protections are different and serve different purposes. Copyright provides protection for the original works of authorship both published and unpublished including artistic, dramatic, literary, and musical and some others. The copyright act of 1976 gave the right to authors to make any changes that they wanted to their piece of work at any time (general information concerning patents, 2014), (Patten, 2008). So copyright would help medical writings and descriptions of the makeup of medicines. Patents are granted rights for inventions to their inventors excluding anyone else selling or importing or using that right. The patent is generally for a period of 20 years from the date of its application (general information concerning patents, 2014), (Patten, 2008). In the health industry this is used in inventions of medicines, vaccines and researches. Trademark is a device, name, symbol or word used by a company to distinguish it from the others and for others from preventing them to make a confusingly similar model (general information concerning patents, 2014), (Patten, 2008). Trademarks usually help in selecting the branded medicines as they are more effective in some cases due to continued research and are more costly. These legally enforceable agreements are important for any new business ventures but more so in the field of health care. The health care field is an historic field which has seen many inventions through researches of centuries past to develop new drugs for new and complex diseases and disorders and genetic problems. Scientists are always working on new ideas and turning the old ones inside out to find cures to incurable maladies. REFERENCES Anthony’s Lecture Notes, 2014. Wikipedia, 2014 [Online]. Patten, D (2008) How to market your business. 6th Ed. Kogan Page Ltd. General Information Concerning Patents, Online Report in October 2014 by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Hannagan, T (2002) Management Concepts and Practices.3rd ed. Prentice Hall, England.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Erwin Rommel :: essays research papers
Erwin Rommel Jr. was born on November 15, 1891 in a small WÃ ¼rtemburg town of Heidenheim. His father Erwin Johannes Eugen Rommel was a local schoolmaster and former artillery officer. His mother Helena von Luz was the daughter of the local Regierungs-Prasident. Rommel was one of five children, though his brother Manfred had died at an early age. As a child, he was reasonable and very gifted academically and athletically. He was educated at TÃ ¼bingen, a military school in Stuttgart. Rommel planned to apply to the Zeppelin works at Friederichshafen; his father did not approve, and advised him to enter the army. In July 1910, Rommel became a cadet in the 124th WÃ ¼rtemburg Infantry Regiment in the 26th Infantry Division of the German Imperial Infantry. He served as a cadet until March 1911, then began attending the prestigious military academy Konigliche Kriegsschule in Danzig. His eight-month course ended in November 1911, in which time he rose to Lieutenant: Corporal in October and Sergeant at the end of the year. While at the academy he met his future wife Lucie Mollin whom he wrote to everyday during both World Wars, and married in 1916. In January 1912 Rommel rejoined the 124th WÃ ¼rtemburg Infantry. In summer 1914, he served as artillery attachment in drilling practices near Ulm. On July 28, 1914 Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria, was assassinated. The assassination was a major cause of World War I, Rommel’s first true combat tests. Rommel’s first battle was at Longwy after twenty-four hours of marching and riding. He believed that the only successful way to deploy his troops was to be at the front of them. On August 22, 1914, Rommel spotted a group of fifteen to twenty French soldiers. Rommel and his three-man reconnaissance team opened fire in the town of Bleid. Shortly after, eight hundred yards northeast of Bleid at freshly dug trenches, he charged the French with parts of his regiment. Then assisted by two other men Rommel drove off a whole French column, after all the action Rommel passed out from lack of sleep. The battle of Longwy caused a loss of 15% of Rommel’s men and 25% of his officers. Medical doctors informed Rommel after the battle, that he was suffering from food poisoning, but Rommel would not leave the field.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Stonyfield Case Study
Stonyfield Case Study PowerPoint Script Introduction of Team Diversity Members: AMBA Team Summary of Stonyfield Farm Case Study I. What factors should StonyField Farm review before going international? Reasons to expand in international markets – Increased profits in international markets – Expansion and diversification of customer base – New business opportunities and investments Major Factors to consider before going International Minimizing Production Costs – Researching the labor laws of the specific country – Working with local vendors and suppliers directly Dealing with low trade barriers – Utilizing subsidies from local governments – Resources access to inexpensive resources and raw materials Economies of Scale – Strategies to reducing production costs – Knowing of the geographic location for the international expansion – Understanding the markets- knowing consumers wants and needs – Knowing the forei gn countries economic and political systems Economies of Scope – The variety of products and services the company wants to offers (Daft, 2010) – Determining the geographic regions of expansion Knowing the markets size II. What are the major ways for Stonyfield to take their operations global? Form Strategic Alliances with local partners Indirect Exporter – Creating strategic alliances with other firms to increase market share ( Horngren, Sundem and Stratton, 2002) – Contract with local vendors and suppliers to manage resources Direct Exporting Methods – Establishing a domestic-based export department – Creating overseas sales branches or subsidiaries – Utilizing export sales representative using foreign based distributors and agents Licensing Stonyfield could consider selling its rights to other companies to use as trademarked names in the foreign markets Joint Ventures and Consortia – Establishing a separate entity with two or more active firms in the industry as sponsors – Stonyfield farm will benefit from sharing development and production cost, and penetrate new markets – Combined knowledge of local markets, shared strengths in technology and distribution channels will make them marketable III. Recommendations for StonyField Farm on how they should restructure to take their operations global?Slide 1 – Stonyfield in the Multinational stage and the re-structured company – Start by exporting products via strategic alliances with local partners for a test period. – Evaluate the market demand and profit forecasts; make a decision on further expansion. Expanding to the Multinational stage with Overseas farms & Sales Teams – Stonyfield establishes farms and sales teams in their host countries – This will reduce delivery time and cost. – It will also ensure fresh products and eco-friendly message.Operations & Strategy department in head office oversees a ll location specific teams – Basic farm production would be globally standardized for quality control – Overseas teams would have autonomy over marketing, packaging/labeling, shipping, and special flavors for local tastes. It will make them more adaptable. [pic] Slide 2 – Structure of the local teams, outsourcing local roles and use of technology – Managers have full autonomy in pursuing local opportunities, and maintain good supply chain relationships. HR, marketing and sales and other staff can be hired locally or outsourced to local companies. – Local staff’s knowledge of the host country culture and nuances will be useful in understanding the market. Technology for the new global organizational structure – Software technology will allow flow of information between overseas and field offices. – Allows for flow of ideas, information, and troubleshooting. – Software tracking system will also allow tracking of supplies a nd products. IV. How can Stonyfield Farm mange to maintain their â€Å"eco-friendly†operations internationally?Explore current operating functions and all potential factors – Stonyfield should conduct research on farming and dairy production industries in both UK and France – Should do research about the market, competitors and other eco friendly competitions Environmental impact of Stonyfield products and host country regulations – Become familiar with applicable environmental regulations – They learn about the impact of this environmental standards and regulations – It will be advantageous for Stonyfield to review the international established regulations and revise its operating standards – Recycling and waste management is another important regulation that should be taken seriously. Minimizing eco-friendly production costs in host countries – Production costs will be expensive as transitioning into foreign markets is chall enging – Operations need to be restructured to focus on sustaining manufacturing and design – Stonyfield’s main objective is to consume minimal amounts of resources and energy using recycled materials Clear production and pricing strategy It is necessary for Stonyfield to create a defined production and pricing strategy – They need to continually make production more efficient, work to decrease waste and resource usage Consumer patronage of eco-friendly products and their concerns – Recent studies indicate that 93 percent of consumers say they actively participate in eco-friendly events and 37 percent of those individuals are concerned about the environment (Borin, Cerf, & Krishnan, 2011). – The a growing demand or eco-friendly products (Borin, Cerf, & Krishnan, 2011) Marketing eco-friendly products – More companies are creating their own labels in their effort to differentiate themselves in the market place – Stonyfieldâ€℠¢s marketing plan should focus on packaging and labeling with eco friendly logos, making sure all messages are legible and informative. – They should also refer to packaging regulations and green marketing tools Importance of labeling in eco-friendly products Labeling is important because it informs the customers about the quality of the products and its shows value (Menzel, Smagin, & David, 2010). – When labeling the package, Stonyfield should remember to focus on informing the consumer about the consumer about the product. References AMBA 610 Course Pack: Daft, R L. , (2010). Organization theory and design (10th ed. ), 211-216, Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western. Borin, N. , Cerf, D. C. , & Krishnan, R. (2011). Consumer effects of environmental impact in product labeling. Journal of Consumer Marketing , 28 (1), 78-86. Horngren, C. T, Sundem, G. L. & Stratton, W. O (2002). Introduction to management accounting (12th ed. ), 227-235.Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Grimm, M. (2005, November 28). Progressive business, Brandweek, 46 (43), 26. Retrieved December 17, 2010 from http://ezproxy. umuc. edu/login? url=http://search. ebscohost. com/login. aspx? direct=true&db=bth&AN=20445636&login. asp&site=ehost-live&scope=site Gurtoo, A. , & Antony, S. (2007). Environmental regulations Indirect and unintended consequences on economy and business. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Jornal , 18 (6), 626-637. Menzel, V. , Smagin, J. , & David, F. (2010). Can companies profit from greener manufacturing? Measuring Business Excellence , 14 (2), 22-31.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Enron: What Caused the Ethical Collapse
It is not easy to find one single person, who can be blamed for the collapse of Enron, because there was so many players in so many levels. We can’t find one responsible person, but there are many person who shared the blame for the scandal that turned Enron into the ultimate poster child for fraudulent accounting practices, and caused one of the largest bankruptcies in the us history. The key people involved internally at Enron were the executives, Kenneth Lay (Chairman and CEO), Jeffrey Skilling (President and CEO), and Andrew Fastow (CFO). They built up a highly successful company, but soon they began to divert funds into phony investments, and cashed their own stocks, while the price was still high. From October 1999 to November 2001, Lay sold a total 1. 8 million shares for $101 million. Altogether, 29 Enron officers pocketed $1. 2billion from selling Enron shares, while unsuspecting employees went broke. Simultaneously, while this was going on, more than half of employees’ 401(k) savings, or about $1. 2 billion, were invested in Enron stock, which were rendered worthless. The chairman sent an email to the workers: the company had â€Å"never been stronger†and its future growth â€Å"has never been more certain†, so most of the workers held their stocks, because nobody could foresee what was about to happen. In Texas, the Teachers Retirement system lost $35. 7 million in Enron stock, In Florida; the pension fund for teachers, state employees, and county workers bought 7 million shares of Enron stock (the fund that covers 650,000 workers and 150,000 retirees estimate they lost $306 million). In the end millions in 401(k) savings were lost. Enron was hiding massive losses by using their strategy of â€Å"mark to market†accounting. Fastow was also found by an internal Enron investigation to have secretly made $30 million from managing one of these partnerships. Outside of the company, Arthur Andersen, the gigantic accounting firm responsible for Enron’s accounting and outside auditing, also shares some blame for the scandal. In theory, companies can't get away with cooking their books because honest, independent accounting firms are looking over their shoulders, protecting the public. In the case of Enron, however, Arthur Andersen failed at their duties. Four days before Enron reported a staggering loss of $618 million for the third quarter of 2001, one of Andersen's top lawyers sent out a memo ordering his staff to shred all Enron-related audit documents. Dvid Duncan got the maximum sentence for his crimes is ten years. redit rating agencys: Credit rating agencies like Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch failed to inform investors how risky buying a company’s bonds might be, failed to spot any problems with Enron until the company was nearly bankrupt, only downgrading its bonds on 28 November 2001. t S&P and Fitch told a Fortune reporter they had no idea how Enron made its money. The lack of regulations, and the good relations with the White House, allowed Enron to have major influ ence over policy in America. On economic policy, Enron wanted complete deregulation with no government interference. They got it. On energy policy, Enron wanted no caps on electricity prices in California. They got it. On tax policy, Enron wanted elimination of the corporate alternative minimum tax. They got it. In the end these policies created the perfect environment for their unethical games. The ultimate example occurred throughout the year 2000 during the California Electricity Crisis. The Enron traders exported the cheap electricity from California to another state and later they take it back and sold it for a higher price. This causes 42 billion losses in California in three years.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Stayhome Dads
We hear about the famous scenario all the time. A working woman leaving her desktop for a laptop at home to better parent her children. However, have working men also been inserted in the real life scenario? The answer is YES! Many men have given up their jobs to become stay-at-home parents and I absolutely agree with their decisions to make a change to alter the future lives of their children. Times have definitely changed as well as the roles of women. America used to be viewed as the country with working fathers bringing home the financial means while the mother’s job was to raise the children. It is widely known that women stayed home and made sure the children were bathed, clothed, and fed. Women have risen up to the challenges of men in the work force, which means there is a demand for roles to be either shared or switched at home between the mother and father. I think that our society is changing so much that a stay-at-home father is uncommon but isn’t such a big deal. We are starting to get use to everything changing and women taking a stand. Now that our society is beginning to be open minded, fathers don’t even see it as a issue or as an interference in living their lives has â€Å"working†men. However, with all this said the question often arises, â€Å"Who’s taking care of the children?†Many parents believe in hiring nannies for their children, but I do not feel this is right. I like the idea of a parent staying home or cutting hours to spend time with their children. Not many people are fortunate to have parents or to even have kids so to be able to have the best of both worlds just seems like a blessing and something that would be tragic to miss out on. I think children really benefit from having their dads home. That is a learning experience. We grow up automatically drawn to our mothers because they provide the nurture and love we need. I think having a father would be a different kind of nu... Free Essays on Stayhome Dads Free Essays on Stayhome Dads We hear about the famous scenario all the time. A working woman leaving her desktop for a laptop at home to better parent her children. However, have working men also been inserted in the real life scenario? The answer is YES! Many men have given up their jobs to become stay-at-home parents and I absolutely agree with their decisions to make a change to alter the future lives of their children. Times have definitely changed as well as the roles of women. America used to be viewed as the country with working fathers bringing home the financial means while the mother’s job was to raise the children. It is widely known that women stayed home and made sure the children were bathed, clothed, and fed. Women have risen up to the challenges of men in the work force, which means there is a demand for roles to be either shared or switched at home between the mother and father. I think that our society is changing so much that a stay-at-home father is uncommon but isn’t such a big deal. We are starting to get use to everything changing and women taking a stand. Now that our society is beginning to be open minded, fathers don’t even see it as a issue or as an interference in living their lives has â€Å"working†men. However, with all this said the question often arises, â€Å"Who’s taking care of the children?†Many parents believe in hiring nannies for their children, but I do not feel this is right. I like the idea of a parent staying home or cutting hours to spend time with their children. Not many people are fortunate to have parents or to even have kids so to be able to have the best of both worlds just seems like a blessing and something that would be tragic to miss out on. I think children really benefit from having their dads home. That is a learning experience. We grow up automatically drawn to our mothers because they provide the nurture and love we need. I think having a father would be a different kind of nu...
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